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Lazada Login Problem


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Anyone having problems accessing their Lazada account?

As of yesterday I can't access mine.  I usually login using the Google option but now this just sends me round in circles and gets nowhere.

Trying to login using the Lazada account password says 'wrong password' but trying to use the 'forgot password' link doesn't work either.  Trying to receive an authentication code, either by SMS or email, doesn't work - nothing received.

Not sure if it's something that I've messed up or if their site is having problems.  I'll try contacting them later, once they're awake - if that link works!


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Lazada are looking into the problem.


Meanwhile, I have been messing around.  Success using Google credentials with Brave and Firefox but not with Chrome or Chromium.  Haven't tried Opera.


I decided to try to make a new account with Lazada.  The credentials for my current account came up - strange - and I managed to just reset the Lazada password.  I didn't change my username or phone number.  They sent a verification code via SMS - this didn't work when I tried the 'reset password' link - very odd.


Anyway, I can now login from Chrome using the Lazada password - but still can't do it using the Google credentials.


I just successfully placed an order so the problem is solved, sort of!  I have no idea why I can't login with Google, as I always have done before.  I think that something odd has happened with my Chrome installation so Lazada probably won't be able to help.  We'll see.



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14 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Personally, I avoid any offers to 'log in using Google' on any websites. Google's log in convenience is all about your privacy.



I'm seriously thinking of giving up on Google.  Quite apart from the possible privacy intrusion issues, I'm finding the Chrome browser unusable at times because of its insistence on running 'field trials'.  This gobbles CPU cycles and makes running HD videos very choppy at times.  There's supposed to be a command line switch to disable 'field trials' but I've never managed to make it work.


I do, otherwise, like Chrome as a browser - used for many years.  Chromium is more or less the same as Chrome.  Brave is a possible alternative.  I'm not keen on Firefox, although it has its uses.  Never used Opera at all.  I run a Linux system so any of the Windows offerings are non-starters.



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