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Brexit brinkmanship: Johnson says prepare for no-deal, cancels trade talks


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2 minutes ago, Misab said:

Yes, you paid a lot so do all the others EU countries but you forget the benefits, the value of the free trade deal, this alone was worth more than you paid. What do you think is the reason for the big drop in your exchange rate vis-à-vis other countries?

you are asking to much from them, they are narrow minded and can't see no further than the end of their nose 555

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45 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

you are asking to much from them, they are narrow minded and can't see no further than the end of their nose 555

British nose,  don't forget that, British, unlike you, we are free again, enjoy your mire...????

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1 minute ago, Tofer said:

Thank you, very magnanimous of you, seeing as how you've had a years contributions for absolutely nothing, including no good will in any negotiations. 


We will be ecstatically happy with a no deal, since the alternative is to be shackled to the EU's rules and controls. 


Bye Bye!

Strange the pro-EU chaps posting here ignore the rumblings going on inside the EU outside the Brexit thingy, strange that....????

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20 minutes ago, Tofer said:

Another delusional character. I think it was BJ who said don't bother coming for anymore talks / negotiations, if you can't drop your ridiculous demands.


Johnson was always a dab-hand at playing to the gallery.



Edited by Chomper Higgot
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On 10/17/2020 at 7:43 AM, BritManToo said:

The Germans weren't happy with us since we beat Hitler.

The French weren't happy with us since we beat Napoleon.

The Spanish weren't happy with us since we sunk their Armada.


Pic thumbnail

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3 hours ago, Mavideol said:

if that's is (was) the case why the UK keeps going back and forth asking for more and more concessions .... did you heard BJ last week  asking for a "special" treatment from the EU based on the 45 years relationship they had,  if that was not asking for a special deal....

Viewed from France this is nothing new, the UK is viewed as complaining about the UE being slow while blocking decisions, complaining membership is too expensive while paying less than other countries, reaping the benefits of the Euro markets while keeping the pound .. Things are more much complicated in reality, but this is the opinion of the wider public. 


Ironically, these complains seem a bit harmless: now Britain has left, the Brits lost the power to block the Union (while claiming they now have "more sovereignty"). 


Whatever deal is stuck, British access to European markets will be controlled and the UE will aim for "taking back control".


This is very likely to work in some domains (industry, most services), but will it work in financial services/markets?


That's unclear, and in the short term, this is (my opinion) certainly not happening. 

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43 minutes ago, vogie said:

Since when has an Italian goalkeeper been the Prime Minister of the UK?

If only Sig. Buffon - Italian goalkeeper; excellent pair of hands - had been in charge of the UK, rather than Mr. Johnson - UK opportunist; buffon (synonym: fool) - the UK might not have been in its current mess.

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2 hours ago, Tofer said:

Another delusional character. I think it was BJ who said don't bother coming for anymore talks / negotiations, if you can't drop your ridiculous demands.


Enlighten me, by all means, if you can identify any trade deal the EU have done with any other independent country, where free access to their territorial waters, control of their governance, and legal jurisdiction were demanded?

did you understand my post and it's sarcasm ?  are you insinuating/assuming I am a brexiter or are you delusional, the last thing I want to do it's a deal with the UK, I want them gone ASAP (we have an expression in France, (part avec une main devant et l'autre derriere) hope it translate the same way into English) leave with one hand in front and the other on their back covering their rear hole, meaning leaving without nothing

Edited by Mavideol
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6 hours ago, Tofer said:

The EU were happy enough with a Canada style deal with Canada. What's the difference??

Put as simply as possible:


No two bi-lateral trade deals are identical.


(Presumably) Canada and the EU were both happy with the terms of their agreement.


Canada is +/-3,600 miles from Brussels. London is +/-250 miles from Brussels.


The EU does not deem to be in its interests to agree to a Canada-type deal with a major competitor on its doorstep.


Those are (some of) the differences. 


Btw: Barnier made it clear back in February that the EU did not want a Canada-type deal. Why didn't the UK accept this and move on?

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12 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

Sad reality is that we was known from the start: the UK is the weakest party, and that is the case as well with the US and China.


Now what does a populist politician do in this situation? The only leeway is to threaten, escalate, and worse break the word fo a country which used to epitome the rule of law ..

Ha ha, your idea that the UK is the weakest party doesn't quite ring true now. Boris has shown the EU the door, with instructions to not come back unless there is a fundamental change of approach. Additionally, Macron's populist posturing over fish only gives the UK more leverage every time he speaks. Not bad for your weakest party.


What does Boris do - exactly what he was voted in for, with a landslide. No need for threats anymore, simply send them home without a deal that the rest of the EU desperately wants. Boris's next step should be to ditch the WA too. No need to be tied to an unfair agreement for a FTA that the EU would not negotiate in good faith. We have our own laws which override the EU's trickery.

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2 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Ha ha, your idea that the UK is the weakest party doesn't quite ring true now. Boris has shown the EU the door, with instructions to not come back unless there is a fundamental change of approach. Additionally, Macron's populist posturing over fish only gives the UK more leverage every time he speaks. Not bad for your weakest party.


What does Boris do - exactly what he was voted in for, with a landslide. No need for threats anymore, simply send them home without a deal that the rest of the EU desperately wants. Boris's next step should be to ditch the WA too. No need to be tied to an unfair agreement for a FTA that the EU would not negotiate in good faith. We have our own laws which override the EU's trickery.

What leverage did Johnson gain, and how do you think he will use that leverage to help us maximise our Somalia-style deal?



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4 hours ago, Tofer said:

Thank you, very magnanimous of you, seeing as how you've had a years contributions for absolutely nothing, including no good will in any negotiations. 


We will be ecstatically happy with a no deal, since the alternative is to be shackled to the EU's rules and controls. 


Bye Bye!

Bye Bye

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4 hours ago, Lormak said:

2021 is going to be fun!  UK free and independent. Pull up a chair get out the popcorn and watch the EU crash and burn!  I predict mass civil unrest across the EU and a collapse of the Euro.

The EU is sinking and the UK are rowing away in a lifeboat called 'Brexit'!

This crystal ball of yours, next week’s lottery numbers please or are you sticking to Leo because you like it?!

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