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"The Stranded": Highlighting the plight of expats unable to return to Thailand; #2 Retirees


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5 hours ago, 19DL86 said:

A slight nuance to the earlier post #1 teachers.  Whilst I see that TVF and Rooster are doing so in good faith and with compassion, to try and make those of us who might be living under a large rock,(therefore unaware) of these scenarios.  But pressuring the current administration and Immigration, not a good move.

Ref Richard Barrow and the TM30 climb down. Just my opinion.

I've lived here a long while and the writing has been on the wall for a large part of the last 10 years, the letters growing larger year after year.  But some people choose to ignore this.  I feel, as do many Expats we are not so much welcomed, nor tolerated as we once might have felt.  Too much shifting sands for my like,ing to warrant investment here.  There's a growing Nationalism right the way across the World from US to UK an increasing hostility to foreigners, and immigrants.  Thailand is no different.

I see a new "flag" being waved how many of those here will ignore this "writing in the wall" - it's started with the "Elite Visa" investments, then the enforcement of funds seasoning in Thai banks for Non O visa applicants.  Then the STV and more recently the starkly frightening requirement of 3MilBt deposit in Govt Bonds or bank, to return to your own Condo.  So on and so.

Only a few days have passed since I read in these very pages that the banks aren't guaranteeing deposits in excess of 1MilBt, after next year, and so too other alarming stories coming out of the financial institutions.

To me it's evident Thailand is financially over stressed and on their way to hell in a hand cart.

Many of these foreigners unable to return or access their accounts might be eyed as easy prey.  Those nominee shareholder "shelf" Companies owning land and houses to circumvent property ownership laws, might be low hanging fruit.

Be very cautious don't ever think what happened in Zimbabwe 40 years ago can't be repeated.  We re living in perilous times and Chinas current attitude and influence must not be taken too lightly.  

Just my thoughts and not in any way professional.


If I was in charge and I didn't want foreigners in Thailand, I would let it be known for sure and not just make life difficult, but impossible by legislating to that effect. No confusion, no exceptions!

Although we have an Immigration Department in Thailand, the one thing no foreigner can be is an immigrant! You can stay and live in Thailand and perceive anything as you wish but in my life here of nearly 18 years I have not believed for a moment that foreigners are not wanted here.



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10 minutes ago, Thaifly88 said:

That is not the case, at least not here in The Philippines. Last week I requested information about returning to Thailand on my current non OA retirement extension, only to be told by the RTE in Manila that ‘we are not processing retirement visas yet’. I think Thailand is treating each country differently, possibly according to the level of Covid infection.

It is fairly recently that those with a new Non Imm O-A Visa (or on a valid permission to stay - protected by a Re-Entry Permit - of an extension of such Visa) are eligible for the COE.
Might be useful to check again with the Thai Embassy in Manilla.

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7 minutes ago, fangless said:

Good for you!  Yet another lottery winner!

Not everyone can be so fortunate as you and I believe that those now stuck outside of LOS (is that still true?)  deserve a better deal than they are (not) getting!


PS; Hindsight is always a fantastic 20/20 science!

So when did you leave Thailand? 

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44 minutes ago, dundas said:

Use a VPN and connect it in Bangkok? 

That does not help if the bank demands you to appear in person with your passport as some do for some accounts.


Also some banks do not allow online international transfers without a WP.


I accept that does not apply to all accounts but it does for some.

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2 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

It is time that our embassies en governments impose the same restriction on all Thai people. If they don't meet the same requirements, kick them out and send them back to Thailand.

Yes, tit for tat bound to help!!

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2 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

It is time that our embassies en governments impose the same restriction on all Thai people. If they don't meet the same requirements, kick them out and send them back to Thailand.

Revenge towards a country that has fought the spreading of the pandemic so effectively is certainly the last thing Thailand needs. 

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... Hi from Mark mark ! ... I do not write too much anymore. I am stranded in Adelaide Australia. The Upside is we have no CV 19, and few social restrictions and we do not have to wear masks .... The down side is that I am most defiantly, and well definitively …. STUCK !!! @#$%^&)&^ .... Whichever way you look at it.


Things have improved a bit as a pacific Prime broker got me Insurance with LMG ... which is a Thai insurance Company that IS on their list, and well at 64 + and at that age if you have not got some sort of medical history ? … Well you are not Human right ... but let’s not go on down that road !!! …


But I got it and now can apply for an -OA visa and continue the frustrating, hurdle jumping, and see how much you can reduce the costs ??? Game !!! ??? And just hope for the best. ??? ... As you all here are indicating. …


… Like greatest condolences to all here, stranded also … Just like me but possibly in much worse situation


(If you can get a Thai AIS ? Sim and have roaming switched on, then you can transfer Money around from your account IN Thailand … and well Credit cards are just a Godsend !!! But let’s also not go down that road either, just by saying …Well if you stay in Thailand, or anywhere for any length of time … you SHOULF financially set yourself up as best you can.) …


... And also let’s not forget everywhere else, and everyone else, that have just been totally <Deleted> by the usual Circumstances of Birth, … and NOW this Bloody Virus, and the ? Crazy ? Well pretty serious reaction. And well the Dead ! A Real thing !!! And also the total destruction of some of those that do get it's Bodies !!! And the destruction of the mentality of a VAST proportion of the world’s Population also.


I think that the Virus is caused basically, by Over Population, like how it spreads any way ...  And it was the norm really !!! Just waiting to come to us ! ? Well, … AT us !!! …. Like the countries that have the most trouble with it are ? Usually Over Crowded ? And also cold, so the people like congregation in side !!! ??? ... And countries with BIG socially interacting Families, … or friends. ... I think ?


... So I have the Insurance, so well I think that we all will need that probably ? From Now on !!! … Like they were talking about / trying to force all of us Retirement Non 0 visa holders, in to get it from June ? July last year !!! And well, NOW they have the opportunity just to "DO it" ... and I think that they will stick with this.


Still with reasonably cheap, (Choose a very High Excess, as you will probably never be lucky ? Well unlucky enough to have to use it any way, and also exclude extra services, except what the NON –OA requirements are, … and it is then cheaper, … and accept the Exclusions with the same reasoning, ...  and yes it could be cheap ???) …. Yes renewable, Insurance ! That suites the NON -OA Visa requirements ... Then you are in the game for the duration I suppose ? …... and hopefully sooner than later … but well if I live long enough, … it could still be later when I get to use it.


… Yes WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN ? … Well the Guys here that thought that we all SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ... that the Lock down was coming, sure did get it Right ... Though the SARS epidemic and HIV and other Problems before that were highly contagious, and were killing People … But ALL of them, didn’t close the whole world down !  Like this Animal to Human Malady, CV 19 Has. ... So well maybe we could be excused for missing it this time ? ....


And well I think that they now are refusing to recognize the NON -O Visas (Like I have got) .... So time to apply for a NON -OA Fellas !!! Right ! ? 


And good luck to you !!! …. Maybe see some of you on a Repatriation Flight ! ? Or in the BKK airport !!! ... Right ? ... Let's Hope !!!


And yes … let’s look at the big picture also and pray for the Dead and the Dying ! … And the long term Crippled.


Mark mark.


And thanks to Richard xxx ? And the others on here who have helped me … and others quite possibly I hope.


And to Rooster for his objective Kindness that he still puts in to his weekly column also.



Edited by Mark mark
Spelling Grammar
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I know 2 people who have returned to thailand 1 16 days ago and 1 yesterday they do not have big money but have family here .1 has finished quarantine 1 is in a hotel in BKK doing quarantine. both from the Uk and had no big problems getting back  how they did it  im not sure but i do know they did not have the STV .both came from london heathrow via Dubai to BKK    so it is possible. i cannot state names on here but i can assure its true  

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7 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

Strange that the article does not mention that there is now a relatively easy solution for all 3 cases.  All of them can now apply for a 1-year Non Imm O-A Visa which would allow them to get the COE to return to Thailand.

I agree completely Peter.


The narrative now should be 1) clarity and a decision going forward on O (ret), O-A/O-X and why are they treated differently and why not just simplify system to one visa. 2) Quite a bit of reputational damage has been done to Thailand as a safe location to retire in terms of legal standing and protections compared to other groups, what needs to be done ideally is to repair this going forward, if indeed Thailand sees retirees as a financial asset or a burden its not really bothered about compared to other groups.


Edited by MRToMRT
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1 hour ago, fangless said:


From August 11, 2019 Thai Baht Deposits are protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act up to a maximum of 5 million baht per one depositor per financial institution until August 10, 2021.

More information available at Deposit Protection Agency website www.dpa.or.th

The person you responded to might be getting mixed up with Foreign Currency Deposit accounts (FCDs) which are not covered by Deposit Protection, only THB accounts are covered. 





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1 minute ago, Mike Teavee said:

The person you responded to might be getting mixed up with Foreign Currency Deposit accounts (FCDs) which are not covered by Deposit Protection, only THB accounts are covered. 





Which means he is still wrong/misleading does it not?

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53 minutes ago, fangless said:

That does not help if the bank demands you to appear in person with your passport as some do for some accounts.

On my internet banking When I have tried to add a new "payee" to my list of people to send money to, I get a message to go to the branch as I cant do this on line. 

So I guess you can only transfer money to an international account if you already have the recipient approved after a branch visit. Not good if you are stuck overseas

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5 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

On my internet banking When I have tried to add a new "payee" to my list of people to send money to, I get a message to go to the branch as I cant do this on line. 

So I guess you can only transfer money to an international account if you already have the recipient approved after a branch visit. Not good if you are stuck overseas

Not true with the K-Bank app. 


You put in the amount, currency, recipient details and account number and hit send. 


Cheap, easy and fast (for a bank). 

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Off topic posts and replies about setting up cryptocurrency accounts to transfer money out of Thailand have been removed.  A person may be able to do that while they are in Thailand, it does seem to apply to retirees who are stranded outside of Thailand trying to access their funds. 


As stated in the OP:


  • Thaivisa notes that others with money in the bank have found it problematic to withdraw funds if they are not personally present in Thailand, even through legal proxies.



Some inflammatory posts and replies have been removed. 

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There are many more peoe in the same boat. J'm kne of them. Have lived in TH since 2004. Went back to Europe in Jan for family matter. At first my country shut the airport, then TH did. My possessions are in Bkk. I wonder if an OA visa would be possible to get?

Or with EU FoM live in  a low risk country for a few months, register residency and apply for this new single entry visa from there?

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54 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

... Hi from Mark mark ! ... I do not write too much anymore. I am stranded in Adelaide Australia. The Upside is we have no CV 19, and few social restrictions and we do not have to wear masks .... The down side is that I am most defiantly, and well definitively …. STUCK !!! @#$%^&)&^ .... Whichever way you look at it.


Things have improved a bit as a pacific Prime broker got me Insurance with LMG ... which is a Thai insurance Company that IS on their list, and well at 64 + and at that age if you have not got some sort of medical history ? … Well you are not Human right ... but let’s not go on down that road !!! …


But I got it and now can apply for an -OA visa and continue the frustrating, hurdle jumping, and see how much you can reduce the costs ??? Game !!! ??? And just hope for the best. ??? ... As you all here are indicating. …


… Like greatest condolences to all here, stranded also … Just like me but possibly in much worse situation


(If you can get a Thai AIS ? Sim and have roaming switched on, then you can transfer Money around from your account IN Thailand … and well Credit cards are just a Godsend !!! But let’s also not go down that road either, just by saying …Well if you stay in Thailand, or anywhere for any length of time … you SHOULF financially set yourself up as best you can.) …


... And also let’s not forget everywhere else, and everyone else, that have just been totally <Deleted> by the usual Circumstances of Birth, … and NOW this Bloody Virus, and the ? Crazy ? Well pretty serious reaction. And well the Dead ! A Real thing !!! And also the total destruction of some of those that do get it's Bodies !!! And the destruction of the mentality of a VAST proportion of the world’s Population also.


I think that the Virus is caused basically, by Over Population, like how it spreads any way ...  And it was the norm really !!! Just waiting to come to us ! ? Well, … AT us !!! …. Like the countries that have the most trouble with it are ? Usually Over Crowded ? And also cold, so the people like congregation in side !!! ??? ... And countries with BIG socially interacting Families, … or friends. ... I think ?


... So I have the Insurance, so well I think that we all will need that probably ? From Now on !!! … Like they were talking about / trying to force all of us Retirement Non 0 visa holders, in to get it from June ? July last year !!! And well, NOW they have the opportunity just to "DO it" ... and I think that they will stick with this.


Still with reasonably cheap, (Choose a very High Excess, as you will probably never be lucky ? Well unlucky enough to have to use it any way, and also exclude extra services, except what the NON –OA requirements are, … and it is then cheaper, … and accept the Exclusions with the same reasoning, ...  and yes it could be cheap ???) …. Yes renewable, Insurance ! That suites the NON -OA Visa requirements ... Then you are in the game for the duration I suppose ? …... and hopefully sooner than later … but well if I live long enough, … it could still be later when I get to use it.


… Yes WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN ? … Well the Guys here that thought that we all SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ... that the Lock down was coming, sure did get it Right ... Though the SARS epidemic and HIV and other Problems before that were highly contagious, and were killing People … But ALL of them, didn’t close the whole world down !  Like this Animal to Human Malady, CV 19 Has. ... So well maybe we could be excused for missing it this time ? ....


And well I think that they now are refusing to recognize the NON -O Visas (Like I have got) .... So time to apply for a NON -OA Fellas !!! Right ! ? 


And good luck to you !!! …. Maybe see some of you on a Repatriation Flight ! ? Or in the BKK airport !!! ... Right ? ... Let's Hope !!!


And yes … let’s look at the big picture also and pray for the Dead and the Dying ! … And the long term Crippled.


Mark mark.


And thanks to Richard xxx ? And the others on here who have helped me … and others quite possibly I hope.


And to Rooster for his objective Kindness that he still puts in to his weekly column also.



Hey mark, and how much was this ubeaute insurance, surely better priced than pacific with decent coverage?.

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2 hours ago, Airalee said:

I haven’t seen anything other than the fact that deposit insurance drops next August to ฿1,000,000 (postponed for a year from this past August when it was supposed to change).  

Do you have a link where it shows the difference between protection offered to Thai nationals vs Foreigners?  I have not seen any mention of this anywhere (until your post).

I was told this by a Thai colleague so cannot confirm with a link. 


I will speak with him again this coming week as to where he obtained the information.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Why not? I class myself as an immigrant. 

Me too. 


Foreign business owner with PR and I will apply for Thai citizenship in the future.


I have no intention of leaving and I made plans to amend my residency status to remain here permanently over 12 years ago after 18 years here.

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8 hours ago, Peabody said:

Anyone on the "retirement" extension have any success in getting it renewed at their local consulate, or do we all just lose those too?

Hi and Yes...And just before it expired Oct 2 the consulate gave me a new one... apparently that is not too hard if you are not in the UK...I was in Italy. I got back because I was married, and I was on Emirates...the flight was important because of favorable airline policies and TH government approval for them to operate flights to here. The catch is that the new visa is a 90 day thing that I can renew 3 times- not my usual one year thing. Complicating this is that after 10 months away my wife has moved on and is forcing me into a divorce... no happy return to the LoS 

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