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Thai Airways fried donuts prove popular in Chiang Mai


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The joke is there is nothing new or special about these donuts. These basically are the regular glazed donut you find in the US. FInally, some lazy Thais have started giving the people what they want - more sugar. Next, they'll discover real cream fillings and all the other stuff that already exists in much of the world. Is there any westerner who thinks the donuts at BigC or Tesco here even slighty compete with those in their home nation? When I got here, Thais were eating that fake rubbish pandan bread that sat on shelves for decades and never lost it's original stale dry taste.


Dunkin donuts seems to make its donuts like in the west. Mister Donut lowered its quality and now sells most Thai-style rubbish - you know the stuff with the melted crayon coverings. People in Bangkok have a few more choices but any donuts shop or bakery from the US would easily wipe out all the Thai shops.


The Cambodians learned how to make donuts in California and now dominate there selling a US style product, nothing that would have come out of Asia. Nothing beats their apple fitters for me. They should open up and Thailand and take over the market wiping out the fake donuts here.

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5 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Sounds only like a cheap cheap bargain deal, and fact is CM folk will always line up for anything like that as word travels quick up here. Not so long ago at the oldest Mall in CM, a movie theatre was selling really really really cheap popcorn (all flavors) to entice people to come to see movies there. This was basically after their beautiful remodeling to stir up awareness. Bummer thing is me and the family went to see a movie but could not get any snacks from them as the line was huge long and ridiculous. All people coming off the street and none seeing any movie. We consequently had to go down to the Supermarket to get a drink and snack to carry in to see the movie. So, if Thai Airways puts the price up to where all donuts are at, the fact probably is they wouldn't sell hardly any . 

They are definitely not cheap! A bag of Patongo with dipping sauce and a cup of warm soy milk goes for ThB 20 in Chiang Rai - so Thai Air are charging about twice the going rate - a bit like their airline tickets were, back when they were an airline and not a mobile sticky bun business!

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Once a month I make yeast donuts from a family recipe that goes back to my Great great grandmother.  And once a month I make cinnamon buns from an internet recipe.  Patongo every now and then if we get to the market early enough to actually get them.  40 baht gets you 20 and a little tub of dip.

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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

They are definitely not cheap! A bag of Patongo with dipping sauce and a cup of warm soy milk goes for ThB 20 in Chiang Rai - so Thai Air are charging about twice the going rate - a bit like their airline tickets were, back when they were an airline and not a mobile sticky bun business!

Has to be more to it than that as maybe big or heavy and good quality. CM folk just don’t buy things. Maybe i will go see for myself. 

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7 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

Once a month I make yeast donuts from a family recipe that goes back to my Great great grandmother.  And once a month I make cinnamon buns from an internet recipe.  Patongo every now and then if we get to the market early enough to actually get them.  40 baht gets you 20 and a little tub of dip.

Will you post up the recipe for the yeast donuts please.


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3 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

The joke is there is nothing new or special about these donuts. These basically are the regular glazed donut you find in the US. FInally, some lazy Thais have started giving the people what they want - more sugar. Next, they'll discover real cream fillings and all the other stuff that already exists in much of the world. Is there any westerner who thinks the donuts at BigC or Tesco here even slighty compete with those in their home nation? When I got here, Thais were eating that fake rubbish pandan bread that sat on shelves for decades and never lost it's original stale dry taste.


Dunkin donuts seems to make its donuts like in the west. Mister Donut lowered its quality and now sells most Thai-style rubbish - you know the stuff with the melted crayon coverings. People in Bangkok have a few more choices but any donuts shop or bakery from the US would easily wipe out all the Thai shops.


The Cambodians learned how to make donuts in California and now dominate there selling a US style product, nothing that would have come out of Asia. Nothing beats their apple fitters for me. They should open up and Thailand and take over the market wiping out the fake donuts here.

Too funny - someone saying the Thais donuts have too much sugar, not like the good old US of A which, of course, doesn't have a massive obesity or diabetes problem!  No siree, American donuts are not sugary at all, and would you like an enormous coke to go with that?

For real donuts try Blackpool pier.  Light, fluffy, and yes, sprinkled with sugar.

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8 hours ago, connda said:

When a major airline shifts its focus to selling baked goods you know the end is near.

An entire airline has not shifted its focus to baked goods has it.  Not sure if you've noticed but there is this thing called COVID-19 and international travel has been pretty much shut down.  The catering department of TG is trying to keep their staff employed by selling to the general public and they should be applauded for it rather than letting staff go.

And is the end near for Singapore Airlines too then?   By your logic it must be as they are selling meals on board stationary planes:




And also now offering home delivery airline food:

https://www.singaporeair.com/en_UK/sg/plan-travel/discover-your-sia/sia-at-home/#:~:text=Experience our First Class or,choice of wine or champagne.


Rather than acknowledging TG is trying to keep people employed it's far easier to snipe isn't it.  

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Selling for 40 baht a bag, three pairs of donuts along with a condensed milk sauce are provided in each order. The operation has reported selling as many as 1,000 orders a day

40K per day.  Nice little side gig to have beside your neighborhood lemonade stand.   Question is, how long would it take the existing Thai Air "operation specialists", to pick the daily donut sales till clean?

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The entire operation was moved from Bangkok to Chiang Mai to offer the fried donuts, with cooking pans and staff all brought up from the capital

How can this be profitable? They have to fly staff, pots and pans, etc. up to CM PLUS, I assume, provide them with accommodation. All that to sell ฿40 fried cr@p? 

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5 minutes ago, djayz said:

How can this be profitable? They have to fly staff, pots and pans, etc. up to CM PLUS, I assume, provide them with accommodation. All that to sell ฿40 fried cr@p? 

Seeing as they are an airline that flies to CM and will have empty seats it probably didn't cost them a huge amount.

And I think this is more about keeping staff engaged and employed rather than making a profit.  

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4 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

And I think this is more about keeping staff engaged and employed rather than making a profit.  

Oh, sorry, I thought they were on the brink of collapse... 

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5 hours ago, djayz said:

Oh, sorry, I thought they were on the brink of collapse... 

Technically they have collapsed as they have filed for bankruptcy or "reorganization" and have stiffed all their creditors, including passengers holding tickets for future flights.

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Can i get my refund by getting a few thousand orders of free Thai airways donuts.  Might make my belly happy.  They could deliver everyday until the refund is completed.  Coffee time would be great everyday, and I would just have to run an extra 2 km to burn it off....

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