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Thailand’s opposition parties won’t join proposed reconciliation committee unless PM steps down first


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11 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:


The PM stepping down won't change much . He will be replaced by a clone soon .

The only thing really needed are new unbiased and free elections .

The current government needs to realize that they cannot forever manipulate the outcome of an election by suppressing  political parties they do not like .

As what happened to Future Foreward and Thanathorn . There were a lot of people voting for FF , but the government did everything they could to find some ' legal ' accusations that allowed them to destroy and forbid the party .

That is what finally led to the current unrest and demonstrations .

"You can hear the people sing" 

That's a big worry to the current bunch of clowns. 

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Prayuth is the worse thing to happen to Thailand in a very long time. He is a boil on the face of the nation and has to go. Everything he is, and everything he and his incredibly toxic administration represents, stinks, and is the opposite of what this nation needs to move forward. 


The opposition would be participating in a sham, if they agreed to any sort of "reconciliation" with this fool, and his sham administration.


They are to democracy, what fracking is to conservation.


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The whole point of the committee is to delay the actual writing of a new Constitution and nothing else. A Committee of 200 people will be dominated by the people chosen to run it. There is absolutely no point in having such a Committee unless you support the delay in the rewriting of the Constitution. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

“With the Prime Minister still in office, after six years of apparent failures by his administration, the conflict is bound to intensify,” said Mr. Chusak, adding that the opposition parties prefer to wait until there is a clearer picture of the proposed committee and what its approach will be to resolving the conflict.

So no change then, no committee no talks, no resolution.

Maybe a vote of no confidence is the way to go and force an election.

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As you can see the regime is trying to build a reciprocated illusion to the world that they are actually liked. Also look at all the orchestrated coverage of the yellow shirt gatherings with a certain someone. One group does this, then the other group shows their song and dance trying to make it appear larger thus negating or cancelling out the other side. The protestors and students if actually really got together would be in the millions and their attitude is not going to be washed away. So in reality El Fathead and his regime bozos should get out to start the heling.

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The only problem with cha cha stepping down is this.  The current constitution has a stipulation that if the appointed PM steps down/resigns from his/her position that he/she then automatically becomes the caretaker PM until he/she appoint a new cabinet. As that would never happen, he/she would remain in power indefinitely. Prayut even made this point in a press conference about 1 week ago. So he steps down BUT everything remains the same. He still runs the show.

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The old boys won't be around !ong. Don't challenge the grim reaper, someone said earlier. Anyone can die at any time, he said.


the oldsters will move on, and the current youngsters will become the oldsters. They will end up just like unc!e, mark my words. The more things change, the more they stay the same.m


is it possible the people can stage a coup, or is that known as a revolution?

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9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I am sure he believes that his Malfeasance is not Malfeasance at all but, just his loving guidance and unbiased support of all Thais. Besides he is afraid if he leaves the rest will move quickly to repeal his self given Amnesty for all wrongs and all ill gotten gains from his corruption.  How else do you amass 2 billion baht in wealth over just a 5 year period.

There was a PM once who amassed  5 billion USD 

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21 hours ago, newatthis said:

Besides a big, toxic mouth what are her abilities / qualifications to be in parliament?

Sucking up to the powers that be. Honoring her commitment to never, ever represent the people, and always sell out her principles for almighty baht. 

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