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Biden narrowly beats Trump for presidency of a polarized United States


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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Washington is the least of it, IMO. The country is divided nearly 50/ 50, and Trump's base are not going to go away quietly IMO.

The senate is still not decided 48/48. Everything for Biden depends on a Dem's win in the senate, IMO.


Trump may decide to run in 2024, so if he does expect another 4 years of the same on tv news.

Not sure he could be the candidate of the republicans, plus in four years Trump will be 78 years old, not far 79!

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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

You raise an interesting point - if Mr McConnell decides to refuse any dealings with a Biden Presidency, notwithstanding his (Bidens) victory in the Electoral College and a large (4 million+ win in the popular vote) mandate from the American people, - just what will happen? Will one man be allowed to stamp his tiny feet, empty his toybox on the floor, and render the country ungovernable?


I should imagine that would produce immense anger amongst the American people. I wonder whether McConnell would care ( probably not), and would his Republican fellow senators follow him?


McConnell didn't suffer any political consequences for refusing to hold hearings on President Obama's Supreme Court nomination, for the first time in history.  He didn't suffer any consequences for refusing to let the FBI perform a full investigation of Kavanaugh prior to confirming for the Court.  No consequences for refusing to take witness testimony in Trump's impeachment trial.  Nothing for ramming the Barrett nomination through.   So, why shouldn't he block every action of the Biden administration that the Constitution permits?


You have to keep in mind what McConnell's job description is, not according to the Constitution, but according to the financial backers of the Republican Party:  When in power, lower taxes for the rich and reduce regulation on their businesses.  When the Dems have power, stop them from succeeding even at any cost to the country.  McConnell is just doing his job.


So no confirmation of any appointments by the Biden administration, maybe unless Moscow Mitch gets to pick some of the nominees as co-president.

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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

Well, my congratulations to the Pres.Elect J. Biden. I think he has some tough times ahead of him and we will just have to wait and see. From what I read on CNN reports, Democrat politicians are not happy with their performance in the election so I wonder if the Party will survive in its prior election form. Will the President be able to resist the far left progressive calls? Again, it's a wait and see situation.

Yes, one wonders why the margin was so small in many states when we've been told for 4 years that Trump is the worst human being to walk on planet earth president in history. Apparently Trump got many more votes than in 2016, so increased his popularity.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Joe Biden has won. Beautiful. Other than Romney, only a few  Republicans have offered to concede. Poor losers. Really, really bad form.


Nobody expects the dishonorable orange one to concede. He does not have a nanogram of grace in this body. But, the entire party? Clinging to him, even after the ship is halfway submerged? Where is the honor in that?

Though Trump has lost 17 substantial businesses, and is accustomed to losing, he does not appear to be taking this loss well. Will he eventually need to be institutionalized? It is quite possible. Either prison or a mental hospital would be fitting. 


In a tweet on Friday, Utah Sen. Mitt Romney wrote that the president was "within his rights to request recounts," but added that it is "wrong to say that the election was rigged, corrupt and stolen — doing so damages the cause of freedom here and around the world, weakens the institutions that lie at the foundation of the Republic, and recklessly inflames destructive and dangerous passions." Romney has since congratulated Biden on his win. So have Republican Reps. Fred Upton and Will Hurd. On Saturday, Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., told NPR that the "handwriting is on the wall" for Trump.

forget about it  oo7........ they all suck        don't look in that rear view mirror     live for today

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7 hours ago, placeholder said:

I've been wondering how that would be done.

 Actually what would happen is that Congress would amend the legislation that authorizes lifetime Secret Service protection for former presidents to exclude convicted felons.

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver. Good movie.

"Shifty White House chief of staff Bob Alexander (Frank Langella) hatches a scheme to use a double for the president "       ........google is amazing .   

When i think how many stupid people on forums (not you and me of course ! )  actually think they

are fooling others with their "google wisdom" .......  it is amusing 


here's a great title for a movie :    CONFIRMATON  BIAS



all tv members will be offered minor roles   ????


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