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UK sees goodwill for Brexit trade deal, open to 'sensible' fishing compromise


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4 minutes ago, polpott said:

The greed wasn't with the European fishermen. The greed was with the small number of companies that owned the British fishing fleet and sold their quotas to the European fishing fleets. Some major contributers to the Tory party in those fleet owners.


So then the greed was with the European fishermen then. The CFP was terrible for a long time - causing correspondingly long-term damage.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:


So then the greed was with the European fishermen then. The CFP was terrible for a long time - causing correspondingly long-term damage.

 Already explained why you are wrong; see my quote in post above for an example of this explanation.

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Already explained why you are wrong; see my quote in post above for an example of this explanation.


Quota selling/hopping/fiddling is a separate issue. I am talking about the greed of the continental fishermen in terms of catches and methods, which have been allowed and easily enabled by EU poor and biased policies. Now they are panicking because they have managed to fish the Med to death as well. Bravo EU.

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18 minutes ago, polpott said:

Its not a separate issue, it is the issue. Its the reason why we no longer have a viable fishing fleet. Not enabled by EU, enabled by greedy British fleet owners.


Take some notice for a change. It is one issue. We were talking about declining fish stocks, not the declining UK fleet. 

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3 hours ago, nauseus said:


Marine resources means a lot more than a few wet haddock. 


I know, I said so:

On 11/11/2020 at 11:41 AM, 7by7 said:

You've got me there! 


Beyond its (12 mile) territorial waters, every coastal country may establish an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) extending 200 nautical miles (370 km) from shore. Within the EEZ the coastal state has the right to exploit and regulate fisheries, construct artificial islands and installations, use the zone for other economic purposes (e.g., the generation of energy from waves), and regulate scientific research by foreign vessels. Otherwise, foreign vessels (and aircraft) are entitled to move freely through (and over) the zone.



As already said, in the 1970s the member states of the then EC agreed to establish a mutual EEZ.


In case you haven't noticed, it is fishing rights which are under negotiation. I don't recall any disputes between us and the EU over any of the other activities; unless you know different.

 To which you responded that I had missed the point!


Since I asked you what your point was, all you've done is plagiarise what I'd already posted!

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4 hours ago, tebee said:


And everything Gove says is true.......

To be fair to Gove, his words from June 2016 have proven to be incredibly accurate:  " ..I came in the last few days, reluctantly and firmly, to the conclusion that ... (Johnson) ... was not capable of uniting that team and leading the party and the country in the way that I would have hoped."


On this occasion, wrt the country Gove is definitely speaking for me.

Edited by RayC
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3 hours ago, polpott said:
3 hours ago, nauseus said:


Take some notice for a change. It is one issue. We were talking about declining fish stocks, not the declining UK fleet. 

Not according to the OP. You haven't drifted off topic have you?


 Its S.O.P. for @nauseus when he's lost the argument. He'll either claim that he said the opposite of what he actually said or he'll claim he was talking about something else entirely.

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barnier has thrown a strop cos he cant get his way

Barnier sparks huge row with savage Tweet as he hits out at Boris for refusing to cave

MICHEL Barnier took a break from Brexit negotiations to mock Boris Johnson's bid to free Britain from clutches of Brussels.



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13 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 He wasn't asking them; he was asking @transam and those others here who repeatedly call him and other Remainers 'anti British" because we not only have a different opinion on what's best for our country but also express it.


That's called democracy.

You obviously do not see, or you dismiss, the "likes", given to those from across the channel slagging off the UK, and not only about Brexit stuff.

I and others do take note of that kind of stuff. 

"Democracy", more like treachery in a few cases here.......????

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14 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Also see who's SOP includes claiming that the other party "lost" - this happens with rather boring regularity and is symptomatic of the real loser here. 

As this seems to be the exclusive preserve of a number of Brexiteers, perhaps you'd like to name them.


Thanks for the smiley face in advance.

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:


I wasn't replying to you, was I?

7x7 wasn't replying to you but you still quoted him, didn't you?


And where's my smiley face? Do I, again, have to wait 12 hours for it? You're such a tease.



Edited by polpott
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4 minutes ago, transam said:

Try reading the many posts in the thread, you will find your own answer and not a biased one....????

I've read the thread. And when have I ever claimed that you were biased? Childish, rhetorical yes, but never biased chap. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Now come on, cheer up and give me a smiley face sunbeam.



Edited by polpott
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1 minute ago, polpott said:

I've read the thread. And when have I ever claimed that you were biased? Childish, rhetorical yes, but never biased chap. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Biased, not from me, but as you have read the thread then you know and can now relax...


"Childish rhetoric", well that's a new one from you, no spelling mistakes from me today then.....  ????

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