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Single Entry Tourist Visa to Thailand now requires foreigners to show funds of 500k THB


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17 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

A person 2 checks away from bankruptcy should not be considering an oversea's holiday, extremely irresponsible act but a mindset that has likely got them into their predicament.

I gotta say, that is the American way for most. Spend what you do not have and pay it back later at 18%.


I agree with a few others, $25K is not an awful lot of money. This will however definitely keep the cheap charlies from coming over here. Thailand clearly wants to change their image but they really do not have a plan.


Like many Thai new rules and requirements, they are implemented and then rescinded after they see the impact. 


Personally I am enjoying the no tourists here. So pleasant, Beaches clean, resorts low cost, Not dodging hundreds of caravans of super buses.







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If I would not be living in Thailand and be happy with my wife here, I wouldn't even bother to go to Thailand for a holiday. It is a lot of money. But they are talking about the people who stay longer than 30 days. So the average person spending 28 days in Thailand is not concerned. 

Only those who like to stay longer on a a visa are concerned.

I wonder if, after Covid, the borders would be open again, that also is for foreigners who live in Thailand and have a re-entry visa....

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My thoughts are that cabinet see the current covid situation as a chance to tighten up controls on the border hoppers. The "visitors" who live permanently in Thailand on tourist visas. They all claim to be well off and to be propping up the economy, but I suspect many are living on minimal funds and working menial jobs (teaching?).

As someone who has to tie up 800k for my 12 months stay, I'm not necessarily against this change, but do consider it may affect many unintended targets

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A lot of folks here don't get it. Most people come less than 30 days for a  holiday to Thailand. THEY don't need that kind of money in the bank. Nothing has changed, except the momentarily requirements in conjunction with Covid. Once that is over, there is nothing to stop them from enjoying their 4 weeks holiday here.

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3 hours ago, Falcon said:

Taking in to account the lack of tourists here allowed entry and the future lack of tourists because of both financial problems and / or Thailand’s rediculous ideas on how to restart the tourist trade, or put more simply, how to get a hold of foreigners money, I am expecting them to announce that they are going to charge and entry fee to the country, just like Bhutan who charge up to $250 per day just to be in the country. Ideal for Thailand that...



However, it's also considered to be one of the most expensive trips in the world that you can embark upon. The government has placed a minimum fee of around $200 USD per day per person in low season and $250 USD per day per person during high season for visitors to Bhutan


You get what you pay for in Bhutan. A pristine experience. No crowds. Beautiful landscapes. Little pollution. A chance to go back in time at least 50 years. In Thailand you get PM 2.5 everywhere, fecal infected drainage on beaches, Chinese overwhelming hotels, restaurants, and temples, and government policies that acquiesce in the burning, stripping, and overuse of forest lands. If I have $250/day to spend, I'll do it in Bhutan, not Thailand.

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When I came backpacking here for 4 months, I had about the equivalent of 210,000 baht saved (back when you could get 70 baht to the pound). I was also waiting on about 100k from work to come through a month later. So I had about 310k when the british pound was very strong, and I felt like that was a fortune (I was 21 years old at the time). Had I found out before that I’d have needed 500k, I’d have just said, “No, thanks” and found a new destination. I wouldn’t have entertained it for a second. 



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3 hours ago, HanSRT10 said:

Good!  Less crowd funding required for dumb @$$ cheap charley tourists who get themselves in to trouble and need others to solve the financial problems they and their family cant deal with

The mirror tells a lot.

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I'm sure there is a certain guy just tapping his pencil on his desk thinking 'right, who can I bash today.' First they declare X million tourists next year etc. etc. then come out with this. Next we'll here that TAT has some new stats for tourist, say 300 next time, and we members can say 'oh dear we were wrong'...not going to happen, Ha!

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1 hour ago, Techno Viking said:


Who said the money has to be kept in a ow interest account ?

people were whining about this when they made the retirement seasoning changes also and using the same complaints about dead money and unsecured funds due to being in a Thai bank. Now there letting folks use their home bank and it's still about low interest and blah blah blah. IMO the Thai government best be vigilant in verifying the information provided to prove these financial requirements to be extremely vetted. Tourists and expats have repeatedly proven here they will lie and cheat and bribe to enter this country and remain here. You would have to assume attempts to 'create' documentation proving funds will be utilized..

Edited by from the home of CC
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2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

I was also thinking about 'Kev and Tracy' from Essex who are both 19/20 years old working in their first office job and fancied a fortnight in one of the Thai Island resorts, ( to get to know each other better).  Of course they both have 500,000 sitting in the bank for 6 months ( not ). Spain/Greece wherever, here they come. ????????

Will anybody miss Kev and Tracy from Essex?

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