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Video: Trucker caught in blatant lie after early morning smash at red light


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1 hour ago, keithkarmann said:

Nothing is ever going to change, get used to it. I try to get used to it but as I get older it gets more difficult so I am paying for my wifes driving lessons so she can take over the school run. I will probably never let her drive me and I will only let her take our daughter to school if I think she is capable.

Hope the school is next door.   Nothing in this world could ever force me to let my wife drive our son.   Period.   When something terrible would inevitably happen, I would want to kill myself right after doing her.

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Missus is too afraid to learn to drive, although she was OK on a Honda Dream in C Mai. I have driven our 11 yo daughter to school and picked her up daily for seven years now. Been a breeze too, 'cos after surviving twenty-five years of LOS driving thrills we moved to Oz, seven years ago. Safe as Fort Knox to drive here, apart from maybe hitting the odd 'roo if driving at night. Saw more death and destruction over there in LOS on the roads, than I did in 30+ years in the Infantry. I have a photo album of unbelievable accident pics taken during my time in LOS. It never ceases to amaze anyone who views it. Just how do you flip over the trailer of an 18 wheeler upside down on a straight dry road, whilst keeping it connected to the prime mover which is still upright ? Some real skill involved to do that. 

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13 hours ago, Anant72 said:

Thais drive the same way they live: they don't plan, they don't think ahead (remember “you think too much”?) they just react to whatever happens. When they drive, they like to tailgate instead of keeping a distance until they are ready to overtake and do not check to see if any car ahead is braking: and so, boom! 

In Thailand if you keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front someone else will fill it... tailgating is done for a reason.

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Stupid Trucker. The other vehicles could see him coming and knew he wasn't gonna stop, the driver of the car that got hit couldn't have even glanced right, knowing that there is so much brake failure here :unsure:, one has to check, the mini bus driver had a lucky escape by stopping in time.   I must say that the traffic lights here 4- 5 mtrs up in the air are sometimes dangerous, while one is looking at the road straight ahead. just saying.

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21 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Yes, the truck driver ran the red light, but because the other vehicles didn't move forward when the lights changed should have been enough warning to tell pickup driver that everything was not as it should have been. Even when you have right of way, you still need check what other drivers are doing.  You should never, ever presume that it is safe to proceed, always look! 

For the majority the main priority is to get to the front. Any vehicle in front 'must'  be overtaken.

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18 hours ago, TTSIssues said:

When the culture is to lie to save face, from the government down through teachers and everyone else .... what else would you expect. 

Yes the world is full of liars starting with most politicians in most countries.

As a retired lawyer I formed the opinion early in my career that the majority of people will lie in the hope of avoiding the consequences, that is why so many plead not guilty.

I have seen people lie even when confronted with the most damming video evidence.

Unfortunately it is a human trait and not only in Thailand.

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22 hours ago, seajae said:

the amount of thai drivers/riders that will accelerate to go through a red light rather than stop is huge, many several seconds after the lights have turned red as can be seen with all the accidents at lights including this one. For some reason many thais do not like to stop/slow down in any situation where they should, they will pull out in front of others and expect them to stop instead, they totally ignore the road rules because they knowm the police do not enforce them plus they are simply ignorant of other road users or just too arrogant, then you have those in trucks that think they can do it because of their size. You see the police at intersections with traffic lights in the mornings and they simply ignore all those that go through the red lights or ignore the rules, until such time we see the police start to enforce the laws, get out on the roads in proper police cars/bikes around the clock pulling over drivers/riders and actually issuing fines and not just taking tea money the death toll will keep increasing

The  lack of mobile, trained and dedicated traffic police are the one reason for the mayhem on Thai roads. The utter lack of political will is the primary factor. Lots of talk, no action.

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Last month they were talking about new laws for big motorbikes. What about new laws for driving trucks and buses? They killing people too.


This country needs to revamp it traffic laws and training for all. Then they need to enforce them making the highway police do their jobs. 

If they make laws and focus on them as much as they trying to keep tourist out of Thailand, things like this would not happen. 

Here’s some suggestions:

1. Truck and bus drivers can only drive 8 hours with 6 hours of rest to start driving again. 
2. They must log their driving time to include the place they stop to rest for record if need to verified at an accident. 
3. Set passing lanes zones on the motorways and highways. They are only allow to drive in the passing lane during these zones. 

4. Truck and bus drivers license will be suspended for 5 years if the accident has a fatality.

5. The companies of these truck and bus driver will be responsible for all fatalities compensation. 

I can go on but I sure someone has mention these before and still nothing has happen. Money has more value than life in this country.  


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20 hours ago, TTSIssues said:

When the culture is to lie to save face, from the government down through teachers and everyone else .... what else would you expect. 

If you don't believe their lie it's taken as an insult. A defamation lawsuit will be the result because you are making them look bad if you don't believe the facade of the alternate truth.

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On 11/13/2020 at 9:58 AM, ezzra said:

you can divide local drives into 2 categories, those who go slow and don't go at all when they should be and those who 'steal' the red lights in intersections well into the green light, in any case, in Thailand look not only both ways but any way your head can swivel...  

From an emotional perspective I would like to agree with you. Any time I venture out on the roads it is easy to spot the two classes you speak of. 


To be honest however I think that you will admit that there is a third class that generally drives reasonably. I am aware of my bias so on a few occasions I counted the well-behaving drivers instead of the blatant and chronic violators. I'm willing to say that roughly 2/3 are observant safe drivers depending on the locale. 


Do this experiment yourself. 


I am far from a Thai driving apologist as many of my past posts demonstrate but I think it's important to give credit where it is due. 


For my part I always drive with the assumption that all other drivers either actively intend me harm or at best don't care either way. It only takes one to kill me. 


So many posts on TVF beat the drum of enforcement and enhanced regulations. I won't discount these suggestions but continue to maintain that the foremost issue is that too many Thai people simply don't care whether they are victims or killers. 


Head on a swivel and half-speed ahead is my mantra. 

Edited by RocketDog
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On 11/13/2020 at 10:12 AM, seajae said:

the amount of thai drivers/riders that will accelerate to go through a red light rather than stop is huge, many several seconds after the lights have turned red as can be seen with all the accidents at lights including this one. For some reason many thais do not like to stop/slow down in any situation where they should, they will pull out in front of others and expect them to stop instead, they totally ignore the road rules because they knowm the police do not enforce them plus they are simply ignorant of other road users or just too arrogant, then you have those in trucks that think they can do it because of their size. You see the police at intersections with traffic lights in the mornings and they simply ignore all those that go through the red lights or ignore the rules, until such time we see the police start to enforce the laws, get out on the roads in proper police cars/bikes around the clock pulling over drivers/riders and actually issuing fines and not just taking tea money the death toll will keep increasing


I never understand it, I used to see 3 "police" sitting at a traffic lights pressing the buttons to change the lights every morning. 


It such a missed opportunity, surely one could get on the radio to a roadblock further down the road and fine every red light jumper - who gives a damn what they do with the cash, put it all in their pockets as far as i'm concerned, but just fine people 500B every morning from their minimum wage job pay packet would make them think, maybe.


Even as dirt robbing crooks they are useless.


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was almoat t boned by a bike this morning, had had the green turn signal for at least 10 seconds so the opposite traffic had a red light & all the cars had stopped but as I was half way around a bike with a side saddle passenger on the back came flying through between the cars that were stopped  and just barely missed our pick up, didnt even attempt to slow down. If they had of hit at the speed they were doing I have no doubt they would have been killed or seriously injured, then not long after going around the corner an ambulance came flying down the road so they may well have hit someone else further along, these idiots just dont learn or care

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9 hours ago, seajae said:

was almoat t boned by a bike this morning, had had the green turn signal for at least 10 seconds so the opposite traffic had a red light & all the cars had stopped but as I was half way around a bike with a side saddle passenger on the back came flying through between the cars that were stopped  and just barely missed our pick up, didnt even attempt to slow down. If they had of hit at the speed they were doing I have no doubt they would have been killed or seriously injured, then not long after going around the corner an ambulance came flying down the road so they may well have hit someone else further along, these idiots just dont learn or care

If it was them hopefully the driver died 

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On 11/13/2020 at 3:25 AM, Surelynot said:

I don't automatically go on the lights....I still treat these as a normal junctions.......you cannot trust people of any nation to drive safely.

Same here, red light in Thailand means nothing.   

For me it's left, right, left, right, left, right , checking if anyone are speeding and then go for it. Survived another day.  

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On 11/13/2020 at 2:11 PM, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Another example of no law enforcement. Showing up after the event doesn't cut it. 

I travel four times a week in Pattaya through a number of traffic lights; two of which are situated next to police stations. At EVERY change at least three vehicles plough through on red.  I have NEVER seen a cop show any interest.

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7 hours ago, mikebell said:

I travel four times a week in Pattaya through a number of traffic lights; two of which are situated next to police stations. At EVERY change at least three vehicles plough through on red.  I have NEVER seen a cop show any interest.

The cops plough through red lights at pedestrian crossings 

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