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Trump and allies launch new efforts to overturn Biden victory in key states


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3 hours ago, bendejo said:

Yes there's the fear of being a loser (which he is anyway) but then there's the fear of the orange jumpsuit.

He's not the suicide type, but he could go into exile.  We can take bets on which country.



Well it won’t be Orange Free State in SA. 
Maybe Orange County

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5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

The way America is going, we'd probably be better off making pacts with China.

Absolutely brilliant suggestion.


Look to China as the global champion of human rights and freedom, prosperity for all. They are free of all the political, social, economic, and military stigma that plagues America. If you doubt that China is the future, just ask the CCP. They already have plans to help your country I'm sure. 


Lessening your expectations of and dependencies on the USA is definitely a good idea.


Many Americans have questioned paying taxes to support causes in foreign countries for decades. Maybe it's time for America to focus more on American needs. 

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it appears the idea now is to obstruct the vote recounts, prevent them from being completed on time, then claim the results are invalid simply because the recount is not complete.


sure, require state officials to hand count every ballot, then "object" to each ballot as counted, requiring time for each objection to be adjudicated.  just to run out the clock.



Wisconsin officials: Trump observers obstructing recount




Edited by ChouDoufu
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49 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

From the outside the US is fast becoming a failed state which does not benefit the world as a whole

Agreed. Let America go its own way and leave the world to sort its own problems. The time for depending on the USA to "benefit" the world is over. 


Let Americans wallow in the squalor of their backward society and struggle to survive on its meager resources and uneducated masses of unproductive workers. Let them face the reality of how dependent they are on the largesse of the rest of the world. 

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5 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

Agreed. Let America go its own way and leave the world to sort its own problems. The time for depending on the USA to "benefit" the world is over. 


Let Americans wallow in the squalor of their backward society and struggle to survive on its meager resources and uneducated masses of unproductive workers. Let them face the reality of how dependent they are on the largesse of the rest of the world. 

Maybe you're being sarcastic?

Most Productive Countries 2020 (worldpopulationreview.com)

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12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The problem is he succeeded already. Roughly 60,000,000 voters seem to think he won or at least he is still in the race. 60 million! Those people won't go away. And it's not likely that they will be any wiser and smarter in 4 or 8 years.

America is a country nobody can and nobody should trust anymore. Maybe Biden will do a good job in the next years. But that does not guarantee that those deluded masses vote again for someone like Trump or even Trump or one of his family members.

The world should learn to live without the USA because they are not reliable anymore and nobody should assume that will change anytime soon.


My thought, supported by at least the economic statistics is that the political policies of both major political parties over the past 30-45 have caused increased economic pressure on the working middle class which forms the vast majority of the participatory democracy’s population. With the growth, over the time period of the income/wealth disparity gap we have come to a critical juncture of disfunction. Many of those in the current working middle class were raised in a time witnessing the, at first tremendous growth of the US economic income and now, the slow decline of the paramount economic position of the United States post WW II. For those of us in the “Baby Boomer” generation, we are filled with despair generally at seeing the usual growth of economic wellbeing through our work efforts resulting in less and less retirement age security. For our children, we see little hope, under current economic policy conditions to be able, through their work to afford the housing, access to medical care, access to improving their knowledge skills through higher education. There is justified frustration/anger resulting from the economic stress and this evidences itself through our social stress. Not seeing hope, those who supported Trump in 2016, wanted to believe in his promises to address the needs and clean out the swamp of those who had brought on the economic stress (unfortunately, they did not read/study Trump’s historical background or they would have seen a record of a man far out of his depth to be given such a government position). What alternative was offered by the other major party candidate … more of the same policies that have brought on the stress. Unless the mass of American working middle class citizen voters turn out to support a raising of the minimum wage, instituting a national healthcare program like all other developed democratic countries provide for their citizens, lowering the costs of gaining more knowledge through higher education (benefiting both individuals and American business) and protecting Social Security/Medicare … I predict the madness will continue as there will be no needed relief for the working middle class upon which and hope of a participatory democracy depends.

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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Trump is what it is.

But why are all those GOP politicians and (I read somewhere) over 60,000,000 voters still supporting his impossible claims?

He has no chance. And that is obvious. What are they waiting for?

The world laughs about America. What a banana republic.

A lot of Americans laugh about your claim of actually being able to read the minds of over 60 million people. Also the amount of people like yourself that still don’t get it. 

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14 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Federal Judge threw out the Pennsylvania lawsuit.

Tired of losing Trump?

Trump campaign’s lawsuit over US election results dismissed by Pennsylvania district court

A US judge has delivered a scathing response to Donald Trump team’s “haphazardly stitched together” case to challenge the US election.


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america is doomed.


Huntington Beach protest targets California’s coronavirus curfew

On Thursday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a new overnight curfew for the state that was to begin Saturday night


At a simultaneous rally in San Clemente, Calif., demonstrators were seen gathered around a fire, with members of the crowd tossing protective face coverings into the flames.


"Burn that mask! Burn that mask!" crowd members were heard shouting.





Edited by Scott
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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I think the adage is that one needs a long spoon to sup with the devil. There's no doubt China wants to become the Middle Kingdom again, and put the humiliations of centuries to bed.

Australians have been spending our blood and treasure in support of America's military adventures for decades, and we don't get much for it apart from over-priced military equipment and an alliance of dubious worth. Maybe it's time for Australia to focus more on Australian needs. Much of our export income comes from China, it has kept us from recession.

Realpolitik says Australia functions as a validator of American ambitions, a strategic communications base, and an easy source of income, thanks to our lax tax laws. The US capital investment in Australia is more than any other country has.

I'm not advocating a complete abandonment of ties with America. However, maintaining those ties will be a lot easier if Biden becomes President on January 20. With Trump still there, it's Looney Tunes time.

I agree that every country on the planet should strive to be militarily and economically independent. The harsh truth is most of them cannot readily achieve that goal independently, and fair trade and cooperation benefit all nations. If an alliance with America is not beneficial then it should be abandoned. Sooner or later most of the world will have to choose alignment with Western nations led by America, or with China; China is forcing the issue. The devil you know may be much better than the one you already suspect you know. China does not have your best interests at heart by offering to build your electrical grid, manage your ports, and build your telecom industry and your government has twigged to that already.


Trump has crippled America, and my history on this forum is rife with criticism for the Americans that elected him. It's not an accident that I retired and got on a plane to Bangkok in November 2016. I am established here, own property, investments, and plan to stay. We have recognized our lack of attention in letting this crackpot seize control of the presidency, but will not be so negligent again any time soon. Hopefully the Republican party will suffer some losses in the midterms, as they richly deserve. America has made some real mistakes, but has the ability to significantly contribute to the world peace and prosperity. It should be clear that a large majority of people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump.


The CCP has less scruples than Trump and is blatantly bent on global domination. If America had had that goal it would have already achieved it and China would not be a threat. America soundly defeated Japan and then turned it into a powerhouse of industry; China will not do that with any country dominates. Look at what it has done already for Africa which is on the verge of becoming a satellite nation to China. If America investment is strong in Australia it is all about profit, not about politics. China's interest has nothing to do with money, it's all about power and resources.


So use a long spoon, but be careful about who else you invite to the table. America may not be your friend but it doesn't want to gobble you up.

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11 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I do not know what the outcome will be. The outside world is hoping this farce will end soon, with Biden installed as president.

I do know one thing. I will regard every American as potentially a corrupt, lying, deluded conspiracy theorist, because there will be a 47.2% chance they are. I also know if Trump succeeds, the rest of the world's democracies will need to forget about America as an ally. The man is a cancer on democracy.


By the numbers:  Roughly 80m voted for Biden, 74m for Trump. There are 328m Americans.  There are 47m Republicans (14% of the US population). Roughly half the Republicans (or roughly 7% of the US population) may think Trump should have won, but even that doesn't make all 7% of them corrupt lying, deluded conspiracy theorists.


So where do you get your 47.2% chance?

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