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High-income tourists to return next year despite K-shaped recovery: TDRI


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High income people with any sense are preparing to buy up assets below true value in fair game countries when the smelly stuff hits the covid fan


Access to assets located in Thailand are reserved for thai elites by the thai elites


why would any wealthy person with any sense spend longer than a couple weeks on an all inclusive island resort.

Edited by NightSky
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21 hours ago, webfact said:

He prescribed three ways to improve the Thai government’s efficiency – eradicating corruption, reforming laws and regulations, and improving government services.

Thailand has a cargo cult government, which thinks that if it orders its bureaucrats to develop plans for some sort of progress, that progress will magically happen.



Edited by RickBradford
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21 hours ago, webfact said:

He prescribed three ways to improve the Thai government’s efficiency – eradicating corruption, reforming laws and regulations, and improving government services.

he's incorrect and missed the 4th way,.... eradicate/remove/get rid of current government is the 1st step to any potential improvement, once that is achieved the next 3 steps should be easy to follow

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1 hour ago, Rancid said:

Often the wealthy are also reasonably well educated or have access to insider knowledge. Even the CDC has stated that these vaccines seem to knock people around quite a lot, in fact they are for most far worse than the virus. Likewise it will take quite a while for the side effects, particularly on the immune system to become apparent. Then toss in the company studies are not peer reviewed, the best results published have been in the strongest younger age groups, the older group reactions haven't been released.


As such I would expect these high earners to avoid the vaccine like the plague, they will wait and see what happens in the longer term to the serfs before getting jabbed. These people love their money and being able to spend it, they wont take any chances with their health.


3 billion vaccines? Do the math on the profits to be made and then one can understand why there is such a massive media and government push for it.

Spreading these kinds of unsubstantiated theories isn’t really helping. 

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21 hours ago, welshguy said:

“The arrival of vaccines will enable Thailand and other countries to open for tourism. We calculate the first group of tourists to visit Thailand will be high-earners, as they will be among the first to obtain the vaccine commercially,” he added.


It will be free in the U.K. (and most other countries I imagine)...Yet more drivel ...from people who should know better!


These "experts" just spout of any old tosh that comes into their heads, plucking figures out of the air it seems.


Obsessed with "high income tourists" etc....when this is all over ...they should be grateful for ANY tourism..............of course they wont....This just goes on and on like a never ending circle...Another day? More drive,l more nonsense and more made up "figures! of how much tourists are going to plough into Thailand...............Yeah right!

But the wealthy people have already spent their money  by booking their holiday venture in the country where they live .Little is spent on Thailand . There's no overnight your , eating outside the hotel . There's no need to as everything has been pre paid for. 

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1 minute ago, Percy P said:

But the wealthy people have already spent their money  by booking their holiday venture in the country where they live .Little is spent on Thailand . There's no overnight tour , eating outside the hotel . There's no need to as everything has been pre paid for.

It's ordinary tourists who are supporting the Thai people  not the rich. 


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18 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You insulted us. You demeaned us. You accused us of being evil, and you accused us of being criminals. You mounted campaigns touting us as bad for the nation. You demonstrated deplorable amounts of racism and xenophobia, and fear of the outside world.

Wow, they'll be saying we're all paranoid and sensitive next!

No one has any of those things to me. 



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5 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

Follow Estonia "leaping forward after the government applied digital technology to all its services". Have they not heard of Singapore which leads the way and sets the GolD Standard globally in online Citizen to Gov't services and is actually in ASEAN?

Hong Kong the same. 

EVERYTHING is done using ID card.....banking, Govt services, hospitals, driving licences, business registrations etc.. 

Has been for decades.


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On 11/27/2020 at 9:09 AM, androokery said:

Wealthy people may - and probably will - be able to buy the vaccine and bypass the government mandated order of distribution. But not in droves, so it won't have much impact on who comes to Thailand first. 


The first planes will be full of old, sick people - and the morbidly obese... since they are all part of the vulnerable groups. If you follow the logic of Somkiat. 




I think DLock was hinting at the Thai hiso approach to distributing the vaccine domestically ... an act of projection i.e. imagining the rest of the world would do it that way. What a mindset ...

Edited by BusyB
neurotic spell checker
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22 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

All of that has happened under Prayuth. Big Joke, Anutin and other bigots have insulted us incessantly. In the press. It is all there. It has calmed down now. At least publicly. I rarely ever feel any xenophobia from the Thai public. I feel it often from this administration and the government offices. 

I was going to reply to your original post, but this says basically what I was going to say.

As a tourist, I have only once felt insulted as a foreigner in Thailand, but I have several friends who live in Thailand and their feelings are similar to yours, especially the 3 who speak reasonable Thai and therefore know more of what is being said about them.

As much as I'm looking forward to returning to Thailand someday, I'm glad I never made the permanent move.

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20 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

All of that has happened under Prayuth. Big Joke, Anutin and other bigots have insulted us incessantly. In the press. It is all there. It has calmed down now. At least publicly. I rarely ever feel any xenophobia from the Thai public. I feel it often from this administration and the government offices. 


It ain't xenophobia, you're just one of the great unwashed generally. It's also what they think of their own people as well.


I too have never experienced xenophobia from the average Thai Joe or Jane ...

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6 hours ago, mikebell said:

Only high-earning dog-lovers will want to come to Thailand in preference to countries that rid the streets of packs of disease-spreading, accident -causing, child-savaging, sleep-depriving vermin.

Not a dog lover then?

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

All of that has happened under Prayuth. Big Joke, Anutin and other bigots have insulted us incessantly. In the press. It is all there. It has calmed down now. At least publicly. I rarely ever feel any xenophobia from the Thai public. I feel it often from this administration and the government offices. 

Interesting. Firstly, the English language press misquoted/mistranslated(although not by mistake) what Anutin said. He was perfectly correct in what he said about farang not wearing and refusing free masks. 

Secondly, not sure what the head of immigration said but this year I've become a naturalized Thai citizen and the process has never been easier/faster. This is under Prayut, and Anupong(interior minister). Strange if they are anti foreigner. 

Other PMs were more anti foreigners with Taksin, for example raising visas/ectensions by 300%, and raising Permanent Residency by 800%.

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On 11/27/2020 at 2:46 PM, webfact said:

He said Thailand should learn from Estonia, which has been leaping forward after the government applied digital technology to all its services, enabling citizens to complete any government-related transaction using only an ID card.

Wasn't Estonia comprehensively stuffed a couple of years ago when someone (not the Russians of course - they would never do anything like that) hacked that system and shut it down?

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On 11/27/2020 at 9:09 AM, androokery said:

Wealthy people may - and probably will - be able to buy the vaccine and bypass the government mandated order of distribution. But not in droves, so it won't have much impact on who comes to Thailand first. 


The first planes will be full of old, sick people - and the morbidly obese... since they are all part of the vulnerable groups. If you follow the logic of Somkiat. 



And I'm old and fat and cant wait.

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56 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Oh, so you've flown on the Dubai/Gulf States to Bangkok legs as well then?

I have, both Emirates and Qatar, but I don’t remember sitting next to someone very old, very sick or very fat. The last one I would have remembered. Please, obese people: if you fly economy, buy two tickets. Or there WILL be a scene if you’re seated next to me. 

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