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Thailand NOT opening up to mass tourism until next year - mandatory quarantine to stay in place


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1 hour ago, Deli said:

And the numbers of suicides due to running out of money will rise. Just complete madness.

The whole country shutting down again is complete madness.

All factories, import/export businesses can operate so the majority can work to make a living.

Thailand has 70 million residents to take care of resorts via domestic travel.. if the price was right.

Edited by hotchilli
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2 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Thailand should distribute enough money to those in desperate need .

Instead of spending billions on projects that could easily be delayed for some time  ...


You mean, like submarines? The Thai waters are not even deep enough to support a submarine. Such a egregious blatant waste.

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Interesting. Was just in Chiang khan, Thursday & Friday. The place was packed. During the week not so much. 


Have been several times this past 6 months and noticed many of the popular hotels etc, renovating, adding parking, painting, and other upgrades. 


Around us in Nong Khai, not so much. Although there seems to ve some excitement around the rail station and the China/Laos link. 


People are hurting around us. Many not working (not that many did before as most are lazy), but those wanting to work are finding it difficult. 

Another major shut down i think would be devastating for some. 


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It seems that a few here just do not understand how it really works. All the speculation by the various ministers about tourism and actually anything else means nothing. The real person in charge is the PM unless he says it or gives the go ahead to look into it it will not happen. Stop listening to minister so and so because they are just flapping

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March at the earliest

Several airlines have already canceled March international flights to Bangkok. But April flights are as normal. April 2021 is also more likely because it would be a year since the lockdowns started, plus April is in the second quarter of the year, March is in the first quarter. Economic planners like to work in quarters.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:


Pipat said that 14 day quarantine would continue for now with many countries still in the grip of the pandemic.


They should annonce what they will do when people are vaccinated in 2021. Will they keep quarantine, insurance, etc??

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1 hour ago, Dialemco said:

The reason maybe that China and South Korea suffering a second wave which maybe far worse than the first as no substantial herd immunity few local infections during the first wave. Is this about to happen to Thailand?

No second wave happening in China, 1245 in hospital.  Same as before give or take.

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9 minutes ago, daejung said:


They should annonce what they will do when people are vaccinated in 2021. Will they keep quarantine, insurance, etc??

Thailand has not ordered many vaccines so will have little effect as majority Thai population will not be vaccinated

 Looks like opening 2022 earliest

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1 minute ago, Traubert said:

No second wave happening in China, 1245 in hospital.  Same as before give or take.

Hope you are right but figures do not add up China unlikely to announce true number of infections same as they did with the first wave

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Nice and quiet in Lam Plai Mat, I am all for keeping it that way, I like the figures for Thailand and do not want them to change, by allowing mass tourism yet.


As Brucec64 said, I quote:- "Nobody is "stuck" outside. There is a clear path for anyone who wants to work through the process and the quarantine and associated costs. I know of many who have done it. It's a choice to stay outside."


For a single person this is not hard to do, if he or she has a family or a loved one here and wants to return, also not very expensive. But I think the 14 days quarantine should be mandatory even for returning Thais.

Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 14.08.25.png

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10 hours ago, Brad88 said:

Pick a month...any month...it doesn't matter. Grab the chalk and write this on the blackboard a thousand times, Mr. Pipat: "Mandatory quarantine = no tourism."

I think he knows that. I think he also knows that the virus is still present, and indeed increasing, in many parts of the world. And that every single place that has eased restrictions has seen a dramatic rise in cases. Of course many thousands are losing their job, maybe even everything they have, in Thailand in and many, many other countries too. Of course it's a toss-up between that and untold thousands more dying. There is no right answer to the conundrum, but I guess saving lives wins over economic survival. Are the precautions overkill? Maybe, but as I said, those places that have eased off have suffered and just go into a cycle of lockdown-opening up-lockdown.

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1 hour ago, daejung said:

They should annonce what they will do when people are vaccinated in 2021. Will they keep quarantine, insurance, etc??


1 hour ago, Dialemco said:

Thailand has not ordered many vaccines so will have little effect as majority Thai population will not be vaccinated

 Looks like opening 2022 earliest

I was speaking of vaccinated foreigners wanting to enter Thailand, not of vaccinated people in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, mbenson said:

I think they have done a great job with keeping people healthy, but one needs to wonder whether these policies are rooted in rational scientific reasoning or in xenophobia and an agenda to chase white foreigners out of Thailand to cement China's hegemony in the region. 



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12 minutes ago, hydraides said:

Sigh, the initial lockdowns were just too 'flatten the curve' yet nearly the whole world has closed its borders and crashed their economies for a virus with 99%+ survival rates


Could understand if it was Ebola, but seriously what is the point in this nonsense?




In our area the spiel was all so the hospitals didnt get inundated,

yet the hospitals have sat empty althroughout and nothing has changed many months later..


only workers being laid of, and people going without surgery and care.

Its lunacy.

Nothing to fear but fear itself

has never been more fitting.


Unfortunately there are to many idiot, scared, brainwashed sheeple buying into people like Fauci, propagating doomsday scenarios.


Even when the infection rates drop,

IMO the hardest part will be getting people to "unthink" this silly irrational fear.

If no-one got it, you cant catch it..might be a good Tshirt


Look at Australia.

No-one allowed out.

The prime-minister who obviously hasnt got it (why not just get tested anyway?)

has got to go in quarantine for no reason at all.

Complete idiocy.


Im just glad I've realised a positive aspect for being old and on the way out????

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