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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Why is the UK still negotiating and talking to us four years after they said they wanted to leave?

Just go, it's all we want.


  We've gone , left on 20th January 2020 .

The UK is currently in the process of making trade deals with various Countries and trading blocs, which you are one of .

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17 minutes ago, bannork said:

The EU is not a country, it's a single FTA market, and that is what it is determined to protect. 

Its strange that the Brexiteers don't seem to want to compete on fair grounds. I never saw the problem of upholding certain minimum standards for environment and labor and state support.  If the standards are too low they can always have higher standards. 


But if the Brits have so much of a problem with it they probably want lower standards.. worse standards for those working and the environment. Bit like a 3rd world country. 

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its strange that the Brexiteers don't seem to want to compete on fair grounds. I never saw the problem of upholding certain minimum standards for environment and labor and state support.  If the standards are too low they can always have higher standards. 


But if the Brits have so much of a problem with it they probably want lower standards.. worse standards for those working and the environment. Bit like a 3rd world country. 

I know you are just trying to stir the pot Rob but in most cases our standards are much higher than the EUs, why should we have to lower our standards just to suit the EU. 

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17 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its strange that the Brexiteers don't seem to want to compete on fair grounds. I never saw the problem of upholding certain minimum standards for environment and labor and state support.  If the standards are too low they can always have higher standards. 


But if the Brits have so much of a problem with it they probably want lower standards.. worse standards for those working and the environment. Bit like a 3rd world country. 

Fair? What's fair about following the EU's laws?


Maybe we should propose they follow all our laws seeing as many of our standards are actually higher than theirs. See what they say. What's the problem Michel? You want to keep lower standards? Tsk tsk.

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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

I know you are just trying to stir the pot Rob but in most cases our standards are much higher than the EUs, why should we have to lower our standards just to suit the EU. 

Exactly. It's about control, not standards. 

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10 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

Tee Hee - so another Bojo blustering bravado deadline comes and goes ...another red line turns into a diluted pink 


Get Brexit done ????????????


Wait, are you saying that Boris is extending the deadline again? how we didn't see that one coming ????

Edited by GrandPapillon
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5 hours ago, petermik said:


A kind of Singapore on Thames is exactly what is feared most in Berlin and this is why Germany will do everything it takes to avoid a trade war and to get Monsieur Barnier and France off their high horse.

It seems BJ is holding the far better cards....:thumbsup:

pipedream ????

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8 minutes ago, bannork said:

The mere 37 % of the electorate that voted to leave never told The PM how to leave. One reason the referendum was stupid.

there was a need for a 2nd referendum, quite suspicious and stupid of Theresa May of not going for it, maybe it would have saved her job, the silly bint ???? 

Edited by GrandPapillon
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2 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

The EU side can't say they won't extend the deadline because that would be an exit strategy for Boris to blame the EU


so at the end, the extension is on the UK side, and Boris just blinked publicly in broad daylight


UK: -1, EU: 2

The word is the EU have made some concessions hence talks extended

UK 2 EU 0

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7 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

The word is the EU have made some concessions hence talks extended

UK 2 EU 0

naahh, Boris blinked, the EU deal was always the same, they can't change terms without the EU27 approval, and that time has gone already


Boris has just showed his hand, the EU knows it, the World knows it, and his fans know it


he is not going to be able to do his little dance for another 2 weeks, nobody is looking at it anymore ????

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8 minutes ago, robblok said:

If that is the case then BJ would have agreed already as there would be no problem. There is never a problem having better standards. The only reason not to agree is if your standards are lower.


Its all about logic, something missing in your post. 

But that IS the case. Our standards are higher in many areas so let the EU follow us if alignment is so important to them.


However, we already told you the real reason. The EU wants continued control over the UK whereas the UK wants control over it's own laws. That is the crux of the issue. Not who has the highest standards. That's a red herring.

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7 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

naahh, Boris blinked, the EU deal was always the same, they can't change terms without the EU27 approval, and that time has gone already


Boris has just showed his hand, the EU knows it, the World knows it, and his fans know it


he is not going to be able to do his little dance for another 2 weeks, nobody is looking at it anymore ????

You need to get out more you you search the internet you will see that the EU has made some concessions hence talks extended

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10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

But that IS the case. Our standards are higher in many areas so let the EU follow us if alignment is so important to them.


However, we already told you the real reason. The EU wants continued control over the UK whereas the UK wants control over it's own laws. That is the crux of the issue. Not who has the highest standards. That's a red herring.

Here is a good example which the UK is able to do now its now longer in the EU

England and Wales to ban live animal exports in European first

Previously, EU rules prevented any changes to these journeys, but leaving the EU has enabled the UK government to pursue these plans,” Defra said.



Will the EU implement similar changes to their rules

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54 minutes ago, bannork said:

The mere 37 % of the electorate that voted to leave never told The PM how to leave. One reason the referendum was stupid.

Two choices......... Remain or Leave, 52% of the electorate told the govt to leave, and despite 3 years of the remainers tantrums and trying to overturn a democratic vote, they failed.

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47 minutes ago, robblok said:

If that is the case then BJ would have agreed already as there would be no problem. There is never a problem having better standards. The only reason not to agree is if your standards are lower.


Its all about logic, something missing in your post. 

The EU still want to control us, the have said that if they change a rule and the UK doesn't comply that they want the power to punish us. Does that sound like regaining our sovereignty?

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