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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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1 hour ago, Tofer said:


That is a matter of opinion. Just because you label him a far right nationalist, does not mean his statements are incorrect.



I don't label him.

The party consider themselves as Nationalist, Eurosceptic, with the desire to cooperate with PEGIDA.

He is one of the many who express his personal opinion in the European Parliament.

That his statement is correct or incorrect, is a matter of opinion.


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40 minutes ago, vogie said:

You could talk about the topic and not other posters, any clearer now.

still unclear


this is a discussion forum, and these few selected posters are strongly engaged in this debate, how in the world should it be forbidden to tag them? 


This is indeed a matter of concern to them


Now they might be unable and/or not wish to give their own opinion, it's up to them.



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32 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Don't let facts get in the way.


He's a hardcore nationalist so the fact the guy could be construed as "foreign" is enough for him and his ilk.

We have always been at war with Eastasia. 

Edited by RuamRudy
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16 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

No, I am highlighting the utter hypocrisy of Brexit, and the cronyism and corruption that is endemic from the PM down, which makes a mockery of this whole concept of 'taking back control', not that any brexiteer has ever been able to define what that actually meant.


How about some facts then, instead of opinionated hyperbole, since that's quite some defamation of the PM.


And if you don't know what "taking back control" means since 4.5 years of debate and explanation which is as clear as the nose on the end of your face, then there's no hope. 

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16 minutes ago, Tofer said:

despite the labels.


Never understood, and still don't, why there is some kind of defensive attitude when  someone is called right-winger, as if that is something terrible.


When I was much younger (60-70's) it was indeed silly to be right minded, everyone was a leftist because it was "cool" and "in fashion".


Now being much older, I am not an extreme right-winger ( nor an extreme-left one) but I agree with some "Right" principles as I agree with some "Left" ones.


I my opinion one can only be labelled as " bigot/radical" when one claim that one side is always right/correct, and the other always wrong.


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4 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

Never understood, and still don't, why there is some kind of defensive attitude when  someone is called right-winger, as if that is something terrible.


Well why raise the point of his leanings, as if it's some excuse for his opinion, when it's clearly, in your mind, irrelevant? Why not simply address his statements with an educated counter conviction. ????

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17 minutes ago, Tofer said:

Sorry guys, I must bow out from this brief interlude in my holiday planning and packing.


Please forgive me if I don't respond to your future comments, I'll be on the road... ???? ????

Running away from Brexit I expect.

Barnier told the UK way back in February it was impossible to have a Canada style deal.

I propose we call the deal a Zimbabwe style deal rather than Australia.

Sad to see the UK achieving Third World status, UNICEF having to assist hungry children. Their work is going to increase ten fold after Brexit 

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5 minutes ago, bannork said:

Running away from Brexit I expect.

Barnier told the UK way back in February it was impossible to have a Canada style deal.

I propose we call the deal a Zimbabwe style deal rather than Australia.

Sad to see the UK achieving Third World status, UNICEF having to assist hungry children. Their work is going to increase ten fold after Brexit 


  That was a publicity stunt by UNICEF .

Whoever decided that the UK kids needed food, moreso that many other hungry kids in the World , really needs to get sacked .

   He is depriving genuinely hungry kids in the World a meal and giving the food to a Country where its not needed just for publicity .

  He needs to go

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54 minutes ago, Tofer said:


Well why raise the point of his leanings, as if it's some excuse for his opinion, when it's clearly, in your mind, irrelevant? Why not simply address his statements with an educated counter conviction. ????


Irrelevant !

Never wrote that.


Not representative, yes.


But I concede I should haven written, "not representative for everyone".


Some, in the European Parliament, if not many, will agree with him;

as some, if not many, will disagree.


About the promises/statements of Politicians, I consider them all as null and of no value.


What is real and concrete, are the final results.


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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


  That was a publicity stunt by UNICEF .

Whoever decided that the UK kids needed food, moreso that many other hungry kids in the World , really needs to get sacked .

   He is depriving genuinely hungry kids in the World a meal and giving the food to a Country where its not needed just for publicity .

  He needs to go

It was a publicity stunt....why? Because Rees-Mogg told you it was?....Publicity for what? Are they selling something?


So you think no kids in the UK go hungry?......Unbelievable....What on Earth do you think free school meals and breakfast clubs are all about.....a generous way of getting rid of rich Tory leftovers...a few crumbs from the table?

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22 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

It was a publicity stunt....why? Because Rees-Mogg told you it was?....Publicity for what? Are they selling something?


So you think no kids in the UK go hungry?......Unbelievable....What on Earth do you think free school meals and breakfast clubs are all about.....a generous way of getting rid of rich Tory leftovers...a few crumbs from the table?


   They gave £ 25 000 to ONE London borough .


So, all the UK hungry kids were all in the same place ?

Will that small amount of money stop all the "hunger "

Why not open up feeding places all over the UK ?

I can absolutely guarantee that there are many more , millions more kids in the world who are in more need of that food 

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2 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   They gave £ 25 000 to ONE London borough . You have to start somewhere and this borough is the first to be just on the edge of cancelling free school meals.


So, all the UK hungry kids were all in the same place ? Doh!

Will that small amount of money stop all the "hunger " Will it stop some?....Yes, so that is a bonus.

Why not open up feeding places all over the UK ? Not all councils are running out of money (yet)

I can absolutely guarantee that there are many more , millions more kids in the world who are in more need of that food

I can imagine there are, but does this kind of donation ever reach them or help them? 


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46 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Publicity for what? Are they selling something?


UNICEF are  publicly seeking donations in the U.K from the General Public .

The £ 25 K worth of food they gave to the UK , wouldnt pay for much advertising .

They did it as a stunt to advertise themselves and receive more in donations 

Edited by CorpusChristie
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12 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

A much larger 'cunning stunt' than you first imagined.....


Unicef is providing grants of between £5,000 and £25,000, with more than £700,000 being made available in total to 30 community organisations to fund projects for children and families.


“For some of the projects in question, the funding is distributed via a council, but the majority of the grants are being made directly to community organisations,” she said. “In Southwark, the funding has gone directly to School Food Matters, a community organisation.”


  If charities feel that the UK is the Country that in  most need of donations , the UK should stop giving aid to other Countries and spend the money on UK kids .

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