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Cabinet acknowledges traffic accident reduction plan for New Year


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14 minutes ago, webfact said:

Performance indicators will include the number of accidents, fatalities and injured persons.

The five measures to prevent road accidents include management, reducing risk factors associated with roads and the environment, reducing risk factors associated with vehicles, promoting road safety among road users, and providing assistance following an accident.

Don't they do that now? 94 dead on Monday!


And after the NY holidays, every man for himself again.

Edited by KannikaP
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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai cabinet ministers have acknowledged a traffic accident reduction plan for the New Year, aimed at reducing the number of road accidents in red zones by at least 5 percent of the past

What a bloody joke, ha,ha ,ha, acknowledge all the plans you want, wont make any difference what so ever, it will be the usual carnage.

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Nothing in the article mentions having the police actually do their job, which just confirms the point I've been hammering on, on this forum, that the RTP are a separate franchise from the government/military and with rare and occasional exceptions are exempt from control, direction and oversight from the government. 

One exception that matters to us is that Immigration is part of the Police, and the government sometimes does introduce tweaks to the details of how Immigration operates, which the Police accept. But as far as traffic enforcement, nothing really happens.

What if the protestors pick this up as one of their demands, that the government/military exert control over Police operations?

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai cabinet ministers have acknowledged a traffic accident reduction plan

They're not going to do anything but recognise/acknowledge the result of thousands of free lunches/travel expenses.  Thailand officials are always mulling/planning but NEVER implementing. If they had a police force that cracked down on speeding the 5% reduction would easily be achieved.

Look at the figures for Monday of this week!

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It is not the cabinet we are concerned about .

This come & goes every year without any action except road block stops for checks which are as useless as tits on a bull. Until they bite the bullet, put mufti cops on the road & the Police Commander gets real about his boys working & not just lining their pockets the carnage will continue sadly


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19 hours ago, welshguy said:

Its quite sad really.


Thousands of lives are ruined each year on Thai roads.


Its going to take years and it will be a monumental task, to drastically reduce the number of road deathes/crashes in Thailand.


Training? Virtually non existent.


Road  "sense"? Virtually non existent


Driving dangerously overloaded? Happens all the time.


Children driving motorbikes, with 2, 3 or more on the motorbike? Daily occurence?


Wearing of crash helmets on motorbikes or safety belts in cars?  Everyday occurence.


Driving whilst drunk? Very common , wear an amulet , and "I safe"!  This DOES happen.


Tailgating?  Seems to be a very common  thing.


U-turns?  Where does one start?!


Stopping at a red light?  Not foreverybody.


"Policing" of roads etc?  Very little, and not effective at all.


People sat in the back of pick ups?  Daily occurence.


Etc. Etc.


I could go on and on, but Ive got a dentist appointment soon!


Im in no way suggesting its an easy task to achieve ...........in any country.......in Thailand though....it will be a huge task to get the number of deaths on Thai roads down to an "acceptable" level.


In the U.K. for example...drink driving was much more common in the  60s and 70s....it took years and years of action, to get the drink driving level down...Thats just one factor.......Thailand has MANY factors to take into account....God help them..............They certainly need it....surely........ something has to be done to stop or at least lessen the number of crashes/deaths on the Thai roads?


Please pay attention while in the list, you also have the drivers going in emergency to the dentist ????????

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

The government, the private sector, military units, civic groups, local administrations, communities, villages, volunteers and members of the public will be involved in minimizing risk factors associated with road accidents, including people, vehicles, road conditions and the environment.


Or they could try having traffic police enforce traffic laws. Just a thought.

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7 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Not my wife and daughter certainly. The normality of it is ingrained in them.


Good point. I often forget what's strange to us might be normal to them and vice versa. 

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20 hours ago, welshguy said:

Its quite sad really.


Thousands of lives are ruined each year on Thai roads.


Its going to take years and it will be a monumental task, to drastically reduce the number of road deathes/crashes in Thailand.


Training? Virtually non existent.


Road  "sense"? Virtually non existent


Driving dangerously overloaded? Happens all the time.


Children driving motorbikes, with 2, 3 or more on the motorbike? Daily occurence?


Wearing of crash helmets on motorbikes or safety belts in cars?  Everyday occurence.


Driving whilst drunk? Very common , wear an amulet , and "I safe"!  This DOES happen.


Tailgating?  Seems to be a very common  thing.


U-turns?  Where does one start?!


Stopping at a red light?  Not foreverybody.


"Policing" of roads etc?  Very little, and not effective at all.


People sat in the back of pick ups?  Daily occurence.


Etc. Etc.


I could go on and on, but Ive got a dentist appointment soon!


Im in no way suggesting its an easy task to achieve ...........in any country.......in Thailand though....it will be a huge task to get the number of deaths on Thai roads down to an "acceptable" level.


In the U.K. for example...drink driving was much more common in the  60s and 70s....it took years and years of action, to get the drink driving level down...Thats just one factor.......Thailand has MANY factors to take into account....God help them..............They certainly need it....surely........ something has to be done to stop or at least lessen the number of crashes/deaths on the Thai roads?

i am SURE you have forgotten some points.........!!!

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