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The week that was in Thailand news: Thailand’s moonshot: Lofty goal more like an own goal


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And in other news, a Fox opinion host, Paul Dobbs, has debunked his own claims of election fraud on American television. Apparently Smartmatic, the electronic voting company that supplies California with its products, has sent letters of demand to all news outlets claiming election fraud with their machines. The word defamation is being used, which sends shivers up the spines of corporate executives, in a different world to here.


Specifically, the company charged that: "Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic. Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by [the late former president of Venezuela] Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 US election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes."


In the legal letter, Smartmatic included multiple segments from Dobbs's primetime show as examples of "false and defamatory statements/implications," with some comments coming from Dobbs himself - Dobbs said on November 18 that the company is comprised of "left-wing radicals" - and others from guests like Giuliani and one-time Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell.



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If the Higher Education minister wishes to shoot for the stars perhaps he could start with addressing an area more closely related to his portfolio and explain Thailand’s appallingly low positions ( 66th / 56th/ 53rd) in the Mathematics ,Science and Reading sections of the PISA educational tables with scores well below OECD averages. 

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I don't see what all the fuss is about the moon shot. Thailand can just commission China to do it for them. I'm sure the Chinese will offer favourable interest rates. Just paint a Chinese rocket in Thai colours and bob's your uncle (whatever that saying means).



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13 hours ago, Lacessit said:

And in other news, a Fox opinion host, Paul Dobbs, has debunked his own claims of election fraud on American television. Apparently Smartmatic, the electronic voting company that supplies California with its products, has sent letters of demand to all news outlets claiming election fraud with their machines. The word defamation is being used, which sends shivers up the spines of corporate executives, in a different world to here.


Specifically, the company charged that: "Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic. Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by [the late former president of Venezuela] Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 US election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes."


In the legal letter, Smartmatic included multiple segments from Dobbs's primetime show as examples of "false and defamatory statements/implications," with some comments coming from Dobbs himself - Dobbs said on November 18 that the company is comprised of "left-wing radicals" - and others from guests like Giuliani and one-time Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell.



Defamation suites rarely are effective.

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12 hours ago, rumak said:

And a happy and healthy Holiday Season to all !    I never quite understood the meaning of "holiday season" as

in my little universe I always felt that every day was just as wonderful as any other ....... or miserable, depending

on the events of the day. 

And from this particular curmudgeon I would like to educate those with roose colored glasses that the art of critical thinking and discussion dates much further back than the life of the internet.   What is "right"  or "wrong"

on given subjects has twisted and turned more times over the ages than the modern human's daily swiping of their

god-phone.     Such a needy and lonely world they must live in that count happiness by the number of likes they get from posting a selfie with their Grab delivered meal of the day.

The "sensitivity" of our esteemed moderators cannot be discussed here ,  but i do hold closed door meetings with

my cabinet ( well, shelves to be honest)  where we the departed tell ghostly tales of freedom of expression and other such out of date subjects.

But ,  curmudgeon or not,  tiss the Season to be jolly and in that spirit i wish one and all the time honored curmudgeon greeting :


To prove my deepest sincerity I have gone one step further..... and broken my hip .  No shower fall for me,

I was on the basketball court and got floored by something big.  Not sure what / who it was as i never saw it coming.    So let the celebrations and Schadenfreude begin .     Peace and Love

That would be bah humbug.

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23 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Writing this column on Friday I was preparing for a trip to Pattaya. I hope the smog is better there!

From experience the smog is always a better quality in Pattaya. It comes in fresh from the countryside without being filtered through the heaving masses. TFIC



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18 hours ago, Mayhem11 said:

That would be bah humbug.

I never saw a bah humbug............... but have read many posts from people that are bah bah bore bores 


not pointing the finger at you of course,  as i do not have enough information at this juncture.



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On 12/20/2020 at 9:54 AM, Lacessit said:

And in other news, a Fox opinion host, Paul Dobbs, has debunked his own claims of election fraud on American television. Apparently Smartmatic, the electronic voting company that supplies California with its products, has sent letters of demand to all news outlets claiming election fraud with their machines. The word defamation is being used, which sends shivers up the spines of corporate executives, in a different world to here.


Specifically, the company charged that: "Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic. Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by [the late former president of Venezuela] Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 US election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes."


In the legal letter, Smartmatic included multiple segments from Dobbs's primetime show as examples of "false and defamatory statements/implications," with some comments coming from Dobbs himself - Dobbs said on November 18 that the company is comprised of "left-wing radicals" - and others from guests like Giuliani and one-time Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell.



Lou Dobbs is but one in the Fox news stooge crew.  Word has it that Rupert directed "the kids", a.k.a. nepotism redefined, to milk it for all you can whilst layering in the first stages of step back.


Time to again place/replace editorial to the end of newscasts rather than opening with it. 

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