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Prejudice and abuse of foreign workers "worse than ever" after Covid scare, reports Thai media


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9 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

While there are some horror stories, millions of Cambodian, Burmese and Laotians get a much better life working for higher wages in Thailand than back home. 

They are queuing up to get over here for the better life that they can only achieve by working in Thailand and dragging themselves out of Third World poverty.
No one else is giving them such an opportunity.


Good workers get decent wages. 500 baht per day is normal in Phangnga for a strong or skilled worker. Some work “per meter” and get a lot higher than that.

 500 baht per day is more than twice they would get for similar work in Burma if they could even find it, which they can’t.



I can’t find the part about the rose tinted glasses in the link. Perhaps a bit of artistic license? 

I made a trip thru Burma about 15 years ago. I went to a factory where the girls caeved the designs into laquer ware they were paid 300jakt a day or about 30 cents US plus room and board. They do make more money here.

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3 hours ago, moe666 said:

I made a trip thru Burma about 15 years ago. I went to a factory where the girls caeved the designs into laquer ware they were paid 300jakt a day or about 30 cents US plus room and board. They do make more money here.

I don't claim to be an expert, but after 8 years here based on what I've seen I agree that the horror stories are likely few and far between. The Cambodians in Koh Larn for example, when a kid got very sick the boss herself paid the hospital bills, and he ultimately died. Thai people in general are compassionate people, and the culture does not in any way visible to me foster the kind of malignant racism as is common in the US.

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I love Thailand and the Thai people which is why I go there all the time and have businesses there.
But the situation and conditions foreign labors have are horrific. I have seen it many times and especially when I did food help in April.
There are plenty of Thai workers available, but the contractors rather pay 1-200 bath a day instead of 400 bath a day, so they smuggle in foreign labors and kick them out the second it doesnt suite them anymore.
There are not a single Police officer or Government official that are not aware of where the camps are and what they are doing.
As long as Police salaries are so low, bribery so easy and Image and perception are more important than reality, nothing will change.

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familiar story.

i have worked abroad myself for years for better salary.


where the story ( parents) lost my symphaty was the mention of 3 children.

one who born into poverty should have enough hardship not wanting to have multiple kids dooming them to the same fate, poverty.

and it doesnt take a university degree to recognize this.

no wonder they will never break this cycle.

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10 hours ago, huangnon said:

The Burmese have been the historic "patsies" to blame for this nation's supposed ills for centuries now.

I wonder how many Thais returning from Germany (e.g.) have brought the virus back with them; unimpeded by checks and quarantines?

My guess would be zero as Thais arriving by air go into quarantine.

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6 hours ago, juice777 said:

I can't wait for The world to reopen so I can decide not to return to Thailand and go somewhere else on Holiday maybe Canda legal weed and great scenery.



I am not into weed but I agree on scenery. I just came back from a cruise from Budapest

to Amsterdam (before covid-19 started) absolutely amazing. Canada was on my bucket list

as well but I decided on Europe which I very well know and also the time I traveled .

Don't get me wrong, I lived in Thailand for many years but it became boring for me. Still

come to Thailand (not at the moment I can't) so I am not a Thailand basher.

All of you have a nice Christmas (If you believe in it)

Edited by Meat Pie 47
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5 hours ago, Aussiepeter said:

I have no idea where ChrisY1 lives, but it can't be in Australia. I brought my Thai wife to Oz for the first time in 2002 and as we strolled in Sydney she asked me "where are all the foreigners" as all she saw in the city area of Sydney, were Asians. Five more holiday visits, then after the pollution of LOS got me, we moved to the same quiet place that I grew up in Australia. My wife loves it. She has never encountered any racism whatsoever. None. Zilch. Yes, many Aussies are very <deleted> off at the Chinese at the moment, but then, the entire world should be. This little country town of 1500 souls has many Aussies married to migrants. My 10 y.o.daughters' best friends are mostly aboriginal, but one has a German mum and another has a Greek dad. My missus' best friends are Vietnamese and Cambodian girls and interestingly, the boss of the local blueberry farm, who is a mate of mine, says "he prefers Asian workers, as they don't whinge and they work hard". He is Australian, but his g/f is Thai.  If ever there was an example of a country where multiculturalism has worked, it is surely Australia. I lived in LOS for 25 years - many there, especially the wealthy, are a bunch of racist xenophobes. They dump on their poor cousins from Myanmar or Laos at any opportunity, but are more than happy to illegally employ them on subsistence wages to do jobs no Thai would touch. Now that IS racism. 

I agree with every thing, I lived now in Australia for over 40 years all my friends are immigrants

80% of them are Asian my wife is Asian so is my nephew   

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12 hours ago, bodga said:

Ive got two new Burmese  staff, they are slightly  better  than useless, some of them just dont have an ounce of brains  in their  heads.

We  told them everyday open the store room door and every  night close it, 1st few  days forgot to close it, yesterday closed it  but didnt lock it. Told them to water the  trees, all on sprinklers,  village water  supply was  off so we use our  own well but its  not really meant for  irrigation so Im a  bit careful of  over using  it.

Job is  open a tap and close it 4  minutes  later, they have a hand  held  timer we  supply otherwise  youll get either  too  little  or  too  much. Came  home last  night and theyd  left one of the sprinklers  open for  over an hour, I  only heard the water  running in the pipes  and had to hunt  down which one of the  taps was  left  open.

Asked her to clean the small  cooking house, she cleaned the floor and sink but forgot to do the worktop...its  4  foot  long and 2  foot  wide, thick with dust as its  outdoors.

Everything they do I  have to go and check it, they are the worst almost weve  had.

The reason for this  post is the woman complaining of abuse and being told  off by an employer continually but after seeing how some of  them work its  no wonder.

Their salary is 12k an 6k free  house etc etc motorbike rice, fish, electric. They have no order in them, a  bit here a bit there and a  bit forgotten is  normal.

Looking for new  staff after only 2 weeks ..................again.

Pay peanuts......

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19 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Karma will be when their economy completely collapses and there's mass protests throughout the country.


January will be epic.

The people have been getting screwed forever, even if they protest in numbers that could force change, and they obviously have'nt reached that to date, the army will mobilize and shoot them! 

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1 minute ago, bodga said:

No Im referring to the current  two  staff I  have at my  land


Many rich Thais have better slaves for their kids. The kids command them around and treat them like poo.


   The pay is shi_e and so are the circumstances. 


    Same goes for workers from Laos. When people have to go through hell, just to have an income for their families at home, they shouldn't be taken as scapegoats.


  Why do people here always have to blame others, but not the ones whose fault it is? 


    It's from a communist country as far as I remember, aren't they victims? Cheers. 





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16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Couldn't agree more. Before we start having a go at the Thai's, many should look at their home countries who have embraced xenephobia through Brexit, the rise of the far right in Europe and downright racism with Trump. 
Illegal immigrants (or just foreigners in general) have been the butt of political expediancy for centuries and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. 

Maybe we better just say that there are to many shortsighted and brainless people on this earth. You find them everywere. 

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22 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Meanwhile the richest 1% control 66% of the countries wealth! Why are there so many temples in Thailand???

And making them bigger and bigger jeez in our village they have new 2 huge high roof buildings big enough to take 3,000+ people, and more men wearing of the shoulder frocks than you can point a stick at.

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3 hours ago, huangnon said:


A lot of Thailand's economy depends on exploitation of immigrant labor from people fleeing tyranny and persecution in their own country.


They don't "complain about their rights". They have none.


Try a bit of empathy this Christmas.

did you read that the Thai goverment  are hunting  corrupt  thai officials  who let them in? i suppose that news just flys over your heads.


if they had no rights  then how come there are many legally  working????



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3 hours ago, huangnon said:


A lot of Thailand's economy depends on exploitation of immigrant labor from people fleeing tyranny and persecution in their own country.


They don't "complain about their rights". They have none.


Try a bit of empathy this Christmas.

so why blame the Thais?


they allow them to come  in and work and send money home.


maybe better just to ban all Burmese  would  that make you happier.


why not  blame  the Burmese  goverment  rather than the thai goverment 


they have right  they have rights to work and send money home


have some christmas  commonsense


i only care about  Thailand  and no other country 

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I live in a Thai village around 1 hour from the Myanmar border. It's a traditional 'village', not a modern, villas and swimming pools one. Consequently the population is around at least 70% Myanmar and Laos. Many are here a long time and now have grown up kids, born in Thai so over the years have acquired land and built homes. The village chief here is a good man and is always ensuring everyone is legal. Incidentally I have heard many times that the annual visa for a Myanmar is approx 10k Baht so I would not winge about our 1900 Baht. It's not big but spread out over a large area, so the impression is most days its a ghost town with little activity. For an idea of size the recent local district chief elections returned an turnout total of 4,500 voters.


However on market days you can see for yourself just how many migrant workers are here, as the markets are very busy, Most of the customers are from Myanmar and Laos. Barely hear a word of Thai including many of the vendors.


I can honestly say that the weallthy Thai employers treat their workers well, pay them the 300, or sometimes 400 baht per day and some even provide lunch and water for the farm workers. Many went home and reentered when covid settled down, but there was never any shortage of labour. As for Thai not wanting these jobs, the wifes brother has a music business for weddings, funerals etc, but when gatherings dried up he had no work but happily went to join the farm workers on the pickup. Most are his friends.


There may be abuse from some exploitative Thai in other places but I have never seen or heard of an example here.


In one incident a family friend from Myanmar was talked into a job in Bangkok, but he didn't, as we have to do, notify the authorities. He didn't get as far as Bangkok, was detained for a night and only got freed to return after the village chief vouched for him.



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17 minutes ago, Saltire said:

I live in a Thai village around 1 hour from the Myanmar border. It's a traditional 'village', not a modern, villas and swimming pools one. Consequently the population is around at least 70% Myanmar and Laos. Many are here a long time and now have grown up kids, born in Thai so over the years have acquired land and built homes. The village chief here is a good man and is always ensuring everyone is legal. Incidentally I have heard many times that the annual visa for a Myanmar is approx 10k Baht so I would not winge about our 1900 Baht. It's not big but spread out over a large area, so the impression is most days its a ghost town with little activity. For an idea of size the recent local district chief elections returned an turnout total of 4,500 voters.


However on market days you can see for yourself just how many migrant workers are here, as the markets are very busy, Most of the customers are from Myanmar and Laos. Barely hear a word of Thai including many of the vendors.


I can honestly say that the weallthy Thai employers treat their workers well, pay them the 300, or sometimes 400 baht per day and some even provide lunch and water for the farm workers. Many went home and reentered when covid settled down, but there was never any shortage of labour. As for Thai not wanting these jobs, the wifes brother has a music business for weddings, funerals etc, but when gatherings dried up he had no work but happily went to join the farm workers on the pickup. Most are his friends.


There may be abuse from some exploitative Thai in other places but I have never seen or heard of an example here.


In one incident a family friend from Myanmar was talked into a job in Bangkok, but he didn't, as we have to do, notify the authorities. He didn't get as far as Bangkok, was detained for a night and only got freed to return after the village chief vouched for him.



Your village sounds like a great place and I don’t doubt it’s exactly as you say. The abuse of migrant workers is I’d expect is more prevalent in towns and cities .

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