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Foreigners who have been vaccinated still need to quarantine


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On 12/31/2020 at 12:01 AM, ukrules said:


So when you've been vaccinated with two shots and a couple of months later decide to take a trip do you think quarantine is still applicable?


Lets assume massive percentages of many populations will be vaccinated before about September 2021 (they will be), come winter 2021 these people shouldn't need to quarantine and I'm going to suggest that they won't need to, all the rules will be very different by then.


In the first 3 quarters of 2021 I also suspect Thailand will receive almost zero tourists, so few that they will barely count.

In the uk evidently they will be issuing a card when you get your vaccinations,so if thailand are going to insist on quaraǹtine despite this it will be the final nail in the tourism industry.

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On 12/29/2020 at 8:39 AM, Natai Beach said:


When it is proven I am sure they will reverse this decision. Pretty sure they are not idiots. 

The UK has started vaccinations, but also just had their worst week for infections which will probably lead to the worst month for deaths in January and February and have a new mutant highly infectious strain that is now making itself around the world because of people traveling. 

The only countries who are vaccinating currently rushed into it out of need. So we don’t really want them here do we. 

If they don’t want to abide by Thailand’s rules, then bad luck, stay home. Look what happened at the Swiss ski resort.

I applaud this sensible decision. 



When exactly do you think they will PROVE the vaccine is effective?


The US is already reporting ALL kinds of bad side effects.



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On 12/30/2020 at 4:25 AM, TSF said:

Side effects when reported are a headache, a sore arm, feeling nauseous,  which may last for an hour or so to a couple of days. All these side effects are common with any vaccination, and often common with just having an injection or any serology test. None of these side effects are cause for concern. I had my first influenza shot in mid 2019 and it knocked me for 6, I felt terrible for 3-4 days, then everything was back to normal.



Your not a doctor and they may be of concern to the people that are allergic to the vaccine. The vaccine has not been out in the general public long enough to collect the proper evidence.


Saying this is no concern is irresponsible.

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15 hours ago, sirineou said:

So you think an Insurance actuary should assign the same risk factor for someone who is vaccinated and only has a 5% virus risk exposure and someone unvaccinated that has a 100% risk exposure.   

No, I never said that, you are making things up.

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On 12/31/2020 at 7:00 AM, sirineou said:

They had several months of tests on a large diverse population, didn't occur to them to check?

Yes, it occurred to them to check but according to Pfizer-BioNtech for instance, they realised that it would be logistically difficult and financially prohibitive to do the required testing on so many thousands of people on a frequent-enough basis to provide useful data, so they decided not to do it.


In one of the smaller arms of the Oxford-AstraZeneca phase 3 trials however, they did do sufficient testing to show an indication that the vaccine may be effective in reducing (or possibly even preventing) transmission, based on an observed reduction in asymptomatic cases.

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9 hours ago, kingdong said:

In the uk evidently they will be issuing a card when you get your vaccinations,so if thailand are going to insist on quaraǹtine despite this it will be the final nail in the tourism industry.

The only card they give you in the UK is a reminder for your 'second jab' appointment.


They've now cancelled most of the second jab appointments (if it's not been done already) and are are going to reschedule them many weeks later.

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10 hours ago, kingdong said:

In the uk evidently they will be issuing a card when you get your vaccinations,so if thailand are going to insist on quaraǹtine despite this it will be the final nail in the tourism industry.

I've got a yellow book that I needed when working offshore that details all the vaccinations received. Some were mandatory for entry into certain countries especially Africa. 


Saying that a vaccine card is a great idea by the UK. 

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5 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

I've got a yellow book that I needed when working offshore that details all the vaccinations received. Some were mandatory for entry into certain countries especially Africa. 


Saying that a vaccine card is a great idea by the UK. 

Had one myself got it in the late 70 s when i trave!!ed overland through africa ( only because i was too tight to buy an air ticket ) still got it agree with you good way to remember all the jabs and boosters you,ve had.

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On 12/29/2020 at 8:24 PM, ukrules said:

They're idiots, vaccination is the only way out of this mess and as such it's their ultimate goal yet it's obviously not good enough for them.


I suspect they will also be quarantining recovered patients as well, those who are immune to it?

Your suspicion is right. They think differently and common sense is also very different to ours. It's good to see the Chinese doctor in the photo.


        That gives all of us a much better and safer feeling. 

Edited by teacherclaire
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8 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

No, I never said that, you are making things up.

But a vaccinated person wanting to come to Thailand right now, also has to buy the same covid insurance as a unvaccinated person,  or am I wrong? 

The point I am trying to make, is that Yes you could still get Covid up to 14 days after exposure, but after 9 days the chance is miniscule.

Yes you might be able to get Covis if you were vaccinated but the chance is very small.

And Yes you might still be able to transmit covid when vaccinated , but at what rate?

So, every time you cross the street there is chance you could be hit by a car, but you still cross the street, it is called acceptable risk, with a high ratio of reward to risk. 



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On 12/29/2020 at 3:39 PM, Natai Beach said:

Once WHO accredits the vaccination with an International green passport, even Thailand will comply.



On 12/29/2020 at 3:39 PM, Natai Beach said:

When it is proven I am sure they will reverse this decision. Pretty sure they are not idiots. 

The UK has started vaccinations, but also just had their worst week for infections which will probably lead to the worst month for deaths in January and February and have a new mutant highly infectious strain that is now making itself around the world because of people traveling. 

The only countries who are vaccinating currently rushed into it out of need. So we don’t really want them here do we. 

If they don’t want to abide by Thailand’s rules, then bad luck, stay home. Look what happened at the Swiss ski resort.

I applaud this sensible decision. 




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On 12/29/2020 at 2:50 PM, rak sa_ngop said:

So where have you read that vaccinations are 100 % effective?


Enlighten us please.

The idiots are the pepole that will refuse to have the vaccine, the idiots are the people saying the vaccine will turn you into a monkey.

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55 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

So far, there is NO PROOF that vaccinated people can not pass on the virus.

This is CORRECT and the WHO has repeated this several times. We will know the truth only after several months. Until then we can expect ASQ to be required also for vaccinated people.

And if vaccinated people really can pass on the virus, then we can expect ASQ to remain in place for everybody until a large majority of the Thai population has been vaccinated. Maybe this is why Prayut is now urging his people to buy as much vaccine as quickly as possible.

Edited by michel7752
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33 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

They were doing OK until the illegal border crossings, but if there was a decent press in Thailand that would have hit the news months ago

If you've lived here for a long time, you know about this.  It's in the press every year.  Remember the Rohinga problems?  Arrests at the border for bringing over illegal cigs and booze?  Etc, etc, etc.


They really shot themselves in the foot on this one.  Again.  All due to corruption.

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27 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

they should do one of those covid test things to see if you have it when you arrive, if negative don't need to quarantine

Problem is, you may have got it on the plane, and then would spread it all over.  Not such a good idea.  But a 10 day quarantine should be good enough.

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10 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Problem is, you may have got it on the plane, and then would spread it all over.  Not such a good idea.  But a 10 day quarantine should be good enough.

I think developing a covid test with an instant result would be more beneficial than a vaccine at this point

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On 1/1/2021 at 8:29 AM, bwpage3 said:

Your not a doctor and they may be of concern to the people that are allergic to the vaccine. The vaccine has not been out in the general public long enough to collect the proper evidence.


Saying this is no concern is irresponsible.

The vaccines most definitely have been out long enough (in the various clinical trials) to collect evidence on whether they're safe - if that weren't the case they never would have received regulatory approval.


In terms of allergic reactions, as has already been shown by the incidents that have already come to light, these occur literally within minutes of the innoculation being administered.


When it comes to any other "serious" side effects (so not counting the normal, temporary effects of the innoculation like muscle soreness, headache, low-grade fever etc) these also usually show up relatively quickly, almost always within a few weeks, simply because of the way vaccines work.


This is by providing an almost immediate boost to the body's immune system, reaching a peak effect within a week or two of completing the course of inoculation(s). After that point, the effects of a vaccination never do anything except gradually diminish, sometimes to the point where there is no longer any effect on the body (so a booster shot is then required).


Sometimes the effects of a vaccine last a long time, but they still always diminish with time which is why older people are more susceptible to disease even if they've had their childhood vaccinations.


No vaccine has ever been conclusively proven to have long term side effects that only show up years later - as mentioned that's just not the way vaccines work. Their effects only lessen with time, they never increase so if there are going to be any adverse effects they will always be seen relatively early on, within a few weeks or months at most, while the body's systems are still getting the highest levels of stimulation from the vaccine. 

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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On 12/29/2020 at 8:53 PM, cyril sneer said:


I would say almost certainly not, or they'll be offered some free 3-day quarantine etc.

That was ill-informed. All Thais must undergo mandatory quarantine 


Better not say anything if you don't know

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On 12/31/2020 at 2:00 AM, sirineou said:

I know as you say I am an Idiot but I hear a lot of "mights" and "mays"  in your Genius level post.

If applying proper scientific principles, you should pretty much always use words like "may," "might" and "could."


That's because virtually nothing in the scientific world is absolutely proven beyond all possible doubt. You're almost always talking about the best hypothesis that fits the currently known facts.


If new facts or evidence come to light, then the hypothesis should be changed to reflect that.


So when a scientist says that the evidence indicates something might be true that's because it's only the most probable interpretation of what the available evidence shows.


If you say something is 100% proven and then new evidence comes along that disproves what you've said, you're going to look rather foolish.

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57 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

i am not anti-vaccin by the fact, but you miss totally the point.

And your only one argument is based on a kind of "trail of intention" about a suspected "conspiracy crowd" that i'm not speaking about (never). I'm more thinking about situation who becomes profitable for opportunist profiles at very top level of the economy (world wide) and which are well known to be. It is not a conspiracy.


Let me explain to you by an 2 analogy example (i do like that with children under 12 years old):

1/ If tomorrow a big supermarket is exposed to fire and people around are coming to stole inside, they are not conspiracionists, no one make the fire to then, stole anything... but opportunist can serve themself. Will you push the one who said: "look here is thieves who are profiting this situation ! " to be also a conspiracionsit ? I hope not... it is the same here.

2/ There is a business, but this business is not for sale 10 Kg of bananas, but thousand of tonnes of pesticides... The company who product chemicals pesticides decide to paid a company to increase a "communication" (who is adds) to say that there own pesticide are good for anything without any wrong second side effect on anything (sure). Will you tell to the people who said: "They are communicate fakes and don't know anything if not lie" that they are conspiracionsits too ?

Seriously, you are not understanding the situation and what we are talking about.


So if one day you will be able to think without binary process, and without compress any ideas, you would probably be able to understand my arguments and would also be able to no more practice the "trail of intention" process who is not honest (and much more a disrespect, not only to myself, but wider to the word: "intelligence" for human been).

But ok... you do what you can, i do understand and this is so easy to let you be in fear panic mode by compress any ideas this way you've done.

Also, as you can read, you expose yourself to an answer showing that your process is wrong and based on impressive (hope you will bear it), look:

based on overreacting because binary and shrinking everything to the point that it is incredibly messy for your interlocutors. Reflection therefore becomes minimalist when thought is binary, narrow, with silly accusations and shortened fishtail trials of intentions. Pity...


???? why "wounded ego" came to my mind ...?...


AnyWay and BTW - Happy New Year ... :thumbsup:

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Looks like Thailand will be closed until 2022 pretty much. I will get my first dose this month, hopefully February I will be in Mexico or South America. 

Only people that I can see going to Thailand are people with family or business.

Pretty much a write off for the next year at least.

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