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Thailand reports 216 new COVID-19 cases - 1 additional death


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6 hours ago, Mavideol said:

wishful thinking, unfortunately it appears it will go the other way around, next week or as soon as people start to travel back home from their New Year holiday, numbers will jump up .... this is Thailand, 5555  maybe not if they don't report them

the only way for the number to fall if they reduce the amount of testing they do per day.

then they can announced that the government has everything under control.


the country is really under lock down. Vaccines will not help them. First the Uk or chinese  vaccines are less than  70% effective and It wont be available under late spring.


the 2nd point is that Thailand only bought 8 million vaccines. In order to get herd immunity, they need to vaccinate 80% of the population and   at 70% efficiency,  they can only protect 50% of the population. 

Obviously, the farangs and migrant workers will not get the vaccines first. 


3rd point to vaccinate 40 million people , you need at least 6 month to a year. it is not a fast process.

EU and US has not even reached the 1% of their population for the vaccination. Resources and administration personnel are required.


the lockdown in thailand is the best solution to avoid the spread of the virus. 





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7 hours ago, RR2020 said:

The explosion of cases will come in 10 to 14 days most likely.


Think of all the people who have travelled home for New Year.


Cold weather up North.  All sleeping on the floor in one room with the windows closed as its cold.


That is perfect Covid spread situation........................



Should have locked down last week, the damage I fear is done and the rapid spread is now set in stone.

Thai people are getting tired to have their life disrupted.  they were never good patients or self acceptance of medical prevention. they do not have have a supporting government to offer them great social programs.

the lockdown will not work in most cases. Thai people needs the face to face interaction for them to make money.


Never understood why the government did not purchase US vaccines last month which are 94% efficient for the health workers.   they depend on the chines and the UK vaccines because  it is cheap and they think they can copy it. or perphaps they are waiting to see if they can come up with their own version of a vaccines.


Either way, you are looking for a good 6 month of a mess and lock down.

so forget your trips to the bars or side trip to up countries for now.



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7 hours ago, Guderian said:

I'm encouraged, four days ago it looked like we were at the start of a rapid (if not exactly exponential) growth in case numbers. Now it looks as if the control measures might be having an effect. This is three weeks after the four-day long-weekend we had in December, and there don't seem to be any clear signs yet that the nationwide travel during that period spread the virus in any serious manner. And don't forget that, three days ago, the disease control dept warned us that there were still a lot of test results in the pipeline and we would see these coming through over the next week, resulting in high case numbers. Hopefully, what we're seeing now is just that, and the underlying trend of what's actually happening in terms of falling case numbers is masked by the backlog of positive test results. Maybe I'm being over-optimistic, but I certainly hope not.

don't believe what you read.. covid -`9 is well alive in thailand and it is not going away  for a good year.


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7 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Unless you are wealthy and Chinese I wouldn't be holding your breath (unless in a crowded place)

there are vaccines. 

1. thailand just bought 6 million vaccines from china and the UK.. they are not efficient .and not enough for the population.


2.. you need to  vaccinate 80% of the population in order to reach herd immunity


3. availability of resources. thailand need 100million vaccines.


4. the logistic of vaccinating 50 million people. that is a good 1-2 year job. depending on resources,


For a farang (rich or poor) living in thailand you will pay a lot for the vaccines and you will probably receive the Chinese vaccines or a vaccines made in thailand.


so skip the trip to the bar , and settle for the take out noodle soup from the street vendors for now.

your are in for a long long lockdow in thailand or your best bet is for you to leave thailand for a while and pay the ASQ 

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7 hours ago, Mavideol said:

wishful thinking, unfortunately it appears it will go the other way around, next week or as soon as people start to travel back home from their New Year holiday, numbers will jump up .... this is Thailand, 5555  maybe not if they don't report them

Many countries have experienced this.

Yes, this is Thailand as much as other countries are such too - in some they died in 100's of 1000's.

COVID is something we will have to live with for quite awhile.

The blame game is too pathetic for this.

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I'm sorry to say but this may not play out well at all.  

I get tired of seeing numbers go up and up and up.  It's a highly contagious disease, and it spreads like wildfire.  The new UK variant has a much higher spreading rate (not that it's in Thailand, but it could be)

Hope that this just goes away.  It's not good to see people with little money having to deal with this.  Not to mention little support.

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2 hours ago, mrfill said:

The link you posted was from March. As research has progressed it has now been proven that UV does indeed kill the virus.


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9 hours ago, RR2020 said:

The explosion of cases will come in 10 to 14 days most likely.


Think of all the people who have travelled home for New Year.


Cold weather up North.  All sleeping on the floor in one room with the windows closed as its cold.


That is perfect Covid spread situation........................



Should have locked down last week, the damage I fear is done and the rapid spread is now set in stone.

So you can look in the future. How many days, weeks, months, ... ?


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1 hour ago, TD2312 said:

The link you posted was from March. As research has progressed it has now been proven that UV does indeed kill the virus.


From the factcheck link...

“Ultraviolet is able to kill COVID-19 if it is exposed to the concentrated UV ray in a certain amount of time and distance,” Dr. Pokrath Hansasuta, an assistant professor of virology in Chulalongkorn University’s Department of Microbiology, explained to AFP by phone on March 18, 2020. “However, that level of UV exposure is harmful to human’s skin. Most likely, it will be in the light bulb or lamp as the natural UV from the sun is not strong enough to kill it.”


From your link

'While UVC lights are used commercially in products like phone disinfecting devices, UVC light can cause severe burns of the skin and eye injuries.2 “They need to be properly positioned to avoid causing eye or skin damage, which is essentially sunburn,” Nelson says.'


It appears they both say the same thing, but the first refutes the original claim by Icelandman that Thailand has less covid because of UV (via sunlight).


Again, from your link..

"UVA and UVB rays are transmitted through the atmosphere. All UVC rays are absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer, but the UVC rays are often used in commercial light disinfecting devices. UV-LEDs are a form of UVC lights. "


Which also suggests that sunlight (UV) that we receive has had the useful UVC rays removed and is thus not useful in virus killing.


Conclusion: UV via sunlight, does not kill covid19 and Thailand's figures are, therefore, not low because of UV.

It's something else (unspecified).

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3 hours ago, the green light said:

Thai people are getting tired to have their life disrupted.  they were never good patients or self acceptance of medical prevention. they do not have have a supporting government to offer them great social programs.

the lockdown will not work in most cases. Thai people needs the face to face interaction for them to make money.


Never understood why the government did not purchase US vaccines last month which are 94% efficient for the health workers.   they depend on the chines and the UK vaccines because  it is cheap and they think they can copy it. or perphaps they are waiting to see if they can come up with their own version of a vaccines.


Either way, you are looking for a good 6 month of a mess and lock down.

so forget your trips to the bars or side trip to up countries for now.




The USA vaccine is expensive and a logistical nightmare.


The Oxford vaccine is equally as effective at preventing serious illness, is cheaper, and much easier to handle.


UK is working on a timeline of a few months to inoculate its 20 million vulnerable folk.



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12 hours ago, garygooner said:

Let's hope we see the numbers start falling day by day. Please not another full lockdown like in April/May. 

Need to speed up the vaccination program. 

They only signed the contract on Friday just gone and with 70 million people to vaccinate I certainly wouldn’t be planning a Sonkran party.

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13 hours ago, Guderian said:

I'm encouraged, four days ago it looked like we were at the start of a rapid (if not exactly exponential) growth in case numbers. Now it looks as if the control measures might be having an effect. This is three weeks after the four-day long-weekend we had in December, and there don't seem to be any clear signs yet that the nationwide travel during that period spread the virus in any serious manner. And don't forget that, three days ago, the disease control dept warned us that there were still a lot of test results in the pipeline and we would see these coming through over the next week, resulting in high case numbers. Hopefully, what we're seeing now is just that, and the underlying trend of what's actually happening in terms of falling case numbers is masked by the backlog of positive test results. Maybe I'm being over-optimistic, but I certainly hope not.

I can understand were you are coming from, But, and Big But,  they should be reporting how many test they are doing, and how many positive covid cases, if they have only tested 216, and found 216 positive results, that's scary, but if they have tested 5,000, and found 216 positive results, that could indicate that the lockdown measure are working.. 

Food for thought... 

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Best to be vigilant about all this!


in these situations one needs to be.


avoid crowded areas full stop!


People should not cough near you either, and they should be far from you!


so if anyone does cough near you it’s best to tell them to “Far Cough” 


Play smart and keep safe folks !

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20 hours ago, garygooner said:

Let's hope we see the numbers start falling day by day. Please not another full lockdown like in April/May. 

Need to speed up the vaccination program. 

They need to source the vaccines first , seem to be a few months behind in that respect.

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20 hours ago, polpott said:

Less cases today than yesterday so less wishful thinking than your rampant, baseless pessimism. People are returning from the provinces to Bangkok and Pattaya so not bringing infection with them rather returning to centres of infection.

Big fan of King Canute I see !

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20 hours ago, RR2020 said:

The explosion of cases will come in 10 to 14 days most likely.

Really?  but apt for the comment.

"The definition of the word explosion is the rapid expansion of a gas. ... "



From the article

"Saturday’s cases bring the total number of COVID-19 infections in Thailand to 7,379."


There were 50,000 positive cases reported across the UK for the second day running on Wednesday, with figures showing London – now the centre of the crisis – with 5,524 patients in hospital, more than its first-wave peak in April. 



According to the majority on this forum the west is so much more advanced than Thailand and the facts speak for themselves.


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14 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

They need to source the vaccines first , seem to be a few months behind in that respect.

Keep up to date.


The Swedish Embassy, on 12 October 2020, expressed that they were delighted to witness the signing ceremony of the Letter of Intent on the manufacturing and supply of the University of Oxford’s potential COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222 for Thailand and South East Asia among the Thailand’s Ministry Of Public Health, Siam Bioscience Co., Ltd., SCG and British – Swedish biopharmaceutical company, Astrazeneca (Thailand) Ltd. Photo from the signing ceremony on 12 October 2020 at Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health: Photo: Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok


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35 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Really?  but apt for the comment.

"The definition of the word explosion is the rapid expansion of a gas. ... "



From the article

"Saturday’s cases bring the total number of COVID-19 infections in Thailand to 7,379."


There were 50,000 positive cases reported across the UK for the second day running on Wednesday, with figures showing London – now the centre of the crisis – with 5,524 patients in hospital, more than its first-wave peak in April. 



According to the majority on this forum the west is so much more advanced than Thailand and the facts speak for themselves.


The facts are that the UK , along with much of Europe is at the height of this pandemic and extensive testing shows the full extent of the crisis.

Thailand is still in the dark , I find it odd that you seem to like being in that situation.

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So 3000 more cases in just over 2 weeks, meaning Covid cases almost doubled in that period.

Real question is how many tests were done to identify those new cases?

Case numbers are fudged and meaningless without the testing numbers for the corresponding period

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8 hours ago, Tambs2020 said:

Best to be vigilant about all this!


in these situations one needs to be.


avoid crowded areas full stop!


People should not cough near you either, and they should be far from you!


so if anyone does cough near you it’s best to tell them to “Far Cough” 


Play smart and keep safe folks !

Very clever!You'll cough, I mean "go" far.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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Wait 10 days to 14 days to see the spike after people come back from their long weekend

or holiday travel.  The USA had over 1 million people who JUST had to travel to see their

friends or relatives for Christmas.  The numbers of new infections are still just crazy.

  With people who are trying to mess up the program of vaccinating people by wrecking the

vaccine and the lower than Donald's forecast of daily shots getting done, it will be a miracle if

half the US population gets the shot in the next year. I hope the vaccine program is better

in Thailand. Good Luck to everybody, we all need as much luck as we can get.  Stay Healthy


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9 hours ago, Tambs2020 said:

Best to be vigilant about all this!


in these situations one needs to be.


avoid crowded areas full stop!


People should not cough near you either, and they should be far from you!


so if anyone does cough near you it’s best to tell them to “Far Cough” 


Play smart and keep safe folks !

The words for near and far in Thai are the same but  with different tones. Be careful. If you get the wrong tone they may come and cough in  your face.????

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