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PM promises "Fast - Safe - Transparent - Comprehensive" vaccine program - no mention of foreigners.


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7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's a vial smaller than a USB stick, transported thousands at a time. Unit cost of freight would be a few baht.

The usual consultation in a private hospital here is about 300 - 500 baht. IME the doctors don't even do the injections, they leave it to the nurses. Who are probably much better at it anyway. Add in administrative costs, 100 - 200 baht at most.

So if a hospital here was wanting 8000 baht for the vaccination, how would you feel about Thais getting vaccinated for 30 baht? Foreigners are just as good at spreading COVID as anyone else, the virus does not discriminate on race.

Yes but they also make a couple of 100% off medicine always have always will. That is how it goes  in private hospitals. As for the price Thais get vaccinated has nothing to do with me. I am not Thai why would I expect the same treatment as a native. As for transport needs to be chilled so cost are higher and private hospitals wont buy thousands at a time. 


If a hospital charges 8000 bt ill be paying it tomorrow and be done with it. Its two shorts so two times seeing a dr. 8000 IMHO not too much. would find 6000 more fair but still 8000 would not break the bank and i feel its not bad for hospitals to make a profit. That is what private hospitals do. I wonder if my insurance covers it. (probably not)


Do you feel its wrong if a hospital makes 3000 bt on it ?

Edited by robblok
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1 hour ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

That's stinkin' thinkin'.


I pay income tax and social security. 


I absolutely believe that that Thai government have an obligation to provide me with this jab free of charge, just as my home country's government will take care of Thais working there, paying tax and paying National Insurance. 

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Just now, Mr Meeseeks said:

That's stinkin' thinkin'.


I pay income tax and social security. 


I absolutely believe that that Thai government have an obligation to provide me with this jab free of charge, just as my home country's government will take care of Thais working there, paying tax and paying National Insurance. 

If you pay income tax and social security you have a right IMHO. I said that before to an other poster who did so. Otherwise I disagree. 

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2 minutes ago, djayz said:

I, like many others here, live here legally, pay taxes and thus, contribute to Thailand. I spend my in Thailand-earned money in Thailand, contribiluting further to the economy. 

No, I don't expect Thailand to "take care of me", but I do expect it to treat me fairly. When Thais live and work in our countries legally, they too are treated like all other citizens: equally. 

If you pay income tax i agree. Otherwise I dont. Nobody ever got rights from paying VAT in any country.

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5 minutes ago, djayz said:

but I do expect it to treat me fairly


fair ?  what are you 6 years old. you do remember where you are right ? expecting what happens at home to happen here is just downright dangerous. 

8 minutes ago, djayz said:

I feel we deserve better. 


good thing no one in the entire universe and especially thailand gives a hooty hoo bout your feelies. 


you cant really be serious with the whole post ? you are trolling right ? hats off to you my man you totally had me going for a bit. 

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6 minutes ago, mr mr said:

fair ?  what are you 6 years old. you do remember where you are right ? expecting what happens at home to happen here is just downright dangerous. 

It is a very reasonable expectation. Even a 6 year old knows that. 

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7 minutes ago, mr mr said:

good thing no one in the entire universe and especially thailand gives a hooty hoo bout your feelies. 


you cant really be serious with the whole post ? you are trolling right ? hats off to you my man you totally had me going for a bit. 

Fall out of the wrong side of the bed today, did we? 

Fail to see how my post can be interpreted as trolling. Far from it. 


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5 minutes ago, djayz said:

Obviously I wasn't talking about VAT. 

Some people seem to be talking about VAT when they pay tax. If you pay income tax then IMHO its a different story. 


But lot of people not paying income tax (retirees ect) think Thailand should do all kind of medical things for them. I thought you were one of those. 


When working and paying income tax i feel you do deserve better.

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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

No mention was made of foreigners living in Thailand, just Thais. 


Let the smart farang do all the leg work in the lab getting these vaccines ready to save the world, then don't offer the Jab to farangs living, working and paying taxes in the country.


I'd say it's shocking but absolutely nothing shocks/surprises me here anymore....

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

You don't see the problem of not vaccinating two and a half million  + foreigners?

Edited by Tanoshi
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Thai Gov't has absolutely NO obligation to vaccinate 'foreigners'. As usual doesn't stop some people here to engage in a bit of Thai-bashing.


I would imagine that those with private medical insurance from local companies will be encouraged to get the vaccination from them as a preventative measure.


I get a free flu jab offer every year from Aetna. Something similar is probably on the books for COVID. 

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9 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

You don't see the problem of not vaccinating two and a half million  + foreigners?

I dont see the problem why those foreigners cant pay for themselves. Those that are not working in Thailand that is those working should get it because they are under the Thai healthcare.

Edited by robblok
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Just now, robblok said:

I dont see the problem why those foreigners cant pay for themselves. 

I never mentioned having to pay for it, only that they must make it available to foreigners, same as any vaccine, like the flu jab.

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7 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

They have a humanitarian obligation to offer vaccinations to any foreigners, the same as any other government.

???? New here?


Thailand does what Thailand wants to do.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

robblok you hit the nail on the head....well said...just wonder which country give free vaccine to foreigners....

get it done at a private hospital..

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1 minute ago, dcnx said:

???? New here?


Thailand does what Thailand wants to do.


Name one Country that denies approved vaccines to foreigners.

Governments, Embassies and Humanitarian groups would be on their backs if they did.


Have you tried dragging your backside of that chair to make enquiries at your local government hospital before making comments - thought not!

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basically more of the same from this corrupt incompetent racist cabal.they cant make their own vaccs after boasting they can so they buy them from the brits as thats the best deal or china as it works politically although its barely 50% efficiacy.thais in uk eu ,usa will be vaccinated,why?so the pop is covered no holes in the programme.also its morally correct.no morals here .only greed and self interest.embassies need to speak up but dont hold your breath[im sure the staff will get theirs though].just needs one western embassy thats all.we wont vacc your people unless you vacc ours and the worlds a better place but embassies good luck with that,we see the disgusting spectre of vaccs in private hospitals,where else do we see that? ...china   yuk well that speaks for itself.other countries even poor ones try to vacc people across the board,so pay up or you wont get anything,im sure theyll find a way to vacc the burmese slaves as its so important to the economy and big biz must be served but im sure theyll charge them a junior rate unlike the rest of us,this place is what it is.theyve loads of money subs,moon shots  and zillion dollar special people

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US State Department form email:

  1. "COVID 19 Vaccination

The United States Government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas.  Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination."

 I understand those who take position governments should do nothing for expats, although state dept in mission statement says they are to aid in safety and security of expats.

 Staff at embassy will get shots, the rest of us can go to hell.

"Return to your home country" Besides the huge expense, that puts us at great risk: even if I somehow could get a shot at airport on landing (snowball's chance in hell of that happening) it is not instant protection.

"Keep in mind that it will take a few weeks for your body to build immunity after getting a COVID-19 vaccination. As a result, it's possible that you could become infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or after being vaccinated." This info from the Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859

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34 minutes ago, robblok said:

Some people seem to be talking about VAT when they pay tax. If you pay income tax then IMHO its a different story. 


But lot of people not paying income tax (retirees ect) think Thailand should do all kind of medical things for them. I thought you were one of those. 


When working and paying income tax i feel you do deserve better.

They want 30 baht medical....

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