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Thailand reports 187 new coronavirus cases, two new deaths


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Mercy mercy, I had a glass of wine with lunch today, call out the wine police, I must be a super spreader. RIP to all the good restaurants we used to enjoy before the COVID hysteria set in. This whole episode has turned into a national Mad Hatter’s Tea party in which anything and everything is blamed on this virus to the exclusion of a sane look at the big picture. National emergency, second wave, my aching rump!

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3 hours ago, jonclark said:

Gentlemen - I think given the quality of Thai Journalism we can counclude that all newspaper reports no matter how contradictory are both equally truthful and false and that the public should not question the written word. 


I think they are both right just poorly written and explained. 

I don't take any notice of media just get the news from our local province hospital of any cases.

There's been quite a few recent suspected cases during this cold time of the year but testing negative. 

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9 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Tomorrow's numbers will be bad...but all from SS and mostly the migrant seafood workers...



I would have expected these numbers and more for the past month had they been actively testing starting then instead of waiting until now. Add in the fact they have all the migrant folks are crammed into specific locations where they are intermingling with asymptomatic people that have not been tested before.  I would almost expect a possible 100% infection rate for them.  The government created this mess, now clean it up Anutin and Prayut.

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3 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

These daily numbers mean nothing. Pulled out of the air, no consistency and no proper attempt to organise

Agree , totally confusing , total shambles , does Thailand not have a centre of National Statistics ? 

Are they hiding the truth on the stats ?  where are the colour coded national maps along with grid info ? 

I for one have no confidence in both the daily reports and reported testing 

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I wonder why they waited for the ventilator, unless he was adamant not to have one. 

The reason he refused the ventilator may have been because he had heard the false information that once one is placed on a ventilator you are near the end of life, but that is not true, the problem is that too many people Here or read something improperly but then interpret it to suit themselves, when really it is not the ventilator because that is just a mask with oxygen being delivered up the nose, It is when one can not breathe unaided that one is then intubated to deliver the oxygen but by then one is placed in an induced coma because the bodies main organs are beginning to fail and the medics in ICU are going the extra mile for that person.

Even then it is not necessarily the end as has been proven by those who have recovered from the end stage, and there are many who have and one continues to hope that many more will recover and in due course this awful scourge delivered upon mankind will be weakened to something akin to the common cold.

Wishful thinking ? Maybe but nobody knows at this stage.


RIP the person previously mentioned earlier in this post and all those around the world who have succumbed up to now.

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7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

There you have it, we have now almost achieved flatline status here.  RIP to the two have passed on.  Be safe folks.  Will be nice when the actual stats they have make it into this form so we can see the true locations.

I wish, and in a perfect world......  if they were to show the true locations, and accurate: what would be the fate of business' in those communities? 


Personally. I would avoid them like the Plauge. No pun intended. 


Im sure Central and other small businesses are financially strapped as it is, in Samut Sakorn. 





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Ivermectin could be the reason why a few states in India are boasting of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the entire country.  It is an anti-parasite drug with a long history. Very surprised Thai medical experts are not talking about it publicly


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Just arrived from USA this am and with the army of health/immigration officials on hand taking photos for who knows what,  i cant but imagine that where were these people when vast amount of  covid came in thru  illegal immigration at the seafood and border?  


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19 hours ago, Guderian said:

I heard on the news that the PM has approved the purchase of vaccines by private hospitals, as long as they've been approved for use in Thailand.

Given that there's going to be a tidy sum of money to be made selling them to us farangs, I'm hopeful they'll get moving and start offering the vaccines soon.

Of course the unelected "PM" will approve the purchase of vaccines for private hospitals. Certain pockets going to get lined again. Profit making from a world pandemic must be amongst the lowest of the low.

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