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Thailand may see 1 million tourism job losses in first quarter after new outbreak


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They are out of touch with the numbers & have only recorded the "official" figures.

What about the other 5 million poor folks in the tourist industry who have not had any income since January 1 & the same last year for nearly 4 months,

Their understanding of the situation is "underwhelming

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"If tourists can return with no quarantine, we will definitely see 10 million this year. If not, even if we let them in free of charge, nobody will come," he said.


Common sense mixed with a healthy dose of desperation has finally brought out the glaringly obvious..... You might also want to add that the country and immigration shouldn't be run like an army camp, and those that want to play soldiers should go and find a nice big field to play armies in.......  I'm sick of saying it, do what Malaysia's doing and test people at the airport and if they're ok let them in, and forget all this what if ? what if ? nonsense.  It's time to face reallity, if the country's not opened up soon the whole lot's going down the gurgler, including the shiny button mob......

Apparently the survival rate is 98.7%, i'll take it, you wouldn't get 50% down Sukhumvit on a Friday night, and 25% in Cambodia........

I think the lads are starting to realize that there's no point being in charge of a country that you can't rob............   


Edited by SupermarineS6B
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One area being overlooked are the available treatments for covid. The survival rates are improving by the day as new treatments have been found to be very effective. Trials of even more promising drugs such as Ivermectin are ongoing and will add greatly to the survival rates. Within a year, getting covid in old age will no longer be a death sentence. There is hope, it just takes time.

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2 minutes ago, WashingUpagain said:

One area being overlooked are the available treatments for covid. The survival rates are improving by the day as new treatments have been found to be very effective. Trials of even more promising drugs such as Ivermectin are ongoing and will add greatly to the survival rates. Within a year, getting covid in old age will no longer be a death sentence. There is hope, it just takes time.

Ivermectin's been proven to be a wonder drug but they've stamped all over it...... Personally i'll be buying my own supply before i'm having anything injected into me.... 

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26 minutes ago, WashingUpagain said:

Within a year, getting covid in old age will no longer be a death sentence.

It never was. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but from a brief web search the case fatality rate of the over 80’s seems to be around 8-15%. I think someone diagnosed with cancer would be relieved to know that his odds of survival were 85 or 90 per cent...


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2 hours ago, Scot123 said:

I'm shocked at the rose coloured glasses and wishful thinking of people on here. Sorry to break your bubbles: First Thailand's tourism was declining before the chinese C-19 virus so always remember that. Second just look to the UK because we are now looking at lockdown till at least July 17th I think and that also like every other date may well be moved further away. Third long hall travel will not be very tempting. 

     Once again, Thailand's tourism was not declining, pre-covid.  2010:  15 million.  2019, 39 million.  That is not a decline.  One can argue till the cows come home about how tourists are counted, about how many of them were 'quality tourists', about quality vs. quantity, and all that nonsense, but what we are starkly seeing now, those of us actually here, is the result of NO tourists--'quality' or otherwise--and it is hitting all the tourism businesses very hard.

     Perhaps there were declining numbers of tourists from the UK pre-covid--I don't know.  I do know that any declines from one group were easily made up by huge gains from other groups.  2019 numbers were:  Chinese: 10.9 million.  Other Asian countries: 15 million.  Europe and the Americas, 8 million.

     So, 25 million tourists from Asian countries vs. 8 million.  And, many of those 25 million are not long haul plane rides away.  Looking at those numbers, it's likely that Asian tourists will be more important in reviving tourism in Thailand, just as they were more important in 2019.   Not that 8 million isn't important--it is--just not as much.  Nice to see TAT is at least thinking about that 8 million with its proposal to let in covid-vaccinated Europeans and Americans.


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On 1/26/2021 at 5:20 PM, Kwasaki said:

Tourism already lost many jobs with the 1st outbreak never mind the 2nd. 

I predict end of 2022 before tourism gets on its feet. 


 Forever ,  the optimist ..


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On 1/26/2021 at 10:00 AM, webfact said:

More than one million people had already lost their jobs and the number could double to two million in the first quarter due to the new spread, he said.


I don’t understand, what these new job losses have to do with an Covid outbreak amongst Myanmar workers in a tiny province ...


The real reasons are: Quarantine and red tape to enter Thailand.


... and in the meantime, Seychelles, Maledives, some Caribbean islands like Cuba, African countries like Kenia, Tanzania, Gambia, Madagascar opened up to tourists 

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22 minutes ago, XBroker said:

Trying to imagine what life would be like if people like this never said anything.. ????????


Very constructive post you made there, and a very accurate reflection of yourself ????



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1 hour ago, XBroker said:

Hush up & get your vax.. ????

Haha, perhaps after getting the vax I become a bot controlled by Bill Gates through 5G and amplified by the 5G antenna in the face masks?  Ah, or is it that the vax is a massive global plan for eugenics and chemical sterilization of the human species? ???? Mind reminding me which one it is? didn't have much time to read about QAnon, Covidiots & friends recently. 

Edited by ctxa
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On 26/01/2021 at 10:14 AM, Golden Triangle said:

So just taking it a stage further then, suppose all quarantine are suddenly dropped, millions of tourists come flooding in, great the economy is saved, Thailand is saved, then you start to get reports of people beginning to show signs of infection but have been mingling with the locals and other tourists, what then ? How do you manage that ?


5h!te creek and no paddle come to mind.


Don't say it can't happen, the poor old British guy, 61 years old, tested negative in UK, got here Christmas day, now dead RIP.


I realise many people from all over the world want to get back here, but not at any cost, for now quarantine has to remain in place, sorry.


On 26/01/2021 at 10:29 AM, bkk6060 said:

Anyone who wants to do away with the 14 day quarantine is either probably a selfish failed desperate business owner or ignorant.

How many have shown up positive in quarantine thus if not there, spreading their sickness and disease among others.


The post says tourists that have been Vaccinated be allowed in without Quarantine, not mass tourism. 

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On 1/27/2021 at 9:46 AM, hotchilli said:

Males will be jumping off the nearest bridge, females will be selling on the streets.

I said it a year ago that it will be a great time to get destitute ladies who us old blokes would normally not be able to get. 


Bring on the young Thai ladies with nice feet and no splayed toes! ????

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12 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:


The post says tourists that have been Vaccinated be allowed in without Quarantine, not mass tourism. 


May I suggest you read the OP again, far too many could, might, if, what's & maybe's in there, the chances of removing any quarantine requirements in the near to mid future is highly unlikely. You sound like one of the selfish ones who wants to come back no matter what the risk is to everyone else.


Tourism should recover in the second half of 2021 and foreign visitor numbers could reach 10 million this year if the government removes a two-week quarantine for those tourists inoculated against COVID-19, said Vichit Prakobgosol, president of the Association of Thai Travel Agents(ATTA).

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