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Drugs and sex parties: Woman claims what life is like for a ‘pretty’ in Thailand


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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

What a sad and soul-destroying existence.


I wonder if anyone ever considers why girls seem so happy to be prostitutes in Thailand when most other countries see it as being a very damaging and harmful enterprise?  Could it be that something that happens to girls in Thailand as they develop makes them already damaged?  The love of money perhaps?  Or the general acceptance that whatever men do is ok?

Actually, the 19 century French explorer Henry Mouhot relates in his diaries how in Thailand it was common that travellers staying overnight were offered the hosts wife if he had none of his own.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


A good friend of mine, who used to run the largest HIV foundation in Thailand, told me it is a well known fact among the NGO community worldwide, that per capita, there are far more women involved in the sex trade in the US, than in Thailand. But, it is so deep underground, few know about it. I believe it.


And while you may see it as a harmful and damaging enterprise, there are alot of women making a very good living from it, and many of them are not harmed or damaged, as long as they are smart, careful and get out early enough. And part of the decision to do the work here, stems largely from the lack of sad and soul destroying guilt, that most women have about sex in the West. 

i have a friend who gets hotties from UCLA to come to his place.  seen the photos.  just amazing girls. it cost $$$$

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

Actually, the 19 century French explorer Henry Mouhot relates in his diaries how in Thailand it was common that travellers staying overnight were offered the hosts wife if he had none of his own.

I missed that little gem !  Must go and read his travalogue again to see where it was happening.  Does this happen in Home Stay holiday places ?

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

2 points  to answer,

1) I don't believe there are any Thais forced to **** men, it's their own lazy/greedy choice, plenty of factory jobs.

2) Everything most people do, for fun, damages either their physical or mental health.


My own 'pretend wife' being one of them.

She could get a legit job if she wanted, I paid for her to go to high school, then attend university.

She's educated, she has choices, and her choice is to sleep with me for 10kbht month (yeah, Im surprised as well).

Lovely girl by the way, nearly half my age, way beyond my normal reach back in the Uk.

As I say, crass

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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

It is legal in many countries they don't consider it damaging and harmful.


This doesn't really hold up as an argument, as countries do legalise things that are damaging and harmful.  Also it's often a case of "it's going to happen anyway, better to legalise it to protect the workers".


2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

And of course it is about the money everywhere. Your comments about this indicating it as a Thailand problem are flawed.


I guess if the per capita level of prostitution is the same in most places, then there isn't anything special about Thailand in this regard, but it does seem to be more accepted and more common place.  I assume that many women who have financial arrangements or one-offs don't show up in any statistics.  I certainly haven't seen the level of prostitution or discussion of the subject back home.


I'd be interested to see the reasons for entering the trade, though.  I'd still suspect that women in countries where it is less acceptable go into at as more of a last resort.

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4 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

What a sad and soul-destroying existence.


I wonder if anyone ever considers why girls seem so happy to be prostitutes in Thailand when most other countries see it as being a very damaging and harmful enterprise?  Could it be that something that happens to girls in Thailand as they develop makes them already damaged?  The love of money perhaps?  Or the general acceptance that whatever men do is ok?

The question is: why are teenage slappers in the west so promiscuous, behave like cheap slappers, give it away for free, whilst ripped on coke, booze and exctasy then abort the result?

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2 minutes ago, Nout said:

The question is: why are teenage slappers in the west so promiscuous, behave like cheap slappers, give it away for free, whilst ripped on coke, booze and exctasy then abort the result?


Good question.  As I was suggesting a toxic and hateful ideology might be behind it in Thailand, perhaps the same could be said for the West.  Probably modern feminism combined with anti-family consumerism/materialism.  (I'd want to marry an ex-slapper as much as I'd want to marry an ex-prostitute.)

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


A good friend of mine, who used to run the largest HIV foundation in Thailand, told me it is a well known fact among the NGO community worldwide, that per capita, there are far more women involved in the sex trade in the US, than in Thailand. But, it is so deep underground, few know about it. I believe it.

Utter nonsense.. 

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13 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

What a sad and soul-destroying existence.


I wonder if anyone ever considers why girls seem so happy to be prostitutes in Thailand when most other countries see it as being a very damaging and harmful enterprise?  Could it be that something that happens to girls in Thailand as they develop makes them already damaged?  The love of money perhaps?  Or the general acceptance that whatever men do is ok?

It is about money and survival. My Fiancé was a bargirl (She is 56 now) and tells me that the vast majority would not do it if there was an alternative. They smile and make the best of what they do often to ensure that their families and children get medical care and do not starve There seem to be many Thai women made pregnant and then abandoned by their boyfriends at a young age. Many cannot read or write and are classed as inferior in Thai society. They hide their pain behind smiles and servitude. Until there is a proper alternative this will continue to exist and no laws or do-gooders will ever stop it

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Most posters seem to think that the prosties, or entertainment women are accepted as same same as a respected  woman who does not

  do that activity.  You are wrong. Most Thai families know who is involved in the sex trade, and they are indeed treated differently than the

  teen girls and women who are not.  Saying that there is no damage done,  is just a lie.  I know that even in my Thai family there were a few who 

  were wild and got involved. They never married, and told me why.  Sad life really.


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14 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

What a sad and soul-destroying existence.


I wonder if anyone ever considers why girls seem so happy to be prostitutes in Thailand when most other countries see it as being a very damaging and harmful enterprise?  Could it be that something that happens to girls in Thailand as they develop makes them already damaged?  The love of money perhaps?  Or the general acceptance that whatever men do is ok?

It proves they just do anything for money.

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13 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Don't see why.

Happy to admit I like booze, drugs and sex.

Ugly, fat and bald enough to know nobody will give them to me for free.

Intelligent enough to earn as much money as I wanted, at least enough to buy what my looks denied.

What on earth is wrong with you? Don't you like rock n roll?

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6 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Most posters seem to think that the prosties, or entertainment women are accepted as same same as a respected  woman who does not do that activity.  You are wrong.


Yeah, Thai people have this weird thing where they don't exactly "judge" and label people in the same way we do in the West, but they personally wouldn't want to be thought of as being a prostitute if they weren't one.


It's a lot more accepted, but prostitutes aren't going to be respected members of society that regular Thai men want to marry.


I'm often quite surprised how many people on this forum seem to have such a limited understanding of Thai society, but then they possibly only encounter one very limited aspect of it.

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