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Thailand sees surge in unemployment and financial hardship due to COVID-19: Poll


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Thailand has seen a sharp rise in unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the latest  Suan Dusit Poll.


The poll, which was carried out between 15-18 March, asked 1,155 people in Thailand about their financial situation and current employment status.


Almost half of the respondents, (47%) said they had seen their savings decrease, and there was less money to spend on clothes and cosmetics (38.65%) and daily travel expenses had also been cut (36.40%).


At the same time, 22.59% said they were spending on food and drink, while 22.49% said their credit card debt had increased.


55.23% of respondents said their personal savings had been drained to cover an emergency, while  42.5% said they had  been forced to borrow money from family members.


Others were able to borrow money from banks (32.98%), borrow from friends (27.70%) or use a credit card (26.56%).


Well over half the respondents (65.94) said that unemployment was causing them stress, while 60.30% said they believed the current economic situation has resulted in an increase in robberies and theft.


Most people (59.25%) said that COVID-19 was to blame to the current economic situation.



-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2021-03-22


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From all the hustle and bustle going on in my city it sure is hard to believe this poll. Some things are not always obvious and I am glad that, for now, my family has been spared this hardship. We have had some really dry years so I understand anyone going through hard times.

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Like Duh... isn't like stating to obvious when a calamity and a catastrophe strikes people loses jobs and earning capabilities and the whole economy goes into slow gear?...

Edited by ezzra
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1 hour ago, Deli said:

And all of you / us suffering, don't forget who brought this misery into the world. Those living in their cave off a Government pension ( they deserve) rather keep quiet.

Bravo!  You nailed it.

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what always amazes me here is the fact that so many Thai people will live in some poky one room place yet have a brand new car or pickup parked outside ,we live on a nice estate and daily i drive my old car past a row of one room places ,really scruffy ,and you see the tenants sitting with the door open large tv behind them ,mobile in hand and a newish car parked outside yet living cramped up like that in a hovel.

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And Thailand doesn't need a good Samaritan to solve this. Or rich people making merit to poor people. Thailand needs a good social economic support system. It will benefit economy. People can spends money on food, bikes and cars, repair homes, travel, etc. when they have money. Like this owners and big companies with have more revenues. And there for pay more taxes. 

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A poll was needed to tell people this, really?  Common knowledge and common sense would ensure folks already knew this.  A waste of money on a poll.  Wonder when the next "Should we conduct a new Poll, Poll" be done.

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