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Thailand reports huge surge in COVID-19 cases, 1 more death


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On 3/23/2021 at 1:08 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:

Only a matter of time. 


       Before ,  They realize,  hopefully .

Covid is not going away . 

       It mutates . New variants .

    Mother Nature versus Science ...

    One winner ...

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13 minutes ago, elliss said:


       Before ,  They realize,  hopefully .

Covid is not going away . 

       It mutates . New variants .

    Mother Nature versus Science ...

    One winner ...

The one winner being big pharma.

Yearly vaccinations may be required, that's all. As with most other viruses, covid will mutate to weaker strains. 

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14 minutes ago, DavisH said:

The one winner being big pharma.

Yearly vaccinations may be required, that's all. As with most other viruses, covid will mutate to weaker strains. 


       Correct . 

        Nuff said ..

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5 hours ago, DJBenz said:

And the fact that you think Fauci changed his mind on masks because he possibly invested in mask manufacturing proves how tight your tinfoil hat is. He's a scientist and there wasn't science to support wearing masks at that point. When there was evidence, he changed his stance because that's what scientists do; they follow the science.


I'm no scientist, but how about I cough in your face with a mask, and then without one.

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1 hour ago, Don Dunkelblum said:

Testing is a waste of time.

Blanket vaccination in Thailand is now a priority.

just because you are absolutely miss informed.

The best scientist on the subject tell exactly the opposite than you said, but... only the full interested in the business and some miss-informed opinionated ones (we are opinionated ones)  are persuaded (and not convinced as long as they have zero argument to expose as your comment is showing) that the magic vaccine is the only one solution.

It is not the only one way to look at and not a sure solution to go with (but i hope this to be a solution, actually, we don't know if it is a solution really, this is a fact).

You should start to really interest yourself to the subject and look at the origin of your sources to.

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1 minute ago, sungod said:


I'm no scientist, but how about I cough in your face with a mask, and then without one.


Not sure I understand your point, or if you've misunderstood mine, but I'd much rather you didn't cough in my face at all. If it's unavoidable, then hopefully you'll be wearing a mask because I'll be wearing mine.

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4 minutes ago, sungod said:


I'm no scientist, but how about I cough in your face with a mask, and then without one.

Didn't your Mum teach you to turn away and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze?  

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2 minutes ago, DJBenz said:


Not sure I understand your point, or if you've misunderstood mine, but I'd much rather you didn't cough in my face at all. If it's unavoidable, then hopefully you'll be wearing a mask because I'll be wearing mine.

You all should be wearing a mask, if only so I don't have to look at you????

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1 minute ago, DJBenz said:


I cited plenty of legitimate sources of information, if the mods saw fit to remove them then I can't control that. All that was offered in return was a flawed study that was roundly debunked. 


Probably better if you just stick to rambling incoherence that we can ignore like normal, rather than getting involved. It makes things so much easier all round.

ok, i apologize then.

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4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I was just talking to my sister in Italy  she lives near  Venice, she said they have  over five hundred dead per day

I bet she would kill for the 1 dead rate. (pun intended )

you don't know Italia country to much i think... some mafia there are happy to no more need to put body in cement this way... corruption level there is massive. You don't know that ?

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12 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

looks like you don't look anyone else if zero profit but your beer... It should maybe have a strong logic link to define your comportent in society ?

Good advice. Thank you

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14 hours ago, tonray said:

Seeing that the latest surge in Covid cases from Samut Sakhon was largely imported by Burmese migrant labor....blaming them is not the issue but simply a statement of fact that the largest risk from Covid-19 is importation and the largest group coming from a country where Covid is out of control are the Burmese. Save your commentary for situations where it applies.


HI. I'm not sure what to tell you. But, hopefully you understand that you have started from an assumption that what you have been told (by Thai authorities) is accurate. 


In other words, you are not accepting you may have been intentionally lied to or unintentionally lied to... 


Do you understand my point? 

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37 minutes ago, DJBenz said:


But your assertion that money can fund science therefore we can't trust science (which I think is what you're saying) is nonsense.

If this if this was actual proven science, why doesn't youtube allow a free open discussion in regards to it ?


If this was actual proven science , why does every vaccinated person have to sign a release form in regards to suing the pharma companies who vaccinated him?

I believe we can always trust science, but science is based on facts.

As far as vaccination and Covid-19 go, this is all experimental.


Experiments are the foundation of science, but they're NOT science itself.

Since this is Thaivisa, and Thailand is a buddhist country
Remember the impermanent nature of everything?


"Science" , only a few years ago, meant the sun revolved around the earth.


Not everyone who isn't rushing to get a jab is "ANTI VAX" ,
i just like to get to know my women before I sleep with them.
(Unless I'm drunk, obviously)




Edited by noone223
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On 3/23/2021 at 4:05 AM, KhunMorris said:

With some obvious exceptions Thailand needs to close its borders until Covid has been fully erased. 


The world has changed, we can't justify death and despair by allowing sex tourists and backpackers to travel here to simply take pleasure with some local poo ying. This isn't just my opinion. Thais in general feel this way.


Please respect expats and Thai people alike.





New guy thinks he knows everything thai now!! 


PS: Nice "poo ying" remark! very respectful of you!

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On 3/23/2021 at 8:12 PM, Donga said:

The Swedish model was not the disaster the alarmist media tend to portray, and you can see this in the global data where Sweden is now about 25th in the world with 1,307 deaths per million, which is about average for Europe... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 

Sweden certainly did better than many countries that went into lockdown, including UK, France, Italy, Spain etc. 

But my real point - imagine how much better Sweden and many other countries would have done if they'd donned face masks from the onset. This is now beyond dispute and is an indictment on the western experts, including the WHO who took too long last year to change tack. The cat got out of the bag, big time.     

Lockdowns are a blunt tool. Sensible distancing, face masks, indoor restrictions where necessary and protection of the elderly would have much better managed Covid in Europe and Americas. Quarantines become essential when other countries fail with community discipline and contact tracing to control Covid.

Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, even Australia and New Zealand make it look so simple (some over the top stuff in Oz and NZ) and it is a pity the rest of world couldn't manage Covid as well as this region has.

Face masks are still highly disputed as far as I am aware?! I have yet to see one study proving the efficacy of mask use? For starters, they could only be effective if used properly and no one uses them properly! If masks were the saving factor in all of this then why hasn't every government procured N95 masks for all of their citizens? It's been a year, supply can't be the issue?! 

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16 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

The WHO said they were useless and so did  Dr Fauci that's good enough for me.I don't care that they did a back flip latter possibly after investing in mask manufacturing companies who knows.All the studies say stuff like the following quote from the link you provided

"A total of 21 studies met our inclusion criteria. Meta-analyses suggest that mask use provided a significant protective effect"

See that? Meta-analysis "suggest" it doesn't say proves only suggests or "indicates" or "possibly".If you bother to actually read these so called studies you realise that most just pick numbers from data collected about infections but didn't actually do a randomised double blind study did they?Why not?Because they are unethical.So it remains unproven how or if masks are effective. 

You couldn't be more right. 100% correct. 

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On 3/23/2021 at 2:17 PM, Susco said:


How they can be linked?


Someone who ends up in immigration detention centre, doesn't enter Thailand again any time soon

The worry is the illegal immigrants not in the detention centre 

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The numbers are nothing compared to heart disease, deaths caused by smoking. There will be far more deaths due to the economic fallout of the lockdown.


There is no reason to continue the lockdowns anywhere. Countries that get on with economic life will rule the world. You won't see many Europeans coming to Thailand in the next years. They won't have any cash, or any future. Only Sweden got it right.

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On 3/23/2021 at 9:06 PM, ThailandRyan said:


Sarcasm at it's finest?.  if so Good on ya.  If not, well than many of us were ill last year during the end of December to February time period and this was before Thailand closed itself down.  No Covid testing was being done, and mine was treated as a respiratory issue in February, when I went to BNH to see my regular doctor.  I went through 2 z-packs and other meds which never really helped, and the issue ended up lingering for many weeks. 


Prior to this I have never been down for more than 2 days with anything.  However, when I tried to get tested for Covid once they started to test at the hospitals I was denied testing as I did not meet the MOPH's profile. 


So go figure, it's not the fact that it is not as deadly for everybody, it is the fact that Thailand has not tested en-mass, and if you do test positive and are just asymptomatic you go to the hospital where you stay on your dime or your insurances.


  I am not sure if I had it or not, yet it took over 3 months for me to get my breathing back and I am only 56 now.  I also run between 30 to 40 km a week, and just put in 15km this evening as I am finally feeling better, but that's a year later. Yes I get a flu vaccination yearly as well as the pneumococcal vaccination as I am a diabetic. 


Think outside of the box Sir, I have lost 3 of my former co-workers to Covid as well as a friend who was a teacher to my children.  By the way Fox Sports just lost a man to Covid who was young and fit.

I can concur with you, last Jan/Feb I was in Thailand, first week of February I came down with persistent cough which continued for 2-3 weeks even once back in UK, no other symptoms and I put it down to pollution in Chiang mai , BKK, etc. 2-3 weeks after that had lethargy on and off for 6-8 weeks, some days shortness of breath, walk up my stairs and thinking, that was hard work. This was all before testing too,especially when back in UK because they weren't even looking for it then. Pretty sure I had vivid, also lost brother in law from it, 49, no pre-existing conditions. It's a lottery in how it will affect you, people I know who have had it and you'd think they would suffer or die from it have hardly been affected, others like my brother in law, well, just goes to show.

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18 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

I would maybe have used another example that fits closer to the current virus rather that the Black Death bacteria that was usually spread by fleas.

Does'nt  matter the point was 2% in the scheme of  things is   not that serious. Now if  it was 40-60% that's serious. Interestingly the amount of Rats I see in Thailand and dogs then it would  have a field  day here. 

For  all those whiners  about to say "you wouldnt say that if you were the dead  people"  well  go  ahead, I refer you to the cyber  bullying thread. and the form posted by a member to report  bullying???? I  think TV should  introduce that form for  all.

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1 minute ago, gunderhill said:

Does'nt  matter the point was 2% in the scheme of  things is   not that serious. Now if  it was 40-60% that's serious. Interestingly the amount of Rats I see in Thailand and dogs then it would  have a field  day here. 

For  all those whiners  about to say "you wouldnt say that if you were the dead  people"  well  go  ahead, I refer you to the cyber  bullying thread. and the form posted by a member to report  bullying???? I  think TV should  introduce that form for  all.

Your under the assumption that I'm in full agreement with this world lockdown, I'm not, its severely affected me and my family and friends and millions of others, The failings by the WHO and other major governments and bodies are the ones responsible along with China of course. However I'm now in Thailand and since they have taken this approach then at least get it right, whether I agree with the approach is irrelevant.

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1 minute ago, gunderhill said:

Does'nt  matter the point was 2% in the scheme of  things is   not that serious. Now if  it was 40-60% that's serious. Interestingly the amount of Rats I see in Thailand and dogs then it would  have a field  day here. 

For  all those whiners  about to say "you wouldnt say that if you were the dead  people"  well  go  ahead, I refer you to the cyber  bullying thread. and the form posted by a member to report  bullying???? I  think TV should  introduce that form for  all.

Your under the assumption that I'm in full agreement with this world lockdown, I'm not, its severely affected me and my family and friends and millions of others, The failings by the WHO and other major governments and bodies are the ones responsible along with China of course. However I'm now in Thailand and since they have taken this approach then at least get it right, whether I agree with the approach is irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Your under the assumption that I'm in full agreement with this world lockdown, I'm not, its severely affected me and my family and friends and millions of others, The failings by the WHO and other major governments and bodies are the ones responsible along with China of course. However I'm now in Thailand and since they have taken this approach then at least get it right, whether I agree with the approach is irrelevant.

Youre  mistaken Im solely  mentioning the figures have no interest in the measures  taken to try and slow/prevent it, havent mentioned the worlds  response except the post which mentioned the amount of dead and although 2  million dead is not  good its  also not that bad, of  course it remains to be seen how it  pans  out. .

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5 hours ago, Jogger88 said:

The numbers are nothing compared to heart disease, deaths caused by smoking. There will be far more deaths due to the economic fallout of the lockdown.


There is no reason to continue the lockdowns anywhere. Countries that get on with economic life will rule the world. You won't see many Europeans coming to Thailand in the next years. They won't have any cash, or any future. Only Sweden got it right.

Too early to say who got  it right, will need to  look back in 20 years or so for that after weighing in the economic  impact which could be way more serious especially if  it  leads to WWIII via the who we  gonna  blame mentality.

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10 hours ago, DJBenz said:


Not sure I understand your point, or if you've misunderstood mine, but I'd much rather you didn't cough in my face at all. If it's unavoidable, then hopefully you'll be wearing a mask because I'll be wearing mine.



Apologies, I'll clarify. Wasn't picking fault in your post, rather  the point about Fauci,


'He's a scientist and there wasn't science to support wearing masks at that point. '


I'm saying its a simple as coughing in someone's face with/without a mask.



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