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No curfew in Thailand yet but further restrictions in cluster areas likely


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Parts of Canada are getting  covid spikes, and are being forced to do shut downs again, of course people are upset.

I do hope that the people in Thailand have some more luck and do not get some horrible spike and have to do the same.

Good luck to all of you. Curfew or not it still seems that Thailand is in not too bad of shape.


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5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Parts of Canada are getting  covid spikes, and are being forced to do shut downs again, of course people are upset.

I do hope that the people in Thailand have some more luck and do not get some horrible spike and have to do the same.

Good luck to all of you. Curfew or not it still seems that Thailand is in not too bad of shape.



I have the uncertain feeling, TH is slowly moving in the same direction...


And Canada is not “forced” to do shut downs, 

Canada’s politicians decide to do that !


So, people should be upset ! - to say it with Albert Einstein :

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again

and expecting different results.”


Our most important objective should be:

     Reduce the number of fatalities !

After that comes: reduce the number of severe cases and make sure, our  health systems do not get overwhelmed. 


Reduction of rising incidence rates computed from PCR-Tests and people not getting really sick aren’t part of it.


Instead, what they are doing?

1) old-style lockdowns.

Proofed by several scientific studies as not useful.

(Everybody could do that also by himself: compare the death rates per 1000 population in North Dakota and South Dakota or take Sweden and another country with hard lockdown)

2) promote vaccinations with experimental drugs,

which aren’t designed to create sterile immunity (=stopping the transmissions)


How many billions did our politicians pump into the development of the mRNA-vaccines?

-  Compared to that, with how many millions did they support doctors and scientific institutes to find better ways of TREATMENT ?

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