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Government Will Not Impose Nationwide Lockdown


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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

never believe anything from this buffoon; 'for the time being' means they can change it in a minute, which means what he said meant absolutely nothing; 


I agree he has little credibility - which is why the government is letting him make all these sort of announcements (that could backfire).

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

without needing to impose a nationwide lockdown. (Thailand)

 For reference (Cambodia):- It was announced this afternoon that:-


April 16, 2021

Three communes in Siem Reap begin lockdown

Lockdown measures began today (2 weeks) in Siem Reap city’s Svay Dangkum, Sala Kamroeuk and Siem Reap communes, which are hotspot areas connected to the February 20 Community Event. All individuals are currently barred from leaving their current home or residence, except if necessary. Moreover, people can go to the grocery store and buy essentials but only a maximum of two members per household and not more than twice a week in the lockdown areas. Travel is allowed to hospitals, health centres or for emergency medical services with the permission of authorities, as well as to receive vaccinations or testing for COVID-19.




A curfew will be in operation between 8pm and 5am.


This will apply to me. 

There are many current lockdowns now in Phnom Penh, Kandal, Sihanoukville and other neighboring Provinces. 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

BANGKOK (NNT) - The national committee on communicable diseases has agreed that the government can overcome the current Covid-19 crisis without needing to impose a nationwide lockdown.

The (vaccinated) government can overcome it, while the rest of the population is overcome by it.

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I dare say you never go out then ? 


maybe 25,000/69,000,000 dead on Thai roads.

maybe 3(unproven)/40,000,000 dead in UK from vaccine.


You're about 5,000 times more likely to die on a Thai road than AZ covid vaccine ! Does that means staying in forever until their is a vaccine for road safety ? 








With the exception of mRNA vaccines, We should be concerned that Brazil and South Africa variants or newer versions may seriously challenge the AZ and J&J vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are more promising.

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I am not scared of facing Covid, we are all going to the same place in the end. I do not stay in, I do as told, wear a mask, social distance and wash hands regularly when out, and when out, I could be hit by a bus. These "experimental vaccines" are not 100%, no vaccines are, but vaccines that have been around are proven to be affective, these are not classified as vaccines, they are still in their experimental stages, and will continue to be until 2022-2023-2024 and then if the FDA deems the data is good will move them up a category to be vaccines.


The risk to me, is a risk that I cannot take for my families sake, "experimental vaccines" carry a risk, Covid is a risk, I see risks different to you, in other words, high/low, they are all risks, stock markets have a risk, but with your life, no thanks, what I am saying is there is no liability against anyone who produces it, sells it, administers it, now to me that's like playing Russian Roulette, e.g. take your chances, I won't follow everyone else, it's up to the individual to weigh up the risks and how they perceive it, one size doesn't fit all.


I remember when they were reporting people dying of these "experimental vaccines" and they were all saying, it's not the vaccines, they would have died anyway, they were old, it was a coincidence, well yeh sure right, then they started dropping like flies much younger, healthy doctors, nurses in the front line and others, and they kept saying, it's a coincidence, or they had some underlying conditions that we couldn't know about, but then someone brave enough came out and said hang on a second, blood clotting is being caused from these "experimental vaccines" and then we have those like yourself that goes on the defensive when someone thinks outside the square and doesn't go the way they want us too.


Give me a break, you want the "experimental vaccine" got get it, for me, like I said, I will look for alternatives until I am convinced that these "experimental vaccines" are safe enough for me to say jab me, until then, not a part of it, oh and don't worry about me infecting you, because even if you have the jab, you can still be infected, like me without the jab, the severity of the infection will depend on your immune system which can also be a risk, but I have one and if it comes to it being tested without the vaccine, well, that was my decision not to get an "experimental vaccine" at this point in time.


Trust is something I don't have when others are telling me it is the right thing to do when it comes to my life, suffice to say, I will stay in control of that for as long as I can thank you very much, I am no hero, I'm special ????


The technology of the mRNA vaccines has been under development for years. It's normal for final licensure to take place only after two years experience. The "experimental" tag is perhaps a misnomer by this point. Consider your chances of serious illness if you don't get a good vaccine. I would agree with you on the Chinese vaccines, though, even though they use the oldest technology.

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4 hours ago, bobbin said:

It's not rocket science. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Consuming alcohol in a public place is not where you want lowered inhibitions. No restrictions on private consumption ( I think. I don't drink alcohol so do not follow every twist and turn of this policy.)


Anybody who continues to resist this measure possibly has a problem with alcohol.

 report says.... The sale of alcohol in restaurants should be outlawed across the country.

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35 minutes ago, AMFWolfie said:

compared with westerners Asian deaths are massively lower than their western counterparts and that's a fact.

Not that simple. Climate and culture will be playing a much bigger role. Deaths are less but death rate is similar and in the UK Asians are more susceptible than farang. The UK strain is about to show how bad covid is. 

You are doing the right thing by getting out before it gets too bad. The UK was bleak after Xmas but now things are really looking up but the other strains are not far away. I picked up 28 free lateral flow test kits no questions asked (except how many I wanted) this week. So along with the tests I get when visiting sites and my vaccine I should have a good chance to stop me unknowingly pass covid on to the rest of my family. The testing station where I got the tests from was empty whereas they used to have a que.

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So you can go to a restaurant with who knows how many people till 9pm but don't serve alcohol and that will make a difference because COVID only affects people who drink, everywhere else close at 11pm, you really can't teach Stupidity but you can in Thailand, unfortunately the people in power think it won't get worse than it has been OH HOW DILUSINAL THEY ARE.


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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I am not scared of facing Covid, we are all going to the same place in the end. I do not stay in, I do as told, wear a mask, social distance and wash hands regularly when out, and when out, I could be hit by a bus. These "experimental vaccines" are not 100%, no vaccines are, but vaccines that have been around are proven to be affective, these are not classified as vaccines, they are still in their experimental stages, and will continue to be until 2022-2023-2024 and then if the FDA deems the data is good will move them up a category to be vaccines.


The risk to me, is a risk that I cannot take for my families sake, "experimental vaccines" carry a risk, Covid is a risk, I see risks different to you, in other words, high/low, they are all risks, stock markets have a risk, but with your life, no thanks, what I am saying is there is no liability against anyone who produces it, sells it, administers it, now to me that's like playing Russian Roulette, e.g. take your chances, I won't follow everyone else, it's up to the individual to weigh up the risks and how they perceive it, one size doesn't fit all.


I remember when they were reporting people dying of these "experimental vaccines" and they were all saying, it's not the vaccines, they would have died anyway, they were old, it was a coincidence, well yeh sure right, then they started dropping like flies much younger, healthy doctors, nurses in the front line and others, and they kept saying, it's a coincidence, or they had some underlying conditions that we couldn't know about, but then someone brave enough came out and said hang on a second, blood clotting is being caused from these "experimental vaccines" and then we have those like yourself that goes on the defensive when someone thinks outside the square and doesn't go the way they want us too.


Give me a break, you want the "experimental vaccine" got get it, for me, like I said, I will look for alternatives until I am convinced that these "experimental vaccines" are safe enough for me to say jab me, until then, not a part of it, oh and don't worry about me infecting you, because even if you have the jab, you can still be infected, like me without the jab, the severity of the infection will depend on your immune system which can also be a risk, but I have one and if it comes to it being tested without the vaccine, well, that was my decision not to get an "experimental vaccine" at this point in time.


Trust is something I don't have when others are telling me it is the right thing to do when it comes to my life, suffice to say, I will stay in control of that for as long as I can thank you very much, I am no hero, I'm special ????


But you live in Thailand it hasn’t been offered to you or available to you

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6 hours ago, bobbin said:

It's not rocket science. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Consuming alcohol in a public place is not where you want lowered inhibitions. No restrictions on private consumption ( I think. I don't drink alcohol so do not follow every twist and turn of this policy.)


Anybody who continues to resist this measure possibly has a problem with alcohol.

I am not qualified to determine if anyone has "a problem with alcohol", nor do I have an education or experience in rocketry.


Those who pontificate, may believe they know more than the mere mortal beings who may have different opinions on this complex matter.

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45 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

100 %..........  After all these years abroad with all kinds of nastiness lurking around every corner i'm in the same boat....... Last time i was in Afrika i saw a man die of cerebral Malaria....... three days,    Brown bread !   I'll take my chances with C19 thanks......     As for experimental vaccines........ I'm no guinea pig..... 

This is precisely why vaccine passports are essential. Even some nursing staff in old folks homes are refusing to get vaccinated. The UK government is debating whether or not to force them to and if vaccine passports should be made mandatory. There are many opposing them because they are "devicive". Surely that is the point - I want to be devided from these anti vaxers. Why should most of us get vaccinated and then have to mix with people who treat covid as if it is not a problem and vaccines as a problem?

There should be consequences for those who refuse vaccines when they have been fully rolled out. Vaccines don't stop you spreading covid but they do reduce it which means less restrictions are required. It's like driving a car, we are all forced to take a test, making it safer for everyone. There will always be some who don't want to take a test and are statistically more dangerous to those they are near. If there are too many unlicensed drivers, the number of deaths will become high. 

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1 hour ago, chang1 said:

Not that simple. Climate and culture will be playing a much bigger role. Deaths are less but death rate is similar and in the UK Asians are more susceptible than farang. The UK strain is about to show how bad covid is. 

You are doing the right thing by getting out before it gets too bad. The UK was bleak after Xmas but now things are really looking up but the other strains are not far away. I picked up 28 free lateral flow test kits no questions asked (except how many I wanted) this week. So along with the tests I get when visiting sites and my vaccine I should have a good chance to stop me unknowingly pass covid on to the rest of my family. The testing station where I got the tests from was empty whereas they used to have a que.

Once you are vaccinated, you are extremely unlikely to get infected and infect others. 

66 million fully vaccinated in the USA and fewer than 6000 that got the virus. 99.99% protection is pretty good odds.


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22 minutes ago, Benmart said:

I am not qualified to determine if anyone has "a problem with alcohol", nor do I have an education or experience in rocketry.


Those who pontificate, may believe they know more than the mere mortal beings who may have different opinions on this complex matter.

Alcohol has been linked to increased infection rates right from the beginning due to it's effects on behaviour and the establishments it is consumed in. Clever people have already done the research and published the results. 

Edited by chang1
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2 hours ago, connda said:

Yeah.  Given the Thai elites (prohibitionist) war on alcohol you'd think that SARS-Cov-2 literally breeds in beer and whiskey.

Here's a thought..


Why not show up at your favorite restaurant (if it's open and before 9pm) , rip off your mask, and demand to be served 4 beers with your plate of chips...


When refused, defend your "right to imbibe" in a loud, confrontational manner, and refuse to leave the premises. If current patrons object to your behaviour, do not hesitate to engage them. Do not be cowed if the police show up and continue to tell everyone in earshot that your "rights" are being denied..


I eagerly await the video..

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2 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

Once you are vaccinated, you are extremely unlikely to get infected and infect others. 

66 million fully vaccinated in the USA and fewer than 6000 that got the virus. 99.99% protection is pretty good odds.


Do you mean infected or affected? I thought the vaccines were around 90% effective but very few were affected enough to need hospital treatment. 

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Wait wait.. I've got another one.


This thread will be a perfect opportunity for like-minded types to organize via PM (like a mini version of Twitter). Arrange to meet on the steps of Pattaya City Hall. Appoint someone a spokesman)or everybody can be a spokesman (will there be any spokeswomen?).


Do not be deterred by any police presence. Rush into the City Hall building and take a lot of selfies (as a souvenir). Do not post these selfies on Facebook. It will be fun trying to guess who is who behind the masks, but hopefully the several posters who post sad emoticons to every post that advises adult behaviour will come out from behind their keyboards to put boots on the ground.


I eagerly await the video..

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