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When will borders open

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So i came back to Australia to apply for my pension. I was told i could not leave the country for 2 years, as i had been out of Australia for some years and i had to proove i was an Austrlian. After 1 year i had a major stroke, then covid came along and after the 2 years i am still stuck here. I havent seen my wife, stepson and my now 3 year old son for over 2 years only on messenger and i want to see them in real. When will these borders open up for international travel?

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2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

OP, you can leave Australia anytime you like, its just a matter of applying for an exemption.

A wife and children would certainly qualify, also laving for longer then 3 months qualifies for an exemption.

Excellent, definitive answer.


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Thai borders are open, and have been for months. Granted, there are a few more hoops to jump through. Mainly getting the CoE and quarantine on arrival. I am just about to finish my second quarantine since the Covid <deleted> started and the process this time around was a lot smoother compared to last year. Getting the visa took me 2 days, getting the CoE about a week.

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11 hours ago, JoseThailand said:

Borders are supposed to open when the majority of populations are vaccinated. That's what they say.

That will be sometime in 2024 by the way it's going. They have only just ordered the Vaccine. Albeit only 10 mil doses. That should go a long way in a population of around 70 Mil: people. 

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22 hours ago, fredob43 said:

That will be sometime in 2024 by the way it's going. They have only just ordered the Vaccine. Albeit only 10 mil doses. That should go a long way in a population of around 70 Mil: people. 

A tablespoon of PlaRa every morning will ward off the evil spirits...that's if the liver flukes don't kill you before that

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You can now have a holiday to New Zealand and fly wherever you want from there.

Australia cannot tell N.Z immigration to not allow Aussies on international flights.


Of course, the Aus gov is threatening fines and jail for people but whether they will follow through that is another thing.


For me, as far as returning to Thailand,

the insurance, Covid certificates and quarantine is just to much bother for the reward.


And just imagine if you went through all that, then caught Covid on the way or in Quarantine..

Then Thai guards force you into a private hospital or "Covid field hospital"

even if you are asymptomatic.

No thanks!

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I'm in a similar position to Gazza.


Below is a quote from the Australian Home Affairs website.  You may need to be cautious with declaring your residency status with regard to Tax.


"You are considered ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia if international movement records show that you’ve spent more time outside Australia than inside for the last 12 to 24 months. You do not need to carry a paper record of your movements with you. If required, Australian Border Force officers at airports can check your movement records in their systems.

If you do not think you need a travel exemption, you can present this evidence when you check-in at the airport. However, if you have any doubt about whether your circumstances fall within the definition of ordinarily resident, we recommend you lodge a request for assessment at least two weeks prior to your intended departure"

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1 hour ago, pookondee said:

You can now have a holiday to New Zealand and fly wherever you want from there.

Australia cannot tell N.Z immigration to not allow Aussies on international flights.


Of course, the Aus gov is threatening fines and jail for people but whether they will follow through that is another thing.


For me, as far as returning to Thailand,

the insurance, Covid certificates and quarantine is just to much bother for the reward.


And just imagine if you went through all that, then caught Covid on the way or in Quarantine..

Then Thai guards force you into a private hospital or "Covid field hospital"

even if you are asymptomatic.

No thanks!

Imagine Jail terms for just trying to leave your country....and you don't think they will follow through with it, I would beg to differ. I have a feeling they will throw the book at anyone that tries to defy this government in their power grab! Australia is the only country in the world that DEMANDS their citizens get permission from the gov before leaving......

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On 4/21/2021 at 1:13 AM, Gazza0308 said:

When will these borders open up for international travel?

The borders (to Thailand) are open, and have been for quite some time, you just need to do quarantine, and it's little more easy if already Covid-vaccinated.


From 1st July you might be able to enter via Phuket without quarantine, but need to stay on Phuket for a week before you can travel around in Thailand.

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7 hours ago, pookondee said:

You can now have a holiday to New Zealand and fly wherever you want from there.

Australia cannot tell N.Z immigration to not allow Aussies on international flights.


Of course, the Aus gov is threatening fines and jail for people but whether they will follow through that is another thing.


For me, as far as returning to Thailand,

the insurance, Covid certificates and quarantine is just to much bother for the reward.


And just imagine if you went through all that, then caught Covid on the way or in Quarantine..

Then Thai guards force you into a private hospital or "Covid field hospital"

even if you are asymptomatic.

No thanks!

Exactly how I feel. I'm in France. Even getting to the UK and back is a nightmare and expensive. Costs almost as much as a 10 day holiday to Thailand used to.

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