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Thai Prime Minister reassures public after most severe COVID-19 wave

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13 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

After his Astra Zenica shot he says no need for alarm.

But others can have the Chinese one.


*My partner and her sister have both declined the vaccine so they tell me.

Puts me in a delicate situation now..

Not really. If you want to take it, do so...never was the phrase "up to you" more apt! 

If it would really cause issues, don't tell them!

I would be attempting to persuade them, but you know the individuals concerned, I don't. 


And, just being horribly selfish for a minute, if your partner doesn't take it, she could infect you....less dangerous if you get vaccinated.

Edited by VBF
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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Just more of his usual pathetic  BS, truth is he is way over his head, has absolutely no idea.

All he cares about is himself, no one else, time for him to pack his bags and p off.

was there a saint  called TRUMP. that cared so much about people he has already VIP place booked in Heaven. 

Why do people stay in thailand and moan ,  return to your country ,Pay tax ,pay high Price food ,electric ,water ,property Tax , and sure you get free medical care in USA. and the sun shines every day. and if you black no chances being shot ,


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16 minutes ago, VBF said:

Yes I accept that - at this time. I haven't checked your numbers but assume you've taken them from reliable source(s).

But to say " If there is a clear trend of large increases...." is rather reckless given what's happened elsewhere in the world, don't you think?  Why should Thailand be any different, just because they'd like to be?

The numbers are the government's and are posted repeatedly in the Forum daily. My opinion, and you know what people say about those, is that there isn't a reason to move into a "hard" lockdown now. What with the domestic travel quarantines in place in most provinces, early store closures, and more, there's a pretty decent lockdown in effect. If the numbers deteriorate, that is the next step.

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What ever happened to the original batch of Sino they actually paid did it not work now it is going to be free?  As far as I know aside from government health workers no one in the private section wants it. Here in Pattaya a representative came by our neighborhood and ask if she wanted the Sino we said no but from the conversation looking at her sign up board she wasn't the only one.


Then you got the AstraZ what happen to the original batch my memory serve me received something like 50,000?  The whole thing smells each day these leaders are just feeding a bunch of <deleted>!????

Edited by thailand49
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Maybe they should use that 12+ billion dollar to buy vaccines as fast as possible and vaccinate everybody soon as . And after that they can start put money in the economy that is still there because of vaccination and able to have opened up again . 

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15 minutes ago, davidmann said:

was there a saint  called TRUMP. that cared so much about people he has already VIP place booked in Heaven. 

Why do people stay in thailand and moan ,  return to your country ,Pay tax ,pay high Price food ,electric ,water ,property Tax , and sure you get free medical care in USA. and the sun shines every day. and if you black no chances being shot ,


You have absolutely no idea, have you?

I get free health care in the UK, just the same as here.????

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Hey PM  take care of your people  now  not next year .. they are dying .... it is your responsibility ... do no ignore them 


vaccine vaccine  ... stop trying to make a profit off the Vac 

buy it now give it to your people 

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3 hours ago, sambum said:


And just what are the populations of India and Japan compared to Thailand?


To save you looking it up:- India 1,390,975,476, and Japan 126,162,025  (Substantially more than the population of Thailand which stands at 69,941,967.) (Figures from Worldometer)


(P.S. India's latest daily infections is shown as "only" 8,025, so maybe they have it more under control than the media would have us believe?)

And the USA figure is zero. Does that mean they have got rid of it in 24 hours?

Or, perhaps, the figures get updated during the day and are only finalised at midnight local time.

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12 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thailand has managed to keep its case load far lower than many countries, but the new outbreak, which includes the highly-transmissible B.1.1.7 variant, has caused more than 20,000 domestic infections with 27 fatalities in just 23 days.


20,000 in 3 weeks, enough said, he or his vaccinated ministers have let down the Thai people by failing to sure up enough vaccinations in a timely manner, the original caretaker General of the army, later becoming the PM and having changed the constitution and his cabinet should resign is shame, but we know that isn't going to happen, just give the fools more BS stories, who is he trying to kid ?


12 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Schools and bars have been closed until next month and alcohol sales banned in restaurants in a bid to curb the epidemic.

The outbreak, which accounts for more than a third of Thailand's 50,183 cases so far, comes as the country takes tentative steps to reopen to tourists after a year of tightened border controls.


Blaming it on the bars and clubs is a deflection when he should be focusing on who let them through the manned borders, by the truck/van loads in exchange for brown envelopes. Judging by the amount of check points, no one is ever manning them if you can call those sitting down and playing with their mobiles while everybody drives through a check point.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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12 hours ago, colinneil said:

Just more of his usual pathetic  BS, truth is he is way over his head, has absolutely no idea.

All he cares about is himself, no one else, time for him to pack his bags and p off.

He might think the same about you.

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1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

No idea where you're getting that from. The latest daily figure for new cases in India is nearly 350,000, according to Johns Hopkins University's figures.




It would appear that Worldometer have got their facts seriously wrong! :- 



2. India Total cases 16,610,481 New cases +8,025  Total deaths  189,549

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1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

The numbers are the government's and are posted repeatedly in the Forum daily. My opinion, and you know what people say about those, is that there isn't a reason to move into a "hard" lockdown now. What with the domestic travel quarantines in place in most provinces, early store closures, and more, there's a pretty decent lockdown in effect. If the numbers deteriorate, that is the next step.

Well my opinion (yes I do know ????) is that I was vehemently opposed to lockdown in the UK this time last year.


BUT I now believe (with the benefit of hindsight) that our lockdowns helped keep our infections and deaths (which are both pretty horrific) from getting even worse...because they could have done! Now we are vaccinating, that has all changed.


Thailand, is where UK was in the early days as regards infections and deaths so unless a proper effort is made with vaccination NOW, I really do fear the worst.


One other difference, and i think we'll agree here, is that our NHS is way ahead of what Thailand offers most people (the non-rich ones).

That is why I say what I do - I rather think we must agree to differ @Pattaya Spotter.


I believe ONE of us will almost certainly be proven correct within the next month - I actually hope it's you, but as I say, I fear the worst.

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I know, I know, I know. I should have reacted when the outbreak happened back in December, and done the right thing by shutting down that area in Samut. 


I know. I should have taken the vaccine thing more seriously. I know, I should have had a more qualified health minister. I know, my pathological fear of the optics of a lockdown are causing many more cases than need be. And I know, I should have been more diligent with the borders, I should have cracked down on corrupt immigration officials, and kept my promise to fight corruption, and I should have and could have done better.


Do you want me to resign now? I know what is what you are thinking. I probably should. It sure would be the right thing to do.



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13 minutes ago, Boedog said:

Vaccinate 50mil by years end, wow that's over 200,000 a day if he starts tomorrow, why does he even open his mouth

Well it CAN be done...... https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinations 

Focus on 20th March 


And yes, I AM proud of UK for achieving that - despite the earlier clusterf*cks! 



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Why are people so worried about the amount of covid cases?


The only numbers that should matter are the survival and death rates.


We are almost at 54,000 cases of covid BUT look at the survival rate it's averaging at 99.6% and the death rate is LESS THAN 0.5 % 

What is all the fuss about???






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There is only one way to get out of this. Start vaccinate people 24h x 7 , and do it quick, let people with mild symptoms stay at home and recuperate, no need for a hospital bed . Only those with severe symptoms should be admitted to hospital, this will give the nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals  some breathing space and  let them care for those in need, let people live and allow alcohol at restaurants, beaches etc. as it is the mosts important income for the business owners, and stop with this ridicules bans after a certain business hours , Covid is amongs us 24h a day. The government seem to kill everything for the most majority of the Thai population and also the rest of us. It is a shame that such proven incompetence exist 2021...  and forget to open up Thailand if you  can’t execute vaccinations to the vast majority of the population with start immediately...  People want there lives back and they can’t wait forever or maybe even ever. Covid will not disappear...

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51 minutes ago, spetersen said:

There is only one way to get out of this. Start vaccinate people 24h x 7 , and do it quick, let people with mild symptoms stay at home and recuperate, no need for a hospital bed . Only those with severe symptoms should be admitted to hospital, this will give the nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals  some breathing space and  let them care for those in need, let people live and allow alcohol at restaurants, beaches etc. as it is the mosts important income for the business owners, and stop with this ridicules bans after a certain business hours , Covid is amongs us 24h a day. The government seem to kill everything for the most majority of the Thai population and also the rest of us. It is a shame that such proven incompetence exist 2021...  and forget to open up Thailand if you  can’t execute vaccinations to the vast majority of the population with start immediately...  People want there lives back and they can’t wait forever or maybe even ever. Covid will not disappear...

Why the need for an experimental vaccine when the survival rate is averaging at 99.6 % in Thailand???

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15 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Plus, the headline: 'Prime Minister reassures public' - as if anyone's going to be reassured by anything he says.

Now buying Russian Sputnik vaccine @ 50 per cent success rate ,but no hurry some people could be vaccinated by years end, becoming a true life circus

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Beware this is the UK variant - fast , furious, infectious putting Britain into 15 week hard lockdown and causing in Jan over 1000 hospital deaths per day. the ide of sitting in a crowded bar while  asymptomatic guys and bar servers get sloshed is to put it starkly absolute madness.  

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