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Brit dad stuck in Thailand with cancer needs £88,000 a year to continue fight in the UK


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My one Thai relative in Bangkok also has stage 4 cancer and has been told that he has 6 months or less

to live.  No magic drugs or pill to extend his live.  When I hear of stage 4 of any cancer, it is usually just too

late for a much longer life. I think it is time for this guy to say his good byes to his family and friends.


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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I have had a dozen of my relatives die from Cancer, and my Grandmother lasted 5 years after her

radiation and chemical treatments. She told me that she regretted the treatments, as she never felt much

alive, after they were done. She had no taste and not much smell qualities left, and said with all the pain

and time spent on the treatments, it just did not feel worth the few extra years.

Same here with a lot of my friends and relatives.

The treatment for cancer appears (to me) to be worse than the cancer itself.

You lose all your remaining life in the hope of gaining some extra life.

With ZERO treatment, I've had a pretty good 12 months, and don't feel any worse.

That's a year I would have lost if I had sought medical aid.

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21 hours ago, LeeUklondon said:

I read it as he has the all clear to travel? Not that he is all clear of cancer. He would not need 88k I’d he was all clear of cancer?

"I am responding well to this treatment and now have had the all clear on my scans"


What else could scans that detect cancer showing the all clear mean apart from he's all clear of the cancer?

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4 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"I am responding well to this treatment and now have had the all clear on my scans"


What else could scans that detect cancer showing the all clear mean apart from he's all clear of the cancer?


Then what is the 80k for and why does he need it? 

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Same here with a lot of my friends and relatives.

The treatment for cancer appears (to me) to be worse than the cancer itself.

You lose all your remaining life in the hope of gaining some extra life.

With ZERO treatment, I've had a pretty good 12 months, and don't feel any worse.

That's a year I would have lost if I had sought medical aid.

That's what I understood to be the case.

I have no idea what it feels like, but chances are we all will - most of us will end up getting cancer at some point.  I'd treat it if it was easily treatable, like prostate, but if it was serious more than likely I'd just let it go.

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8 hours ago, LeeUklondon said:
13 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"I am responding well to this treatment and now have had the all clear on my scans"


What else could scans that detect cancer showing the all clear mean apart from he's all clear of the cancer?


Then what is the 80k for and why does he need it? 

Don't ask me, ask him, I didn't say that he needed it but it's not that difficult to work out.

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On 4/26/2021 at 8:45 PM, simon43 said:

My (non-medical) knowledge of pancreatic cancer is that at stage 4, it is usually going to be 'lights out' pretty soon....


But his predicament does raise an interesting question.  He has medical insurance, which covers his medical bills when outside the UK, and his insurance company has been footing the medical costs.  But usually, such 'expat' insurance policies stop providing cover when you return to your home country, and he is now well enough to return to the UK.  If his Thai doctors said that he wasn't well enough to travel back to the UK, then presumably his insurance company would still pay his bills...


I have an expat policy which provides $1 million cover, but only when I'm outside the UK.  If I return to the country that I left 20+ years ago, (or I'm medivaced back to the UK), my insurance cover stops and I join the NHS queue.



medivac from Thailand to UK likely starts around 100K USD and could go as high as 200K USD.

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10 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Don't ask me, ask him, I didn't say that he needed it but it's not that difficult to work out.

You are the only one saying he is all clear and does not need the 80k? 


It clearly says his prognosis is death (which he is not accepting) and he needs the experimental drugs that he is flying back to the uk for.

Edited by LeeUklondon
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10 minutes ago, LeeUklondon said:

You are the only one saying he is all clear and does not need the 80k? 


It clearly says his prognosis is death (which he is not accepting) and he needs the experimental drugs that he is flying back to the uk for.

In the Mirror's article he is quoted as saying the scans have now given him the all clear


The Mirror's story does not say that his prognosis now is death it says that in March 2020 he was given months to live.  Was.  Past tense.  He's since had treatment and now, over a year later, he says he got the all clear,  You really need to read exactly what the story actually says to get the full picture.


I did not say that he "does not need the 80k", you claimed, wrongly, that I said that.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

You really need to read exactly what the story actually says to get the full picture.

If only the majority in here and on other forums would do that we would not be subject to all the fake news and wrong assumptions that are continually expressed.

Try reading past the first line, people, and you will be surprised at what truths you will discover.

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19 minutes ago, afkatt jonez said:

I had to sign up for this site just to tell you what a complete piece of unsympathetic, worthless trash you are, Boomer. Whatever you might actually think, coming on here and making such unfounded, disparaging comments about MY FRIEND are abhorrent to say the very least.  This person has been thru such unimaginable suffering, and has the strength to keep fighting. You know absolutely nothing about his character and dare post some random, horrible commentary about HIS TATTOOS and how that affects your ability to empathize? Really? I tried to keep my obscenities to a minimum, but as a result, we haven't even scratched the surface of what I'd like to say. The person you disparage here safely behind your laptop is beautiful person who deserves respect and a chance to live as much as you think you do. Let's just say if this were in person, I'd have a much more difficult time keeping this reply professional. I choose not to wish you ill because love indeed trumps this kind of online sewage, but I would suggest taking a different perspective before making such objectionable judgements moving forward. For your own sake. 


He feels what he feels. Don't like it? Use that oblong thingy on the right-hand side of your screen. I think it's called a scroll something, or other.

If he's your mate, maybe you would consider paying the money he needs yourself.

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:


Nothing and no.

Boomer6969 was just being honest. I support that. I may not like what people post, but everyone has a right to an opinion, even if it shocks / makes you angry.

It's called free speech.


I disagree... Free speech still comes with responsibility....  anonymity and hiding behind a keyboard simply enables people to troll and pass comments they’d dare not in general public - they’d be beaten. 





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A number of flaming posts, personal attack posts and the replies have been removed:


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonising other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


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3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

In the Mirror's article he is quoted as saying the scans have now given him the all clear...



You are paraphrasing what the Mirror wrote having been told by the patient, Andy Macey. This is the correct quote from the Mirror article (highlighting in bold is mine):



The dad-of-two told the Mirror: "...I am responding well to this treatment and now have had the all clear on my scans so I'm free to go home..."



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On 4/28/2021 at 8:43 AM, Krabi King said:



Looking at these comments and the likes they get, says a lot about the avarage TV keyboard warrior here... you can call it comedy or sarcasm, but it is probably a side effect of daily alcohol abuse. 

Wishing the same fate to you,

With regards,


Oh get off your high horse and stop trying to show how morally superior you are.

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17 hours ago, Puccini said:


You are paraphrasing what the Mirror wrote having been told by the patient, Andy Macey. This is the correct quote from the Mirror article (highlighting in bold is mine):


Yes, I paraphrased his quote, the part that was relevant to my comment.  He said he has had the all clear as a result of scans. 


The scans check for cancer and he is all clear, he did not say that he still has the cancer but is free to travel, he said that he has had the all clear.  

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On 4/27/2021 at 9:39 AM, kmj said:

Having survived cancer 3 times including losing a kidney and thyroid gland the only way to survive is to grasp every chance and hope with both hands, fight, fight, fight or you have lost. You would have lost with that attitude .

Glad you are ok and survived, but you caught it early stages correct? Stage 4 is very late and prognosis is very very low. It goes to show. Don’t skimp on your annual checkups!


On 4/27/2021 at 3:36 PM, mvdf said:

It's the year 2021 and cancer is still a death sentence. Clearly there is still so much to unravel and discover at a cellular or even molecular level.


I wonder if a cure will be available in 3035 or 4088. Might be treatable like the common cold by then. Might even have a vaccine for it altogether.


On 4/28/2021 at 12:57 AM, BritManToo said:

Same here with a lot of my friends and relatives.

The treatment for cancer appears (to me) to be worse than the cancer itself.

You lose all your remaining life in the hope of gaining some extra life.

With ZERO treatment, I've had a pretty good 12 months, and don't feel any worse.

That's a year I would have lost if I had sought medical aid.

Cancer is no longer a death sentence in 2021. There have been great advances in cancer treatment. If caught early, you can now do radiation therapy which is alot more tolerable than chemo.

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On 4/28/2021 at 8:52 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

Don't ask me, ask him, I didn't say that he needed it but it's not that difficult to work out.


On 4/29/2021 at 7:39 AM, Liverpool Lou said:

In the Mirror's article he is quoted as saying the scans have now given him the all clear


The Mirror's story does not say that his prognosis now is death it says that in March 2020 he was given months to live.  Was.  Past tense.  He's since had treatment and now, over a year later, he says he got the all clear,  You really need to read exactly what the story actually says to get the full picture.


I did not say that he "does not need the 80k", you claimed, wrongly, that I said that.

So why does he need the 80k? You agree that he needs it? What is it for? Try reading again. 

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4 hours ago, hioctane said:

Cancer is no longer a death sentence in 2021. There have been great advances in cancer treatment. If caught early, you can now do radiation therapy which is alot more tolerable than chemo.

Does this apply to the type of pancreatic cancer for which the patient mentioned in the OP has been treated?

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2 hours ago, LeeUklondon said:

So why does he need the 80k? You agree that he needs it? What is it for? Try reading again. 

I was wondering the same and based on what he, Andy Macey, reportedly told the Mirror he hopes to get a few more years to spend with his two adult children with this treatment than he would get without it.

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On 4/27/2021 at 7:57 PM, BritManToo said:

Same here with a lot of my friends and relatives.

The treatment for cancer appears (to me) to be worse than the cancer itself.

You lose all your remaining life in the hope of gaining some extra life.



This is what I always say too.....

I also say that in the hopefully not too distant future medical practitioners will look back

on this time period as antiquated & barbaric...a shotgun method of kill all & hope patient survives


They will look back on our time & say ...remember when those barbarians radiated their patients?????


As for the OP's story hopefully he goes comfortably but.......These kinds of stories are

just another nail in the soon to be required medical insurance to stay in Thailand requirement.

This is coming like a freight train to visitors & expats alike requiring visa/permission to stay extensions ,,,guaranteed

Hear me now or believe me later ????



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On 4/28/2021 at 6:57 AM, BritManToo said:

The treatment for cancer appears (to me) to be worse than the cancer itself.

You lose all your remaining life in the hope of gaining some extra life.


It very much can 

A tenant of mine whom i got on very well with was struck down by this disease just over 2 years ago.

On his very first prognosis he was given 2-3 months to live and up to a year with treatment

Only months before we were laughing and he was explaining his sudden loss of weight  by not eating mars bars at work all the time, He had also told me of the pains that he had been having which were being investigated.

over the next 9 months from his first diagnosis he deteriorated quickly until his eventual death. Each time i saw him he looked worse and he would tell me that he did not want to take the meds because all they did was make him sleep and he did not want to spend his remaining time in a bed asleep.

I couldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy 

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