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Thailand reports 1,583 new coronavirus cases, 15 new deaths


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1 minute ago, meltonpie said:

I'm not clear what point you are trying to make.

If the testing figures I quoted are interpreted as the number of new tests completed daily, whether it is actual total tests or tests of new people it is utterly lame.

Someone earlier made a claim that Thailand doesn't test anyone. I made the mistake of pointing out the number of tests performed per day. Then, the thread degenerated into a discussion of who gets tested, how many times, whatever. 


My only point is that the number of tests performed in Thailand is not zero. 

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39 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

This is from yesterday but casts a light on how seriously ill some people are


Although the daily case number went below 2,000 for the first time in six days, hospitals are increasingly filled with patients with severe conditions.

Data from the Public Health Ministry showed a gradual increase in patients with intubation needs and those who suffer pneumonitis or inflammation of lung tissues, which could lead to respiratory failure and death. The number of such patients exceeded 1,000 on Thursday.



However, he still wont believe it, and neither will a few others.  To them the hospitals are empty and have plenty of room and it is only a management issue as to why they are transferring people outside of Bangkok.

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16 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

However, he still wont believe it, and neither will a few others.  To them the hospitals are empty and have plenty of room and it is only a management issue as to why they are transferring people outside of Bangkok.

Hospitals in Bangkok are not empty, but they are not full, either.


If numbers of new infections had increased,  hospitals would have been overwhelmed. As it is, infection levels are still high, and there may be some more patients transferred outside of Bangkok as a precaution. Worse, the patients require more care, there will be more requiring ventilators, and deaths may continue in the double digits even as new cases drop below 1,000.


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Just looked at BP. CCSA saying 5-10% infection rate from mass testing. Quote: "This is concerning". We are definetly not getting the full picture. Test 100,000 a day just in BKK and the figures would be somewhat different to what we are seeing.

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6 minutes ago, anchadian said:



Government blames the public for pandemic third wave in official announcement

April 30, 2021

Thailand’s military-backed government blamed, this week, the general public for not doing enough to stem the spread of the third wave of the pandemic and for being one of the causes for its wide reach.


Thailand is currently fighting its most severe wave of the Covid-19 pandemic with infection rates climbing into the quadruple digits and the death toll mounting.


Published in the Royal Gazette............translation below from the link


“…with the majority of citizens relaxing their attitudes towards the situation…without exercising caution, protecting themselves during the beginning of stages of the infections, has made the disease spread throughout the kingdom.”



Edited by Bkk Brian
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28 minutes ago, anchadian said:



Government blames the public for pandemic third wave in official announcement

April 30, 2021

Thailand’s military-backed government blamed, this week, the general public for not doing enough to stem the spread of the third wave of the pandemic and for being one of the causes for its wide reach.


Thailand is currently fighting its most severe wave of the Covid-19 pandemic with infection rates climbing into the quadruple digits and the death toll mounting.


Classic. Guess they can't blame foreigners for this one so have to blame their own population.

The hi-so mob spread it because tough measures not taken. Travel for Songkran given green light. Absolutelty pitiful. These fools couldn't run a pissup in a brewery but sure to blame someone else. Sadly a Thai trait.

Edited by dinsdale
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Maths hasn't been one of my strongest subjects, but I'll give it a go:


Say Thailand population approx 69m

Say 1m approx fully vaccinated to date (2 shots) = 68m x 2 shots - 136m shots.


50,000 shots per day = 1.5m per month = 18m per year.


So by my reckoning 136m single doses (2 per person), would take 7.5 years to fully vaccinate all 68m Thai people.  


Is this correct?  Doesn't seem right.





Bangkok plans to inoculate 70% of its inhabitants, at the rate of 50,000 people per day. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will set up 14 locations across the city, outside hospitals, starting June 1st.


Bangkok Governor, Aswin Kwanmuang, said that the BMA has joined forces with the Thai Chamber of Commerce to organise the campaign, in which those aged over 60 and those with congenital diseases will be inoculated first.





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9 hours ago, kynikoi said:

The numbers are simply lower they are not neccessarily dropping. A few days does not make any sort of trend. In fact, those needing respirators has doubled.

Right you are.  In the U.S., reported cases are always lower on Sundays.  Here's the 7 day moving average for March and April. It dipped to about 50,000 cases per day and crawled back up to about 75,000.  The highlighted dip is where Covid seems to have taken a little Christmas holiday break.  It was back to work the week after New Years Day.


image.png.36e7644d54e8700aa5f6db3090a7dbe2.png  image.png.08042fa4ccfd7c868ac92cf78cbc64fa.png

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1 hour ago, anchadian said:

Maths hasn't been one of my strongest subjects, but I'll give it a go:


Say Thailand population approx 69m

Say 1m approx fully vaccinated to date (2 shots) = 68m x 2 shots - 136m shots.


50,000 shots per day = 1.5m per month = 18m per year.


So by my reckoning 136m single doses (2 per person), would take 7.5 years to fully vaccinate all 68m Thai people.  


Is this correct?  Doesn't seem right.





Bangkok plans to inoculate 70% of its inhabitants, at the rate of 50,000 people per day. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will set up 14 locations across the city, outside hospitals, starting June 1st.


Bangkok Governor, Aswin Kwanmuang, said that the BMA has joined forces with the Thai Chamber of Commerce to organise the campaign, in which those aged over 60 and those with congenital diseases will be inoculated first.





Calculations my error.  I calculated the entire pop. of Thailand.

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1 minute ago, anchadian said:

Calculations my error.  I calculated the entire pop. of Thailand.

If you consider the BKK metro area, there's maybe 10 million people.  At 50K shots per day, it's going to take awhile.  I'm in a U.S. state with 8.5 million people.  It's taken 4.5 months to get this far, and we're up to 74K shots per day.  Took us 2 months to get above 50K per day average.  It may take awhile to ramp up. 



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7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet it is everyone else's fault except the tools in charge of the government that allowed this to occur, you can not fix stupid as the saying goes, and this government sure lacks some brains.  As my dad used to say, after I had pointed my finger at him and told him it was he who was wrong, he would spout this wonderful axiom "When you point your finger at me you have 4 more pointing back at you, so who was wrong again".

I don't know if I'm even older than you, but... If I would have pointed my finger at my father when I was a kid and raised my voice I'd no longer have that finger. 

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12 hours ago, meltonpie said:

I can agree with that.

And also nowhere near enough.


That will depend on the end result, won't it? The millions, tens of millions of tests that Europe and the US have made haven't improved their situation much.


We'll have to be patient and wait a month or two to see the end result of the Thai testing effort before we can say if it was enough or not

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3 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:


That will depend on the end result, won't it? The millions, tens of millions of tests that Europe and the US have made haven't improved their situation much.


We'll have to be patient and wait a month or two to see the end result of the Thai testing effort before we can say if it was enough or not

Testing is the only way that officials know when to start and stop lockdowns. There is no way to manage an epidemic without adequate testing, only the basket cases don’t test.

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Looks like Thailand is testing the Thai nationals who arrived from India and have tested positive for the Indian variant.  This is getting to be a more than worrisome issue.  Of course, there will be those that say why worry its 99.5% survivable, or the hospitals still have room.  Folks this is serious stuff, so stop minimizing the issues and also quit trying to compare Thailand to elsewhere.  Stay safe and protect your family.  I sure hope they can get a vaccination that will work for all in place and get vaccinating ASAP.

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19 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Testing is the only way that officials know when to start and stop lockdowns. There is no way to manage an epidemic without adequate testing, only the basket cases don’t test.


I responded to meltonpie's comment that testing was nowhere near enough.


Sure we need testing to know when to end lockdowns but what kind of testing (mass or targeted) and together with what other measures? Western countries except Sweden implemented mass testing and where did that take them? Ehhhh... Thailand practiced targeted testing and it has worked pretty well.


It is testing combined with other measures that decide success. There must be something else very wrong in every single western country if mass testing is necessary as Thailand's tactics this far has been a success and western mass testing countries have failed.


Future will tell, we'll just have to wait and see  


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1 minute ago, MikeyIdea said:


I responded to meltonpie's comment that testing was nowhere near enough.


Sure we need testing to know when to end lockdowns but what kind of testing (mass or targeted) and together with what other measures? Western countries except Sweden implemented mass testing and where did that take them? Ehhhh... Thailand practiced targeted testing and it has worked pretty well.


It is testing combined with other measures that decide success. There must be something else very wrong in every single western country if mass testing is necessary as Thailand's tactics this far has been a success and western mass testing countries have failed.


Future will tell, we'll just have to wait and see  


You are making the wrong conclusion.


The other measures are useless without testing. For example, the UK is successfully using testing to re-open the country.

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29 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You are making the wrong conclusion.


The other measures are useless without testing. For example, the UK is successfully using testing to re-open the country.


Where did I say without testing? Read again. What I question is how much testing is needed and I think we can read out that I think that mass testing with the measures western countries have implemented doesn't work

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9 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

+1891 cases, 21 new deaths today (no news link yet)

More deaths are to be expected, given the large number of cases. The modest one day increase is also normal during an overall downward trend, even an exponential decline.

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1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

The millions, tens of millions of tests that Europe and the US have made haven'timproved their situation much.”


That doesn't say no testing Danderman. It just says that all their tens of millions of tests haven't improved their situation much, that's all. And it's true, isn't it? 


IMO, it's simply because their other measures and actions were inadequate. Take the UK for instance, they mass tested but left international airports open and hundreds of thousands of people entered the country, walked straight out of the airports, many infected already. And take the US - I don't want to be told what to do so I'm not going to wear a mask and practice social distancing. I'm going to go out and demonstrate against the measures without wearing a mask instead ????


Other measures, more mask wearing population and targeted testing have worked pretty well for Thailand this far. I have no idea if it's going to be enough this time too


Edited by MikeyIdea
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