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CCSA Shifts Focus on Household Covid-19 Infections

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19 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

No one is locked down into their homes. You can go outside, walk around, get fresh air, walk to the store, go to the mall etc. Yes gyms, pools, and parks are closed but your not stuck inside. Wear a mask, sanitize your hands, social distance and enjoy.

It's good to hear you're not in favour of a strict lockdown anymore.

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12 minutes ago, robblok said:

strange reasoning, people always return home anyway. So those infections would be there anyway.


The lockdown is just there to stop people going to illigal bars and partying as that is one of the  biggest spreaders. So lockdowns work. Also lockdowns don't stop you from going out just at certain times. 


So the 99% of the population who don't go to illegal bars and parties have to suffer just to keep the 1% away from them? That's a bad policy. And if someone is really determined to have an illegal party they're going to do it regardless of whether the local 7-Eleven is open.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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3 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

It's good to hear you're not in favour of a strict lockdown anymore.

Never have been and never intimated such. Locking down travel yes, shutting bars and restaurants yes, curfew hours yes, closing parks and pools No. Closing gyms yes.

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1 minute ago, edwardandtubs said:

So the 99% of the population who don't go to illegal bars and parties have to suffer just to keep the 1% away from them? That's a bad policy. And if someone is really determined to have an illegal party they're going to do it regardless of whether the local 7-Eleven is open.

I am talking about the curfew. Its not a bad policy as long as it works. But could you explain to me why lockdowns give extra infections in the family ? I mean everyone goes back home anyway. So there would not be more infections then when they normally see their family.


I personally think lockdowns are needed to curb the spread. They are boring of course but better that then hospitals that can't cope. 


India and Brazil are shining examples what happens when you don't do anything. Oh and the official numbers out of these countries are far too low in Brazil they found out that it could be as much as 100% too low (i can link the study). India has similar problems.


I rather not have Thailand follow that path. But i think like most people i don't LIKE lockdowns but I understand the need.

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4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Never have been and never intimated such. Locking down travel yes, shutting bars and restaurants yes, curfew hours yes, closing parks and pools No. Closing gyms yes.

Lockdowns are no fun but I understand the need for them. Limiting movement is limiting spread. Sad thing is it might never have come so far if the idiots in charge had not allowed songkran. Then again even if they had not allowed it it would have been hard to stop.

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15 minutes ago, robblok said:

I am talking about the curfew. Its not a bad policy as long as it works. But could you explain to me why lockdowns give extra infections in the family ? I mean everyone goes back home anyway. So there would not be more infections then when they normally see their family.


I personally think lockdowns are needed to curb the spread. They are boring of course but better that then hospitals that can't cope. 


India and Brazil are shining examples what happens when you don't do anything. Oh and the official numbers out of these countries are far too low in Brazil they found out that it could be as much as 100% too low (i can link the study). India has similar problems.


I rather not have Thailand follow that path. But i think like most people i don't LIKE lockdowns but I understand the need.

It's all a question of degree, isn't it? Spending time indoors with other people is more of a risk than spending time outdoors so it doesn't make sense to have a policy that leads to people spending more time indoors with others and less time outdoors. 


And why do you think India and Brazil are the best comparators rather than Japan or the other 190+ countries in the world?

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1 minute ago, edwardandtubs said:

It's all a question of degree, isn't it? Spending time indoors with other people is more of a risk than spending time outdoors so it doesn't make sense to have a policy that leads to people spending more time indoors with others and less time outdoors. 


And why do you think India and Brazil are the best comparators rather than Japan or the other 190+ countries in the world?

Can you tell me how lockdowns (beside the curfew) prevent you from spending time outside. The things that are locked down are mostly indoor things. 


India and Brazil are like Thailand upcoming nations. Japan is developed. You can also look at the quality of government. Plus both India and Brazil did not lock down or almost not. So I am just showing what happens when developing countries don't lock down.

Could you tell me why you would want to compare Thailand with Japan, don't you think there are more similarities with India and Brazil development wise then with Japan or other first world countries ?

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19 minutes ago, robblok said:

Can you tell me how lockdowns (beside the curfew) prevent you from spending time outside. The things that are locked down are mostly indoor things. 


India and Brazil are like Thailand upcoming nations. Japan is developed. You can also look at the quality of government. Plus both India and Brazil did not lock down or almost not. So I am just showing what happens when developing countries don't lock down.

Could you tell me why you would want to compare Thailand with Japan, don't you think there are more similarities with India and Brazil development wise then with Japan or other first world countries ?

The truth is people are spending more time at home with their family regardless of whether that is strictly necessary. Of course it would be great if everyone just went for a walk on the street instead but they don't they sit at home stuffing their faces and watching TV with their extended family.


If you want a decent comparison then compare California to Florida. One locked down and one didn't but guess which one had the most covid-19 cases?

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2 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

The truth is people are spending more time at home with their family regardless of whether that is strictly necessary. Of course it would be great if everyone just went for a walk on the street instead but they don't they sit at home stuffing their faces and watching TV with their extended family.


If you want a decent comparison then compare California to Florida. One locked down and one didn't but guess which one had the most covid-19 cases?

Truth is you could not come up with a good reply. Because they either spend more time with family at home or others in indoor setting. Then spending just with family is safer as less contact. So im sorry you lost that argument.


Also to compare the first world with Thailand.. not really working. I prefer to compare it with India and Brazil as they have far more in common with Thailand then California and Florida. Seems your arguments are not that strong.


Can i take a guess your missing drinking in a pub and that is why your so anti measures ?

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8 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

He said these fluctuations in the number of new cases are not satisfactory, and point to the need to adopt more stringent control measures, adding that the cumulative number of Covid-19 infections has risen to 67,044, with 224 deaths, and the vast majority of deaths contracted the virus from their families.

Then encourage people to get outside in the fresh air and sunlight.  What are the fools going to do instead. 
What are they going to do.  Mandate masks at home, mandated social distancing in the home, no more sex, use bamboo poles to feed the kids like zoo animals.   I'm sure they'll come up with something moronic. 

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Does this mean that: COVID has now dispersed far and wide throughout the country;  there are now longer defined risk groups that can be targeted for testing, i.e.Thonglor pub workers,  Burmese shrimp peelers etc; people who are worried and maybe already sick but not yet struggling for breath have stopped coming forward for tests because they 1)  they don't wish to be incarcerated; 2) they can't get information about where to go for testing, what it costs etc, as call centres are non-functional and many hospitals pretend they have run out of test kits?


From family living or working in Wangnamkhiaow, Korat, and in Muang Samsip, Ubon, there are 100 plus cases in those districts but hospitals are not yet overwhelmed.    

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11 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

Does this mean that: COVID has now dispersed far and wide throughout the country;  there are now longer defined risk groups that can be targeted for testing, i.e.Thonglor pub workers,  Burmese shrimp peelers etc; people who are worried and maybe already sick but not yet struggling for breath have stopped coming forward for tests because they 1)  they don't wish to be incarcerated; 2) they can't get information about where to go for testing, what it costs etc, as call centres are non-functional and many hospitals pretend they have run out of test kits?


From family living or working in Wangnamkhiaow, Korat, and in Muang Samsip, Ubon, there are 100 plus cases in those districts but hospitals are not yet overwhelmed.    

Thailand is at the stage Western countries were in a year ago March (2020 to be exact):

Total Mass Panic.

After you've spent a year asking everyone you meet, "do you personally know anyone who's been hospitalised with covid?"  and they all say 'no' (as is the case for me) you'll realise something is amiss - if you haven't already ????


If the government was deeply concerned about your health AND willing to use authoritarian power 'for the greater good', then the war would be on sugar, syrups, tobacco, alcohol, trans fats, highly processed foods, etc.

And there would be exercise mandates.







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9 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

At a meeting of the CCSA on Saturday, the Department of Disease Control has set a goal of bringing daily new cases in the capital to under 400, or eight cases in each district, as the city steps up measures to control the spread.

3 simple methods to get the numbers down

1) only test people today who tested negative yesterday

2) only do 400 tests a day or 

3) lie through your teeth

sorry 4) mix and match any of the three above to get the right (the one you want) answer.

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On 5/2/2021 at 7:15 PM, edwardandtubs said:

You need to take two similar places one with a lockdown and one without a lockdown and see whether the lockdown works. So comparing California to Florida is a valid comparison. It turns out lockdown made no difference. Do your research.

Florida’s positivity rate is 9 times that of California. The daily infection numbers are 3 times higher in Florida.


Lockdowns work.

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On 5/2/2021 at 5:01 PM, Danderman123 said:

Just out of curiously, what will be your opinion if this wave dissipates?

I think you mean when, it will dissipate eventually, at that point I won't care. So long as I don't get infected I don't give a <deleted>.


Look at the UK, millions of cases all over the place, now it's pretty much gone with zero deaths each day and most people over there simply don't care.


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54 minutes ago, ukrules said:

I think you mean when, it will dissipate eventually, at that point I won't care. So long as I don't get infected I don't give a <deleted>.



On 5/2/2021 at 3:23 PM, ukrules said:


It's what happens when complete morons are in charge.


I expect no different. Assume the very worst because that's a likely scenario.


You really think that this wave is going to be that bad?


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13 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Its bad now, the worst Thailand has ever experienced before.

By that definition, this wave could end next week, and the doomsayers could all claim being right. The question is how bad do you think this wave will be?


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7 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

By that definition, this wave could end next week, and the doomsayers could all claim being right. The question is how bad do you think this wave will be?


I'm unsure how you define that by my reply. As for labelling some posters doomsayers because they have different opinions to you is a little ignorant. How bad will it get. I have no idea. If they up the game with testing and do not relax until the detection rate is down to 1% or lower then there is a good chance to curb it. If not then it will remain for many months ahead making everything worse for Thailand

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I'm unsure how you define that by my reply. As for labelling some posters doomsayers because they have different opinions to you is a little ignorant. How bad will it get. I have no idea. If they up the game with testing and do not relax until the detection rate is down to 1% or lower then there is a good chance to curb it. If not then it will remain for many months ahead making everything worse for Thailand

I define a “doomsayer” as someone who predicts that the epidemic will get worse based on zero facts or misinformation. We don’t need that here. We need information and opinion based on information.


just saying “it’s going to be bad” is worthless. I guess the doomsayers could educate us on what we should do in their expected apocalypse to survive. Are they about to tell us to stock up on canned goods and water, or are they just randomly venting their frustrations? 

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Just now, Danderman123 said:

I define a “doomsayer” as someone who predicts that the epidemic will get worse based on zero facts or misinformation. We don’t need that here. We need information and opinion based on information.


just saying “it’s going to be bad” is worthless. I guess the doomsayers could educate us on what we should do in their expected apocalypse to survive. Are they about to tell us to stock up on canned goods and water, or are they just randomly venting their frustrations? 

They have exactly the same  facts available as you but different interpretations

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An inflammatory post and the replies have been removed. 


Off topic posts about the Covid infection rates with California and Florida have been removed. 

Edited by metisdead
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