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'Worth it': American expat in Thailand travels to Guam for vaccine, vacation

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What a champion! Instead of moaning about not being able to get his choice of vaccine, which happens to be free and given to him by a foreign government or whinging about how hard it is to get an appointment for a vaccine this legend just went and got his own, on his own terms. Wish more would follow suit or accept the fact that Thais should have priority in their own country and beggars can't be choosers. Nice one champ ????????????

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On 5/4/2021 at 7:05 AM, Ventenio said:

The average expat in Thailand worries about currency fluctuations and is on a fixed income.


This guy appears to have some disposable income, a rare thing for the falang.


I just got some  noodle soup and saved 5 baht!!!!  I'm not flying to Guam.  

Most of my friends have a fair amount of disposable income. Only one is on the breadline (not Thai-style though, he still has full health insurance) and a couple are pretty rich by Western standard. That's not rare but then I don't associate with many people who 'went upcountry' and are the only farang in the village (that's a minority anyway, for sure). 

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7 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

What's the rush for a flue shot. I will be the one  last in line . Or even better not at all. 



only smart choice if you are not a weak man as many here.





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On 5/4/2021 at 11:30 AM, aussiexpat said:

So if he's going to Dubai why do Thailand quarantine and he could have got the jab in the UAE, one of the most highly vaccinated places in the World?


Btw, I've been to Guam and loved it, so no negativity there just wondering why its news...

I totally agree with you. 

I felt smug until I realized it's only news because we read & discuss it. 

If some news fell in the forest and nobody was there to hear it, is it really news? 

Something to ponder. ????

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13 hours ago, Speedhump said:

Most of my friends have a fair amount of disposable income. Only one is on the breadline (not Thai-style though, he still has full health insurance) and a couple are pretty rich by Western standard. That's not rare but then I don't associate with many people who 'went upcountry' and are the only farang in the village (that's a minority anyway, for sure). 

If your living here and couldn't afford to leave the country for a couple months then really your a prisoner which may explain why a few on here are so upset with their lot in life.

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This business guy flies to Guam, and works from there as well as gets his shot. Sounds like he would be able to write off

the trip, as a business expense. Likely got a Pfizer or Moderna shot.  He also enjoyed some time in Guam, which sounds

like a good break.  Good for him.


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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

This business guy flies to Guam, and works from there as well as gets his shot. Sounds like he would be able to write off

the trip, as a business expense. Likely got a Pfizer or Moderna shot.  He also enjoyed some time in Guam, which sounds

like a good break.  Good for him.


The main beach area in Guam is really nice.  The nearby road is filled with great restaurants and shops.  Nice sidewalks.  Drivers who obey the rules.  Great tourists as most are Japanese.  I loved it there.  The drive around the island is fantastic.

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8 hours ago, starky said:

If your living here and couldn't afford to leave the country for a couple months then really your a prisoner which may explain why a few on here are so upset with their lot in life.

Yes that's obvious. My problem was his statement that it's rare for a farang to have disposable income here. That's nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, wasabi said:

I researched doing this; going to Guam. One way tickets from Bangkok to there varies from 1,000 to 2,000 USD and roundtrip is about the same. Quickest flight is 12 hours. Since it'd be my wife and I doesn't quite seem worth it. We are going back to the USA with one-way flights that cost about the same, but soonest I can return is mid June so I get to enjoy The Thai vaccine rollout farce a bit longer.

Been looking in to this too. Apparently to return to Thailand now requires a "Certificate of Entry" from the Thai embassy in the US.  To get that, you have to have "COVID19 insurance" good for as long as your visa or visa extension is good for, up to 1 year.  This insurance is required, even if you have been vaccinated, and it covers "loss of life due to COVID19 and medical expenses up to Bt3.2m."  Current quotations for of a 1 year policy varies depending on what country you are coming to Thailand from.  It seems to be one price if you're coming from the UK, much of Europe and the US.  Brazil seems to cost twice as much.  China costs about about half.  The cost doesn't seem to depend on whether you can prove you were vaccinated. https://covid19.tgia.org/


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I left Thailand on Jan 1. I received my 2nd Moderna vaccine in the US on March 29. I finished my ASQ on May 2. 


I go back home to the US once a year for vacation. I would have went home to visit even if the vaccine wasn't available.

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