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People failing to disclose information blamed for COVID-19 spike


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11 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

But soldiers have respirators, Noddy (NBC) suits, decontamination kits and so on.


The health care workers here have a 7/11 10 Baht mask.

Correct but, you learn also the basics about "how to avoid"0. I live next to a hospital in CNX and they are protected. I visit another one on a regular basis and they have a kind of triage system and are protected. 

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No one truly wants the government in their business. This is an extremely contagious virus, that in my opinion was lab created. But the mask thing has almost stopped the World wide spread of the virus Right? In most cases at least what the statistics show opnly 2% will have problems with the virus, 98% won't. Get the medical staff vaccinated and then the elderly first. If your at high risk stay home. 

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I pray this terrible pandemic will be over soon and tourism will open up for the Thai economy and for the people. COVID infection are going up in almost every unvaccinated country and has been shown to be due to the more infectious mutations: Brazil P.1, UK B.1.1.7 and South African B.   Vaccinations cannot be soon enough. Please remember this when you are choosing to get your vaccination or not. Vaccinations are as much to do with others, the herd, as they are to do with ourselves. Unless a majority of the population has either been infected or vaccinated then the problem will not go away. Yes, we have a personal choice but please remember all of the rest of the people who will be infected, infected and become “long haulers”, infected and get permanent lung scarring and make breathing difficult for the rest of their lives - perhaps needing oxygen like emphysema, infected plus chronic heart problems which will give them an earlier death due to congestive heart failure, infected then chronic liver and or kidney disease - perhaps requiring dialysis three times per week for the rest of their lives or liver cirrhosis and finally death. I know the numbers of infected and the numbers of death are most reported but there are many more numbers of people with above. Think of all of the stress the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions who are hiding in their homes in safety while closely watching the daily news for information. Everyone will have a personal choice to be vaccinated. Every unvaccinated person or infected with active disease will be a potential spreader and can cause all of the above. Vaccination is a personal choice and a necessary tool to make this go away and not infect others. It is not gene manipulation or governments trying to control people or anything else the weirdo conspiracy theorists can think up. This is very, very real. At no time in history can we keep an infectious disease from spreading with quarantine plus precautions like face masks alone. They slow down the spread so that the hospital workers don’t die, hospitals running out of beds and oxygen such as india right now. Your favorite nurse or doctor may not be alive next year by our personal choice whether or not to be vaccinated. A few people have had COVID more than once because of the new variants of concern (VOC).  The virus is always mutating just as we have come to know with the common cold and the seasonal flu except we all know how much more dangerous SARS COVID-19 is. My aim here is for public awareness so that you can have such information to make an informed decision when vaccinations become available to you. God bless...

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12 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

So why are people so reluctant to disclose information regarding

if they have been at risk of catching the virus? Afraid of being locked up in a hospital for an uncertain period of time? Perhaps they should consider letting asymptomatic cases or patients with mild symptom isolate at home, and leave room for those who are more seriously ill. 


How do Thais in often very crowded accomodation isolate at home? 

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9 minutes ago, geworthomd said:

I pray this terrible pandemic will be over soon and tourism will open up for the Thai economy and for the people. COVID infection are going up in almost every unvaccinated country and has been shown to be due to the more infectious mutations: Brazil P.1, UK B.1.1.7 and South African B.   Vaccinations cannot be soon enough. Please remember this when you are choosing to get your vaccination or not. Vaccinations are as much to do with others, the herd, as they are to do with ourselves. Unless a majority of the population has either been infected or vaccinated then the problem will not go away. Yes, we have a personal choice but please remember all of the rest of the people who will be infected, infected and become “long haulers”, infected and get permanent lung scarring and make breathing difficult for the rest of their lives - perhaps needing oxygen like emphysema, infected plus chronic heart problems which will give them an earlier death due to congestive heart failure, infected then chronic liver and or kidney disease - perhaps requiring dialysis three times per week for the rest of their lives or liver cirrhosis and finally death. I know the numbers of infected and the numbers of death are most reported but there are many more numbers of people with above. Think of all of the stress the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions who are hiding in their homes in safety while closely watching the daily news for information. Everyone will have a personal choice to be vaccinated. Every unvaccinated person or infected with active disease will be a potential spreader and can cause all of the above. Vaccination is a personal choice and a necessary tool to make this go away and not infect others. It is not gene manipulation or governments trying to control people or anything else the weirdo conspiracy theorists can think up. This is very, very real. At no time in history can we keep an infectious disease from spreading with quarantine plus precautions like face masks alone. They slow down the spread so that the hospital workers don’t die, hospitals running out of beds and oxygen such as india right now. Your favorite nurse or doctor may not be alive next year by our personal choice whether or not to be vaccinated. A few people have had COVID more than once because of the new variants of concern (VOC).  The virus is always mutating just as we have come to know with the common cold and the seasonal flu except we all know how much more dangerous SARS COVID-19 is. My aim here is for public awareness so that you can have such information to make an informed decision when vaccinations become available to you. God bless...


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Just now, geworthomd said:


No, 2 to 4 percent are only death percentages. It causes permanent damage or “long haulers” to much more though I have been unable to find that statistic. Infected kids who will have to fall out of school or university because of brain fog, one of the “long haulers” effects. No proof it this corona virus started in a lab but certainly a significant concern that is still being looked into at the WHO level. Unfortunately, their team has not been given access to full Chinese information and I don’t know why. 

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5 hours ago, BadSpottedDog said:

It's not a perfect solution, and yes, there will be a very few who won't comply. But there will be many who will. A few not being honest is way better than many. All the Thais & farang I've talked to said if they feel sick, they are staying home and keeping quiet.

Home quarantines in the West are not done on the honor system.  Unwatched Westerners are just as likely to leave home quarantine as Thais, especially if they are not sick.
This is mitigated by having government workers or contractors who visit the quarantined to make sure they are in place, and then there are also laws that levy serious fines on those who are not.  This isn't rocket science and Thais are particularly special.
"You can't trust Thais!!!"
Yeah, well in this situation you can't trust anybody.  Hence the people paid by the government to check up on Covid quarantines and the heavy fines if they are out wandering.

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12 hours ago, finnsk said:

The healthworkers and other care people in the frontline, must be the first to be vaccinated.

Now we have Covid more than 1 year, and the health and care people is still not vaccinated ?


This is not about some patients who do not tell what they maybe do not know.



The generals need to be vaccinated first they're more important. Then their Mia noi's ????

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

Indian variant of Covid-19 confirmed in Thailand



And given that Myanmar shares porous borders with India and Thailand, it seems inevitable that the Indian variant will arrive here in full force most likely sooner rather than later.

yep, with your chances of getting a proper vaccination in Thailand, if I was there now I would certainly be getting the hell out of Dodge, as they have found it, its already there elsewhere. Pretty soon it will be too late to leave and with as something as dire as this, which is quite important news I was really surprised that Thaivisa hadn't posted it.....

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22 minutes ago, Megasin1 said:

yep, with your chances of getting a proper vaccination in Thailand, if I was there now I would certainly be getting the hell out of Dodge, as they have found it, its already there elsewhere. Pretty soon it will be too late to leave and with as something as dire as this, which is quite important news I was really surprised that Thaivisa hadn't posted it.....

No worries. I don't deal much with others. That's one of the many advantages of being a pariah.

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On 5/10/2021 at 8:46 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

So why are people so reluctant to disclose information regarding

if they have been at risk of catching the virus? Afraid of being locked up in a hospital for an uncertain period of time? Perhaps they should consider letting asymptomatic cases or patients with mild symptom isolate at home, and leave room for those who are more seriously ill. 


Don't be daft that's sensible....???? 

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I haven't seen a mention of it here but one has to asked where is all the testing. You cannot stop the spread of Covid without thorough testing. Can anyone tell me where there is a government testing centre. I have not seen one or know where to find one.

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Shifting blame from obviously poor protocols seems unhelpful.


Assume anyone seeking medical care is infected, and follow strict protocols.


Funny how little blame was laid at the feet of the patrons of the Thong Lor entertainment Klubs; that seemed to shift quickly to "managers" and "employees".



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I'm confused I (& not very intelligent) I am easily fooled & don't know what to believe I just blindly believe TV & the "Official Narrative", without even thinking about it, but I wish I owned the Patents to the Virus and the test kit, imagine how much money you'd have owning the industrial complex of the Virus itself The "Existing Patents" are not any conspiracy theory they are in plain site on the US Patents and Trademark data base as existing real Patents and look who owns them  ~ Look Here ~ 


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On 5/10/2021 at 8:46 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

So why are people so reluctant to disclose information regarding

if they have been at risk of catching the virus? Afraid of being locked up in a hospital for an uncertain period of time? Perhaps they should consider letting asymptomatic cases or patients with mild symptom isolate at home, and leave room for those who are more seriously ill. 


I could ask the same about the idiots that refuse to use hand sanitizer, put down false names like Micky Mouse and incorrect phone numbers...just what is it with these people

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20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Seems like once again, we are being blamed for the spike in Covid. Honestly, are we the real culprits here? Or is it an extremely inadequate response, from an administration that seems completely overwhelmed by this emergency, and incapable of handling it? They even messed up the most basic of programs, the vaccination drive, which should have been the top priority.


So once again, the people should be asking of the government, not the other way around.


1. How can you demonstrate to us, that you are up for the task of leadership?

2. What are you doing to prove that you can and will protect us?

3. Instead of contact tracing us, how about we trace you, and make sure you are doing your job? How about you report to us daily, and let us know how you are handling and containing this epidemic that happened on your watch? Stop talking, and start working, and doing your jobs.

4. Why did you not prevent this? How did you allow these corrupt officials to let infected people in? Why is nobody in a position of power being arrested? Why aren't heads rolling? How did you not anticipate this wave, after the 900 cases in Samut?

5. Why are you not making the vaccines more of a priority? Why isn't the army sacrificing some of its huge budget for the people? 

6. What are you planning on offering the people in the way of assistance, so they can survive this disaster you helped create?

7. Can you demonstrate to us why you think Anutin, who has no background whatsoever in the filed of health, is up for the task of tackling this emergency?

8. And why are you shutting down so many businesses, yet you allowed ground zero to remain open to people coming and going since this latest outbreak happened, only closing the province down days after the outbreak? Why such bad decisions, and such extreme incompetence? How do you justify that? How do you explain that? Thousands of cases emanated from Samut province. You knew that would happen. 

9. How about a compulsory level of competence and experience, for all future administration appointments to key positions?

10. Why have you been so hard on foreigners, making it so incredibly difficult to fly in, yet so lax on the borders?

11. Why should we allow you to remain in power? What have you done lately to deserve that power? 

This is a very truthful post from start to finish, yet there is a very deluded poster giving it a saddo emotican. Unbelievable.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

This is a very truthful post from start to finish, yet there is a very deluded poster giving it a saddo emotican. Unbelievable.

I do think sometimes the sad emo is sometimes meant to imply a sad situation, which is appropriate for anything army or Prayuth related. Dinosaurs! 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

I do think sometimes the sad emo is sometimes meant to imply a sad situation, which is appropriate for anything army or Prayuth related. Dinosaurs! 

I have often wondered about that, but the way I see it, and stand to be corrected, is 

Thanks. Something you have strong feelings about.

Like. something that you agree with.

Laughing. finding it funny.

Confused. Speaks for itself.

Sad. Disagree entirely.

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5 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I have often wondered about that, but the way I see it, and stand to be corrected, is 

Thanks. Something you have strong feelings about.

Like. something that you agree with.

Laughing. finding it funny.

Confused. Speaks for itself.

Sad. Disagree entirely.


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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Shifting blame from obviously poor protocols seems unhelpful.


Assume anyone seeking medical care is infected, and follow strict protocols.


Funny how little blame was laid at the feet of the patrons of the Thong Lor entertainment Klubs; that seemed to shift quickly to "managers" and "employees".



You didn't think members of the government and hi so's would be blamed for anything 

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On 5/10/2021 at 8:21 AM, ThailandRyan said:

No one seems to want to disclose the true facts of their lives to this Government as to where they have been or what they do on their own time.  Problem, yes.  They have to be scared they have done something wrong or do not want to imposition friends and others, but failing to disclose just makes it keep on spreading and takes out the needed medical staff who are needed to assist those that are sick.

Wow, you really are getting stuck into the KoolAid aren't you - do you have shares in it or something? Did you see this btw, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about though, probably how all vaccinations are I'm sure. Go figure!

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On 5/10/2021 at 10:42 PM, geworthomd said:

I pray this terrible pandemic will be over soon and tourism will open up for the Thai economy and for the people. COVID infection are going up in almost every unvaccinated country and has been shown to be due to the more infectious mutations: Brazil P.1, UK B.1.1.7 and South African B.   Vaccinations cannot be soon enough. Please remember this when you are choosing to get your vaccination or not. Vaccinations are as much to do with others, the herd, as they are to do with ourselves. Unless a majority of the population has either been infected or vaccinated then the problem will not go away. Yes, we have a personal choice but please remember all of the rest of the people who will be infected, infected and become “long haulers”, infected and get permanent lung scarring and make breathing difficult for the rest of their lives - perhaps needing oxygen like emphysema, infected plus chronic heart problems which will give them an earlier death due to congestive heart failure, infected then chronic liver and or kidney disease - perhaps requiring dialysis three times per week for the rest of their lives or liver cirrhosis and finally death. I know the numbers of infected and the numbers of death are most reported but there are many more numbers of people with above. Think of all of the stress the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions who are hiding in their homes in safety while closely watching the daily news for information. Everyone will have a personal choice to be vaccinated. Every unvaccinated person or infected with active disease will be a potential spreader and can cause all of the above. Vaccination is a personal choice and a necessary tool to make this go away and not infect others. It is not gene manipulation or governments trying to control people or anything else the weirdo conspiracy theorists can think up. This is very, very real. At no time in history can we keep an infectious disease from spreading with quarantine plus precautions like face masks alone. They slow down the spread so that the hospital workers don’t die, hospitals running out of beds and oxygen such as india right now. Your favorite nurse or doctor may not be alive next year by our personal choice whether or not to be vaccinated. A few people have had COVID more than once because of the new variants of concern (VOC).  The virus is always mutating just as we have come to know with the common cold and the seasonal flu except we all know how much more dangerous SARS COVID-19 is. My aim here is for public awareness so that you can have such information to make an informed decision when vaccinations become available to you. God bless...


Great post. Paragraphs will make it even greater. ????

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Before Songkran, people travelled around to get groceries and to do necessary things. However the Thai

Government gave the okay for Songkran travel, and that is why they are responsible for a lot of the recent

spread of COVID.  Songkran travel is not the only cause of COVID spreading, but it was one BIG contributor

to the recent spread.  To the posters that seem to think that back and forth bickering is the way to go.   Well

no it is not.   That is what 2 school kids may do, but now we are adults....   aren't we?  Enuff said.


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On 5/10/2021 at 8:21 AM, ThailandRyan said:

No one seems to want to disclose the true facts of their lives to this Government as to where they have been or what they do on their own time.  Problem, yes.  They have to be scared they have done something wrong or do not want to imposition friends and others, but failing to disclose just makes it keep on spreading and takes out the needed medical staff who are needed to assist those that are sick.

Although l didn't agree with a trace app  l now have different thoughts as people are not disclosing where they have been.

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On 5/10/2021 at 8:21 AM, ThailandRyan said:

No one seems to want to disclose the true facts of their lives to this Government as to where they have been or what they do on their own time.  Problem, yes.  They have to be scared they have done something wrong or do not want to imposition friends and others, but failing to disclose just makes it keep on spreading and takes out the needed medical staff who are needed to assist those that are sick.

But they are content with putting other people at risk

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