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Thailand aims to vaccinate 70% of people by September


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so 2.5% vax in first two months with a max. effort to reopen Phuket so, with small increase, say 1.5% monthly , four more months to end Sept gives say 9-10% by then .... no recognition in govt statement of large rapid increase required or how to achieve that....... they cant of course.....

would need to improve vax completion rate by seven times to hit 70%.....

how ? impossible nonsense published as “govt. target”........

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1 hour ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Sounds like an extremely risky plan. The vaccines have a set time between doses. What happens if they can't get the second doses in time? Better off just vaccinating 35% first.

That is not really true.  Astrazeneca says you can vaccinate anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks.  Pfizer/Moderna recommend set interval but lots of countries are going outside those guidelines up to 12-16 weeks. Some studies are suggesting you may get even better protection doing that.


The 4 week recommendation is there because that's what they tested in their Phase 3 trial.

Edited by shdmn
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10 minutes ago, shdmn said:

That is not really true.  Astrazeneca says you can vaccinate anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks.  Pfizer/Moderna recommend set interval but lots of countries are going outside those guidelines up to 12-16 weeks. Some studies are suggesting you may get even better protection doing that.


The 4 week recommendation is there because that's what they tested in their Phase 3 trial.


My wife and I received our 1st Pfizer vaccine dose yesterday from a walk in appointment. The woman at the pharmacy explained this was only possible because someone else canceled. She further explained they are still required to keep the vaccines at extreme cold temperatures and then based on appointment take them out and have a 12 hour window to inject them before they have to be put back in the freezer. So while this window offers some flexibility it does not support a 24 hour walk-in cycle. Most likely Thailand knows this but promises it anyway with far off dates hoping b y the time those dates draw close they can change the date and keep stringing people along. Procuring large amounts however appears possible. I suspect again Thailand could do it now but for reasons of face, incompetence and greed it is not happening. image.png.ed8f5ff61d31bb556257355c88237748.png

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Vaccine implantantion of an nearly an entire population requires first world planning, logistists infrastructure and training/handling all lacking in a corrupt adminstrated country 


I wont trust a jab unless i was getting it in a private hospital I have never been in a goverment hospital.

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They never say what the plan is. How will Thailand do it? What about all the vaccine hesitant/ haters and the poor people who can not get to a vaccination place or can not take off work to get it .


America is doubting it can get to 70% and they have plenty of shots.

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11 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Sounds like an extremely risky plan. The vaccines have a set time between doses. What happens if they can't get the second doses in time? Better off just vaccinating 35% first.

But not necessarily set in stone. The UK adjusted (extended) the manufacturer's recommended set time, after it's own analysis, to achieve a wider immunity effect more quickly. 

I see your point, and hope Thailand is producing it's own supplies by then. 

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On 5/20/2021 at 11:47 AM, Jeffr2 said:



Covid: Virus cases are going down across the UK


The data is more evidence lockdown is controlling the virus, even with the more infectious variants circulating - although the health secretary said there is "still a long way to go".

every year, exactly at the same seasons (two times by year), there is the same things with virus... And not only with COVID one.

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On 5/20/2021 at 3:55 PM, Nanaplaza666 said:

And the government is able to release the pressure because people have been vaccinated and will not get as sick as before and will not die or land on the IC . Or did you really think they would have done this if nobody would have been vaccinated ?? Don't think so . So your whole comment is useless and doesn't make sence to me don't know aboit others but it's a fact that if people wouldn't have been vaccinated the bars etc wouldn't have opened and absolutely is medical linked . There would have been 0% chance puns and restaurants would have been opened if hospitals where overflowing and IC would have been full and has nothing to do with releasing the pressure . And because of the vaccinations the nr's of hospitalized people and dying people have dropped and that's the only reason why they relaxed the rules . Your comment is the only conspiracy in this story . 

Looks like you didn't read and listen to the video linked, or miss-understood all.

There is no conspiracy from Doctors i was sopeaking about too.

Looks like every thing you don't like become a conspiracy. Your response is not only stupid, it is also an insult to me.

Calm down.

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10 hours ago, jerolamo said:

Looks like you didn't read and listen to the video linked, or miss-understood all.

There is no conspiracy from Doctors i was sopeaking about too.

Looks like every thing you don't like become a conspiracy. Your response is not only stupid, it is also an insult to me.

Calm down.

Don't mean to insult nobody but this is how i look at it and i think i am not the only one . And you calling my response stupid is a bit of an insult to me so calm down ???? . The only reason why they are lifting restrictions and softening rules are because the nr's of hospitalization and filled IC beds are dropping that's the only reason otherwise if the hospitals still would have been overflowing and if there still would have been a shortage of IC beds they would have never done this and this is only happening because of the mass vaccination . In my mind it has nothing to do with releasing the pressure as you are saying . 

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10 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Don't mean to insult nobody but this is how i look at it and i think i am not the only one . And you calling my response stupid is a bit of an insult to me so calm down ???? . The only reason why they are lifting restrictions and softening rules are because the nr's of hospitalization and filled IC beds are dropping that's the only reason otherwise if the hospitals still would have been overflowing and if there still would have been a shortage of IC beds they would have never done this and this is only happening because of the mass vaccination . In my mind it has nothing to do with releasing the pressure as you are saying . 

To be "not the only one" is not a proof of anything that can convainct any intelligent people.

Also, to call a conspirator someone who just said what real high level and recognized scientist is stupid and an insult.

Each time someone tell something you don't like, you would tell him he trust conspiracies ? This is your education ? You miss-respect me by this way to practice.

Just stop to enforce the binary mind thinking and mix everything if you can (if you can not, never mind, we can understand your limitation and accept as it is), but much more stop to insult people who tell you something you refuse to hear, to see or you can not understand by treating them as conspirator, it is very very boring.


All the sentences that are looking like:

"if this happening, it is only because of that..." is very boring and simple as probably wrong. Nothing is so simple in the life, and much more with viruses. You are not a scientist, not an expert, and you deny other who are scientist and have a more complicated thinking to explain things (as season is, as every year, one of the pre-dominant reason for any Corona-virus to go up or down, you deny it or not change nothing by facts). And because it is not so simple, i think you also miss the point that i never said the vaccine is for nothing or is bad (and which vaccine ? For which variant ?)... but it seems to be to much complicate for you (and maybe for me too at a certain point we are very far to be able to go to learn).


For the next, i'm no more interested to speak with you, i think you have zero intelligent and constructive argument. You just repeat a kind of propaganda with a kind of mixed and reduced cake. I'm not interested, it is too simple and reduced for me, sorry.

Have a good life.

Edited by jerolamo
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13 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

To be "not the only one" is not a proof of anything that can convainct any intelligent people.

Also, to call a conspirator someone who just said what real high level and recognized scientist is stupid and an insult.

Each time someone tell something you don't like, you would tell him he trust conspiracies ? This is your education ? You miss-respect me by this way to practice.

Just stop to enforce the binary mind thinking and mix everything if you can (if you can not, never mind, we can understand your limitation and accept as it is), but much more stop to insult people who tell you something you refuse to hear, to see or you can not understand by treating them as conspirator, it is very very boring.


All the sentences that are looking like:

"if this happening, it is only because of that..." is very boring and simple as probably wrong. Nothing is so simple in the life, and much more with viruses. You are not a scientist, not an expert, and you deny other who are scientist and have a more complicated thinking to explain things (as season is, as every year, one of the pre-dominant reason for any Corona-virus to go up or down, you deny it or not change nothing by facts). And because it is not so simple, i think you also miss the point that i never said the vaccine is for nothing or is bad (and which vaccine ? For which variant ?)... but it seems to be to much complicate for you (and maybe for me too at a certain point we are very far to be able to go to learn).


For the next, i'm no more interested to speak with you, i think you have zero intelligent and constructive argument. You just repeat a kind of propaganda with a kind of mixed and reduced cake. I'm not interested, it is too simple and reduced for me, sorry.

Have a good life.

Open your eyes , facts are facts and i am just stating them as they are not as i see them . Maybe that's to difficult for you and the way you comment you look like you are leaving a sinking ship by saying you are not interesting anymore and my comments are zero intelligent . I think you are not the person to decide if this argument is over or not . Maybe for you , and it can be that we agree to disagree but to say i disrespect you is something totally different then to disrespect your comment i don't know you so how can i disrespect you ?? You take things to personal this is a forum so people speak their minds and say what they think and if they dissagree that's not dissrespect . I don't think you can say that it is to simple and reduced for you if you respond like this . But my life is always happy i don't need your blessing for that thank you .

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28 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Open your eyes , facts are facts and i am just stating them as they are not as i see them . Maybe that's to difficult for you and the way you comment you look like you are leaving a sinking ship by saying you are not interesting anymore and my comments are zero intelligent . I think you are not the person to decide if this argument is over or not . Maybe for you , and it can be that we agree to disagree but to say i disrespect you is something totally different then to disrespect your comment i don't know you so how can i disrespect you ?? You take things to personal this is a forum so people speak their minds and say what they think and if they dissagree that's not dissrespect . I don't think you can say that it is to simple and reduced for you if you respond like this . But my life is always happy i don't need your blessing for that thank you .

My eyes, your eyes, the other eyes... are still under each one brain control.

So if your eyes (in fact, your brain) just want to see one thing and miss all the other, why my eye (my brain then...) should absolutely also miss all the other things and only target on what your eyes (your brain) are able to see ?

What's wrong with the idea to look not only one thing for something more serious than a child's game ? What's wrong with the idea that a virus (and also SARS-COV-2) and effects on a population is not so easy and tightly locked by a simple action (here, a vaccine, and which one are you speaking about ?) ?

Sorry, but i don't like your continuous reductions. It is definitely not my way to practice and observe/understand the world and i think your way to simplify outrageously all and apply this kind of reduction is dangerous and produce only wrong things at the end (and not sometimes, but every time).

You not just disagree, you said it was conspiracy theories (that are not theories and not conspiracies too, much more it was ideas from scientists, and from the top level ones... i doubt you are better than them to judge they are conspirator or anyone who relate there thinking are some... it is not just very pretentious, it is outrageously miss respect, and the fact that you are unable to recognize it is also a fact that there is no evolution possible).


I not blessing any one too (and sure, i think you can be very happy and also forget quick when you was not, i do not deny your ability on that...), I don't understand your response with that, is it ironic ?

Looks like you deny your miss respect way to practice the communication (and maybe for you it is not miss-respect, but it is...).

Did you tried to pass a IQ test ? You should try, maybe you can get something from there that can explain a lot of other things around (and also the fact you said you are always happy).

PS: Congratulation, you are the first one i add to my ignored list. So you can answer, but it will be for fun and for give you the impression to get the last word. But you don't need it, you are always happy (always is same than never about feeling and emotions, it is excessive and binary mode that describe, not a situation, but someone).

Edited by jerolamo
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4 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

My eyes, your eyes, the other eyes... are still under each one brain control.

So if your eyes (in fact, your brain) just want to see one thing and miss all the other, why my eye (my brain then...) should absolutely also miss all the other things and only target on what your eyes (your brain) are able to see ?

What's wrong with the idea to look not only one thing for something more serious than a child's game ? What's wrong with the idea that a virus (and also SARS-COV-2) and effects on a population is not so easy and tightly locked by a simple action (here, a vaccine, and which one are you speaking about ?) ?

Sorry, but i don't like your continuous reductions. It is definitely not my way to practice and observe/understand the world and i think your way to simplify outrageously all and apply this kind of reduction is dangerous and produce only wrong things at the end (and not sometimes, but every time).

You not just disagree, you said it was conspiracy theories (that are not theories and not conspiracies too, much more it was ideas from scientists, and from the top level ones... i doubt you are better than them to judge they are conspirator or anyone who relate there thinking are some... it is not just very pretentious, it is outrageously miss respectfull, and the fact that you are unable to recognize it is also a fact that there is no evolution possible).


I not blessing any one too (and sure, i think you can be very happy and also forget quick when you was not, i do not deny your ability on that...), I don't understand your response with that, is it ironic ?

Looks like you deny your miss respect way to practice the communication (and maybe for you it is not miss-respect, but it is...).

Did you tried to pass a IQ test ? You should try, maybe you can get something from there that can explain a lot of other things around (and also the fact you said you are always happy).

I see you are klinging on to your sinking ship . Thought you said you where done and that it was to simple and reduced to you ?? I think the way you are talking you think you have a high IQ yourself but trying to sound like someone with a high IQ is different then having a high IQ . You keep on believing what you believe or whoever you believe up too you , i will stick to the facts . About me and the IQ , read your own comment and try to understand what you are writing it might wake you up and smell the coffee because you are typing a lot but actually are saying nothing . Doctors this experts that ?? Facts , that's what counts . 

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If the had the vaccines and if 70% of the population wanted to be vaccinated, it would be well into 2022 before they hit the 70% mark. Hot air does not blow away ineptness.

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