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Amazing Thailand: Drones spraying alcohol deployed to help fight COVID-19


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Idiotic and potentially harmful.   https://blog.werobotics.org/2020/04/09/drones-coronavirus-no-sense/


"It appears there is little to no evidence that outdoor spraying of disinfectants or other substances (by hand or by drone) has any impact on reducing the transmission of the novel coronavirus. On the contrary, this fumigation could create public health problems and add to environmental pollution. As The Lancet Journal on Infectious Diseases clearly noted on March 5, 2020, “air disinfection of cities and communities is not known to be effective for disease control and needs to be stopped. The widespread practice of spraying disinfectant and alcohol in the sky, on roads, vehicles, and personnel has no value; moreover, large quantities of alcohol and disinfectant are potentially harmful to humans and should be avoided.”

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how do you know the virus comes from air droplets, if everybody sprayed their noses with alk the virus would drop dead tomorrow and how did the virus get up to peoples noses, like those plastic facemasks the virus is so dumb that it can not go up down or sideways , one has to wonder

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18 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Yup, almost as bad as Trump telling us to drink bleach, ALMOST

Almost as stupid as believing Trump told anyone to drink bleach. I take that back, not even almost, it is nowhere near as stupid as believing Trump told anyone to drink bleach.

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I think they didn't think this through.


Last week, dogs were promoted to sniff Covid.

Now, it's the alcohol spraying.


Why not fly the Covid sniffers around. They can sniff around each condo block.


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16 hours ago, daftdada said:


In all sincerity, "spread"?  "they" tested it? Many virologists are in total disagreement about what "they" say about the specifics of Covid. 


And for those who may wish to investigate further; https://adithepchawla.com/vaccine-page/



They (researchers) had all the time to test about viruses in spit. Before we had covid, we already had SARS and MERS.

All the same, however covid is more efficient. They find the virus in droplets (spit) over a distance of 6 metres.

It is long time ago when i red it, last year in beginning of outbreak covid. Or they already knew with SARS and MERS?

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