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Phuket’s speedy vaccine rollout - 50% of population already vaccinated


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11 minutes ago, sandyf said:


Pfizer is untried technology, no history. Many things look good in the beginning, remember Thalidomide. 

Using Thalidomide as a comparison to Pfizer development with no history? Fact check on that................


Fact check: Thalidomide, COVID-19 vaccine comparisons are misleading


Today, drug development in the United States involves a preclinical stage with no human subjects, followed by three phases with progressively more volunteer subjects. Only then may the FDA approve a drug.




Vaccine testing falsely equated with thalidomide development decades ago


Unlike the early trials of thalidomide in the 1960s, the coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have undergone several trial phases including animal and human tests. The vaccines have been tested in more than 60,000 humans and both companies showed more than 90 percent effectiveness.





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6 hours ago, Keith4 said:

2 doses Sinovac give 50% protection and 1 dose of Pfizer give 80% protection. Onle Thailand that requires 2 doses to release quarantine (except Jannsen).

The UK have just approved the JJ vaccine, supposed to be available by the end of the year.


Johnson & Johnson has said the vaccine works across multiple variants of Covid-19. However, the clinical trial data from South Africa found that it offered a lower level of protection against the mutant of the virus that has become dominant, offering 57 per cent protection against moderate to severe infection.



As for AZ and Pfizer(not quite the 80% you claim). Unfortunately with the virus you cannot pick and choose your battle.



However, both vaccines were only 33% effective against the Indian variant three weeks after the first dose.

This compared with 50% effectiveness against the Kent variant.


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20 hours ago, grandpa said:

Whoopee-do! And what about all those elderly and vulnerable people in other parts of the country who are having to go without at the expense of the unlikely "cash-cow" of the Blackpool of Thailand! I guess that they are just expendable as long as Phuket is ok.


How come citizens of Phuket require only one shot of vaccine to allow tourists to come in, but those who may or may not (probably not, if they have any sense) wish to enter, have to have 2 shots!


As they will presumably have to wear masks outside their rooms, it could make for some interesting sun tan marks, and also, how do you swim with a mask on, unless you are diving of course!

Agreed , a total monetary decision . Mainly to get Thai Airways and airports turning money over again . 

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21 hours ago, taxin said:

It will not happen, Phuket is a big province with a population bigger than you think. There is more than enough workers currently waiting in Phuket, ready to service what will only be a hand full of tourists,


The arrival numbers will be so low it will barely make a difference to the unemployment rate in Phuket.

The 70 % figure of the population may have come from those people that have a registered House / Land / Business on Phuket.

The actual / very real number of people on Phuket by far out weighs the number of Vaccines that are available.

The actual population on Phuket is approx 660.000, and I guess that is without Migrant labourers Etc.


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At the End of the Day how can you believe anything the Phuket Governor say's, like everyone in Power they will just make up Numbers to make it look good and throw in old Photo's to make it more believable just like a photo from Swampy showing the thousands coming in yet the photo taken and uploaded to facebook showed it deserted. The Gullible Thai's believe everything there told that's why there not allowed to think for themselves its called " Propaganda ". The regime knows full well the westerner can see through there propaganda so they threaten you with arrests if you print or upload the truth on social media rolling out the old Chestnut " Spreading mis-leading Information ". Lets not forget a letter was circulated only a few day's ago from the Governor of Thailand spreading vicious racist comments blaming Westerners for the spread of Covid in Phuket. Then pleading and begging us to return to save there Tourist Industry. Well khun Woonciew instead of spreading racial slurs or blaming others for once tell the Truth stop trying the old " they will believe what we say "  tell the truth, be honest, and listen, then you may bring tourism back if you carry on this propaganda your finished as a Tourist Island.

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PHuket government organizational skills....


My son received an SMS yesterday to come for his first jab at the Karon Orchid at 17:00 today.  On arrival a little before 17:00 he was told by security guards to come back tomorrow. No appointment. The officials clearly too chicken to show, and nobody got a cancellation SMS.

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As usual too much paperwork, rules and bureaucracy. If 70% of Phuket will be FULLY vaccinated as they say. Why not limit the requirements for entry to a negative PCR test for fully vaccinated tourists? The trust and confidence in their grand reopening only goes part of the way and the remaining distrust evident in too many rules and requirements causes chaos and confusion. They can't keep dipping their toes in the water. Either let them in or keep them out.

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4 minutes ago, wasabi said:

As usual too much paperwork, rules and bureaucracy. If 70% of Phuket will be FULLY vaccinated as they say. Why not limit the requirements for entry to a negative PCR test for fully vaccinated tourists? The trust and confidence in their grand reopening only goes part of the way and the remaining distrust evident in too many rules and requirements causes chaos and confusion. They can't keep dipping their toes in the water. Either let them in or keep them out.

<deleted> Are you talking about? 

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1 hour ago, madmen said:

<deleted> Are you talking about? 

They have a new scheme for tourists to come to the Phuket Sandbox that involves myriad documents, checks and apps as well as restrictive travel. It's overburdened with rules and steps. 

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