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Health Ministry Aims to Vaccinate Children Aged 12-18 in Fourth Quarter


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Yesterday they announced by street loudspeakers in the north Chiang Mai village that all cats (YES, ALL CATS), could be taken to the Temple for their FREE vaccination…  I haven't received mine yet.

Edited by Tarteso
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8 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

No doubt the keyboard warriors will be around shortly to tell me that I am a conspiracy nut, yes, well let me save you the trouble, kids all vaccinated since born as well as the parents, so let me serve it to you first which will save me replying to your replies, just in case your going to &&^$*%%$*



It's perfectly coherent.


China has announced the vaccination of kids... starting at 3 years old !


Source : https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202106/1225639.shtml


Thailand is acting... well... more and more "chinese" as far are public policies are concerned...


Furthermore, Thailand likes to show off, to overdo.


So when it's difficult to vaccine the old people, who really need it, it costs nothing to call for the vaccination of the children (who don't need it). ????


Now regarding the real problem.


The chinese vaccines are "classic" (made with dead virus). Therefore, to give them to young children is not very dangerous (they will have a few accidents, but manageable).


The situation is totally different in the countries where they use mRNA genetic products (Pfizer, Moderna)... For which we know nothing about the long term effects.


In that case, it's sheer madness to inject those products to children (who have zero Covid risk).

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s Public Health Ministry intends to inoculate children aged 12-18 against COVID-19 with the Pfizer vaccine, which is expected to arrive in the fourth quarter of this year.

Nice to know when schools will reopen then... after 2 doses possibly December, just in time for end of year holiday?

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I'm no expert but as i understand it, there is only a tiny chance of anything more than flu like symptoms with children who have covid and in most adults without any underlying conditions it is much the same.


I don't see the need to vaccinate all children at this point in time. Get all adults vaccinated first and then see where we are. 


Inject the guy with diabetes before you put a needle in my childs arm

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MOPH:  Sorry sir, your to old for the vaccine and your a foreigner.


Me: But, But, But you told me to register on the Mor Prom, the Vimut Hospital page, at my local hospital, and the new ThailandIntervac website not once but twice.


MOPH: Sorry sir you missed the deadline to actually be accepted and will be in line behind the Soi Dogs.


Me: Looks like I will just fly to the US and get vaccinated like many of the Doctors working for private hospitals have done.


MOPH:  No we vaccinated them all


Me:  Laughing so hard, I could not stop crying from the pained expression on the MOPH ministers face.........


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Science and reality is backed by statistics and not emotions, sorry guys.






Based on those statistics, in a sane world child protection service would get involved if you'd gave your child an experimental gene therapy.


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1 hour ago, Kenchamp said:

I don't see the need to vaccinate all children at this point in time.



You do realize that:


these are just words, from an unreliable narrator


the words are just meant to make it look there is a plan


the government in meant to look like it cares about Mattyom students


the "fourth quarter" is not "this point in time"


the Pfizer vaccine is still not approved here


negotiations on price, quantity (yes, said to be 20 MM doses) and delivery date said to take another month




Never confuse words uttered by the regime as real or factual.


Who knows what will happen in the fourth quarter?


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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I must be naïve, just the other day here on another topic, I mentioned in a post that I guarantee you that within 2 months this will happen, but a couple if not one day later, here it is ! ! !


Something's very wrong is going on here, there is a lot of evidence from a lot of professionals suggesting that these age groups do not require to be vaccinated, yet they are all pushing for it, especially in the USA where I believe a few states have passed legislation for kids as young as 12 not requiring mummy and daddy's consent to get vaccinated.....W-T-F ?


Not a chance in hell will we allow them to inject anything into our kids that is still in an experimental stage.


Have they not thought that with all of the people being vaccinated that herd immunity can be reached, therefore protecting the kids.


Like I said, something very wrong is going on here.


No doubt the keyboard warriors will be around shortly to tell me that I am a conspiracy nut, yes, well let me save you the trouble, kids all vaccinated since born as well as the parents, so let me serve it to you first which will save me replying to your replies, just in case your going to &&^$*%%$*


Nothing is going wrong. Everything is according to the plan. $$$$$$

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