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Prominent doctor urges postponement of Thailand’s reopening to foreign tourists in July


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2 hours ago, drenddy said:

This zero strategy it's not going to work, unless you are using it to control an entire country.

What zero strategy? Thailand is already in the grips of an epidemic and yet they're still talking like the country is COVID free.  Tourists are coming from SAFE countries to COVID infected Thailand. It's time for them to get a grip on reality and figure out how to proceed.

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In the current incarnation of the Phuket sandbox, a fully vaccinated visitor from a low-risk country gets tested once before the trip and a whopping three times within the first 14 days in Thailand.


The only remaining risk is that nobody will take that offer.

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

some deaths' - 230,185 to date! Economies can recover but to the best of my knowledge, once you're dead you're dead. If large parts of the economy is shut down, the people affected need to be supported - that's not happening.

The idea that you can stop COVID by government interventions has been tried all over the world and it's failed, in every single country unless maybe you're on an island. All people can do is take personal responsibility for themselves and let the rest of us do that same. 

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

Is there a difference between treatment and prevention?




Prevention with an experimental vaccine that is still in it's phase 3 trials (extension of it) if you like and has not yet been completed, this is a fact that is why it is allowed under EUA provisions.


There are reports that suggest that the spike protein has been found to end up travelling throughout the body in some people, when the developers said it would only stay in the injection site, remember these are foreign particles travelling through the body and ending up in the brain, liver, kidney's, heart, and other organs, etc, and as far as I am aware, not toxicity studies have been made available, also let's not forget, these vaccines were authorised by the FDA under EUA provisions, i.e. emergency use authorisation provisions, if you drop dead or have an adverse effect that is serious enough to cripple you, there is no liability, but everyone is saying they are safe and effective, not as far as I am concerned, show me more data now after 6 months, why wait longer, they have injected millions and there is evidence that people are dying and having major adverse reactions, oh, but let's not blame it on the experimental vaccines, they would have died anyway, or it wasn't the vaccine, they had an underlying condition which reacted with the experimental vaccine, yep I am a nut, a conspiracy theorist, whatever, each to their own, want it, go get it, up to you.


Prevention as it's being marketed = it's a safe and effective, not, it's an experimental vaccine that might kill you or give you a serious adverse reaction.


Treatment = other medicines that have been around for decades, e.g. Ivermectin, but if you go against the grain, you get shut down.


I will look back at this in the months ahead and say, I told you so.

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20 minutes ago, Caldera said:

In the current incarnation of the Phuket sandbox, a fully vaccinated visitor from a low-risk country gets tested once before the trip and a whopping three times within the first 14 days in Thailand.


The only remaining risk is that nobody will take that offer.





That and the local population having fully vaccinated foreigners swanning about while they remain unvaccinated.





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Flip Flop, think they have been listening to Dr. Fauci too much. Is this Science or Thai science? Why are they pushing for vaccine rate of 70% for herd immunity when they are essentially saying they don't believe in vaccinations. If you have been vaccinated and tested negative for the virus that's as good as it gets, there is nothing else to wait for.

They quarantine vaccinated people with negative test results from lower risk countries while in a high risk country like Thailand right now the unvaccinated are free to move about almost anywhere. makes perfect sense ????

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2 hours ago, MasterBaker said:

at least one professional opinion. thank you doc, absolutely spot on. not everyone in this country apparently is a slave of the tourism industry. of cause, that could go wrong for Phuket? PM just wai one time, say "sorry" 3 times, gets fine 6000 baht and continue his term

Thai people are starving except the rich and maybe you with your exchange rate buying baht.   Keep on exploiting the poor.  

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31 minutes ago, Caldera said:

In the current incarnation of the Phuket sandbox, a fully vaccinated visitor from a low-risk country gets tested once before the trip and a whopping three times within the first 14 days in Thailand.


The only remaining risk is that nobody will take that offer.

Yeah , but instead of fully vaccinated Tourist who has to do 4 tests and God knows what ,  you get safe Tourist from Bangkok with a 7 days old test wich can come n go as they want . Where is the logic ???? ?

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2 hours ago, vandeventer said:

We are living in a world where nobody cares anymore. Why would you want to open the flood gates to tourist, many from China with their cheap vaccines? Spreading the virus to many who have not received a good vaccine. This is just crazy.

Maybe because people are becoming jobless, companies closing down, it's creating poverty in Thailand. More like this is just crazy

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47 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

He is correct.


Should be 10 day quarantine for vaccinated and non-vaccinated.


Vaccinated people can carry the virus, spread the virus, be sick from the virus and die from the virus.


It is pure nonsense to suggest vaccinated and non-vaccinated should be treated any differently.


The realms of stupidity...............there for all to see.\



They dont care about Covid infecting or killing people really, its all about selling their vaccines for profit.


If they really cared about Covid then simply make every person, vaccinated or not, undergo mandatory 10 day quarantine.




 Let's make it 3 months, that will solve the problem.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

He expressed concern that new variants of the COVID-19 may be brought into the country, which may affect the efficacy of the vaccines being administered locally.


Perfectly valid and sensible concerns, exactly the same as the UK government has, just a pity that the greedy fools here in Government House can't see beyond a few sordid tourist dollars. Look at what's happening in Guangzhou at the moment, even the mighty Chinese machine is having difficulty containing it. Of course, they will have to reopen sometime, but looking after the public health properly would mean waiting until, say, 70%+ of the population has received two doses of a vaccine. The politicians don't like that, but it's entirely their own fault as they neglected the national vaccine programme in 2020 when everything seemed to be under control.

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5 hours ago, Albert Zweistein said:

Means he has his doubts about the efficacy of the present available vaccins, the Chinacrap and the home made AZ.

Not only that theres just not enough people vaccinated with that Chinese Garbage.  Who knows how many have been vaccinated.  Immigrant workers can easily get over there undetected.

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45 minutes ago, Caldera said:

In the current incarnation of the Phuket sandbox, a fully vaccinated visitor from a low-risk country gets tested once before the trip and a whopping three times within the first 14 days in Thailand.


The only remaining risk is that nobody will take that offer.

As the tests are known to have a high rate of false positives, three tests means 3x the chance of a positive = 3x the chance of being locked into quarantine at enormous expense, 3x the chance of not being let on the plane home, 3x the potential profits for certain hoteliers and hospitals!

Not to mention the real possibility of catching, spreading, and dying from the wuflu.

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48 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Prevention with an experimental vaccine that is still in it's phase 3 trials (extension of it) if you like and has not yet been completed, this is a fact that is why it is allowed under EUA provisions.


There are reports that suggest that the spike protein has been found to end up travelling throughout the body in some people, when the developers said it would only stay in the injection site, remember these are foreign particles travelling through the body and ending up in the brain, liver, kidney's, heart, and other organs, etc, and as far as I am aware, not toxicity studies have been made available, also let's not forget, these vaccines were authorised by the FDA under EUA provisions, i.e. emergency use authorisation provisions, if you drop dead or have an adverse effect that is serious enough to cripple you, there is no liability, but everyone is saying they are safe and effective, not as far as I am concerned, show me more data now after 6 months, why wait longer, they have injected millions and there is evidence that people are dying and having major adverse reactions, oh, but let's not blame it on the experimental vaccines, they would have died anyway, or it wasn't the vaccine, they had an underlying condition which reacted with the experimental vaccine, yep I am a nut, a conspiracy theorist, whatever, each to their own, want it, go get it, up to you.


Prevention as it's being marketed = it's a safe and effective, not, it's an experimental vaccine that might kill you or give you a serious adverse reaction.


Treatment = other medicines that have been around for decades, e.g. Ivermectin, but if you go against the grain, you get shut down.


I will look back at this in the months ahead and say, I told you so.


This "Vaccine to the brain" was part of a 3h+ not quite conspiracy theory video  posted here and later removed. It was not true conspiracy theory but leaned too far in one direction.


Briefly, spike proteins can travel in the blood and cross the blood brain barrier. This is known and the subject of a few studies. BUT. The concern is spikes from COVID, not from the vaccine. When you are infected, spikes get cleaved from the virus and are free to travel. COVID is the big concern, not the vaccine.


Some reading:

Nature Neuroscience S1 Protein of SARS-CoV-2


ReviewInteractions of SARS-CoV-2 with the Blood–Brain Barrier



Edited by rabas
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2 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

Life doesn't revolve around your health. Self isolate and let people start to earn money again. Millions are suffering right now. What a selfish comment.

And does life revolve around someone's desire to have an overseas holiday, when they could just as well holiday in their own countries? Some things can get sacrificed....


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I agree with this article. It has been proven without fully vaccinating a good 50% of the population, you run the risk for the pandemic to flare up.


Phuket is part of Thailand. there is no way to purely isolated it from the rest of the country.


Vaccination effort should urgently to be continued  and the need to watch for a reduction of the infection.



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11 minutes ago, rabas said:

BUT. The concern is spikes from COVID, not from the vaccine. When you are infected, spikes get cleaved from the virus and are free to travel. COVID is the big concern, not the vaccine.

I think the concern is the spike protein from the vaccine does travel in the blood and can collect in various organs, which is different from the areas which are normally affected by the virus itself. I'd post some links I've seen but mods will probably delete it.

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6 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

If this is to protect tourists from catching covid? then I agree. Thailand is not really a safe place to visit t the moment or in the next few months

from a tourist point of view.. Is it correct to assume that Thailand is not safe at this moment to visit.?

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3 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:
28 minutes ago, Dr Smart said:

When you are fully vaccinated, you cannot get Covid-19 or be a carrier of it

Dr Smart your first post ever is totally factually incorrect. Back to uni for you sir!


There are no absolutes. He's about 85% correct for the mRNA vaccines. They prevent most but not all infections and in turn prevent much of the spread, but not all.


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6 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

If this is to protect tourists from catching covid? then I agree. Thailand is not really a safe place to visit t the moment or in the next few months

Or ever? If you expect complete safety from all possibilities maybe best to stay home and hide.

Or just accept the fact that life has risks and go ahead and live it!

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

The fact that you've had the vaccine won't stop you bringing/carrying a new variant. It will reduce the chance of passing it on greatly but not completely. 

The vaccine protects you from getting seriously ill, some better than others.

no tourist will want to spend their vacation money on quarantine

bottom line

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9 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

I think the concern is the spike protein from the vaccine does travel in the blood and can collect in various organs, which is different from the areas which are normally affected by the virus itself. I'd post some links I've seen but mods will probably delete it.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The body does not know what or where a spike came from. All the spikes go to the the same places.


But the COVID goose is much, much bigger than the tiny amount from the vaccine.  So trying to scare people about vaccines and not mentioning the much greater risk from COVID is misinformation.


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The last figures I saw were (CCSA briefing yesterday)


the situation in Phuket where 61.26% of the population have had their first jab and 28.10% their second jab. In Samui it is 45.94% and 21.01%. 


Still a wee bit short of the 70% target. Unless that target was half-vaccinated?



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