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I want to whine about the West and "woke" generation


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3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

if you are referring to the £500 pw for self quarantining......


58,000 applications were successful out of about 190,000 in England.


That equates to 35 minutes of Serco's Test&Trace


   I was referring to the furlough scheme where 5 million people received 66 Billion Pounds because they were unable to work because of Covid 

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Just now, Sparktrader said:

Media lies

Republicans and Fox News and some of the new right wing ones. Correct. We are talking about the lie of the extent of support for say 'Defund the Police' or shutting down some free speech on University campuses.

There is the additional lie of having no shades of grey in relation to say linking say Black Lives Matter protesters and other more strident or violent protesters. 

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Just now, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Republicans and Fox News and some of the new right wing ones. Correct. We are talking about the lie of the extent of support for say 'Defund the Police' or shutting down some free speech on University campuses.

There is the additional lie of having no shades of grey in relation to say linking say Black Lives Matter protesters and other more strident or violent protesters. 

CNN lies non stop.

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he Central Intelligence Agency on Monday evening slammed what it called CNN's "misguided" and "simply false" reporting, after the cable channel's chief national security correspondent authored a hole-filled piece claiming that the CIA had pulled a high-level spy out of Russia because President Trump had "repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy."

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On 6/27/2021 at 11:25 AM, Gecko123 said:

At the very least they should make an effort to acknowledge that these injustices occurred and aren't being perpetuated present day. Labeling every effort to highlight inequities in police brutality, incarceration rates, access to health care and educational opportunities, income and wealth disparities as just another (yawn) example of "woke" culture, seems to me to be a very cynical attempt to tune out these realities simply because they're too uncomfortable for the listener to deal with.

Several points

 How many years and generations should countries and ethnic groups acknowledge their injustices.  Should Egypt be apologizing to Israel for putting its people into slavery over 2,000 years ago.  Should Italy be apologizing when Rome ruled the world and raped and pillaged numerous other ethnic groups and countries.  Should Spain be apologizing to Mexico, Central America and most of South America. 

If there is one ethnic group that truly is deserving of reparations it is the American Indian whose land was stolen and they were sent to reservations but surprisingly you hear little complaint from them.  Asians in the USA were treated like slaves but again I hear little complaint from them and unlike some racial groups that "blame" all of their woes on skin color the Asian community thrives, with the highest educational attainment level and highest family income group in the USA.  Jews have been persecuted for centuries, yet despite being at various times slaves and of course in Germany a target for eradication, they are amongst the highest educated, and highest earning ethnic group.  

In terms of tuning out realities that are too uncomfortable, little is made of the fact that the most vocal minority group has a 52% graduation rate from high school and the same minority group has a 72% birth rate to single mothers.   The single biggest determinant of success is being educated not ones skin color.   Lack of education leads to poverty and the lack of sufficient income often leads to criminal activity to earn what their educational achievement will not provide.  Growing up in a single family home makes the hurdle of growing out of poverty that much more difficult.  That has nothing to do with skin color it is cultural.  

Note the percentage of families headed by single parent homes.  Note also the income by ethnic group.   It is not skin color it is ones actions or lack of action that dictates the likelihoods of success.  And that is one of those uncomfortable realities that no one likes talking about for fear of being labeled a racist.  PS one of the highest income groups in the USA is Indian with a significant percentage of of them Doctors or Engineers.  Educational attainment equals prosperity. 

In 2015-19, the share of families headed by single parents was 75% among African American families, 59% among Hispanic families, 38% among white families and 20% among Asian familiesimage.png.9d41cbdd8b1d4f7fb4d0c497b63484e4.png


Edited by Thomas J
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27 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Not sure I agree about Native People in the USA.

You are correct that there are few groups without a history of oppression.  Even with all the cry about slavery.  The term slave has its origins in the word slav. The slavs, who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD. Slavery can broadly be described as the ownership, buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced and unpaid labour.


The countries of North Africa captured slavs to bring back to their country  The barbary pirates captured slaves to sell.

There are an estimated 27 million men, women, and children in the world who are enslaved — physically confined or restrained and forced to work, or controlled through violence, or in some way treated as property.

Therefore, there are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade [11 million total, and about 450,000, or about 4% of the total, who were brought to the United States].

So somehow this idea that slavery is unique to the United States and applies to only the black population is categorically false.   I also push back against the narrative that the blacks because of slavery were disadvantaged.  You will have a hard time convincing me that the average black living in the USA does not enjoy a far better standard of living than if slavery never occurred and they were born in Africa.  

Prior to LBJ's great society social programs which were sold as lifting the impoverished minorities, the rate of business ownership and home ownership of blacks was approximately the same as whites.  Incentivized by the government to take welfare the black population went on a continual decline in terms of business ownership and home ownership. 

As said, it is hard to find an ethnic group that at some point has not been persecuted, imprisoned, and enslaved.   You have the Asians in the USA forced into labor as coolies yet Asians today do not just ok, they are the top of the heap in terms of education and income.  My ancestors came from Ireland.  The Irish were treated as bad if not worse than slaves by the British.  In the USA when the Irish came, they were often banished to regions outside the main urban areas and forced into the worst jobs.  One only has to google No Irish Allowed, or No Irish Need Apply to see how they were discriminated against.  Yet they too rose from the ghetto's.  

In summary, I believe in equal opportunity for all and special privilege  for none.  This woke culture were months are dedicated to a specific racial group, where flags are dedicated to a specific racial group, where loans are targeted towards a specific racial group, where hiring practices are legislated to favor a specific racial group is not equality.  And the constant focus in every aspect of our lives about its racial component does not let racism die, rather the constant focus on race emphasizes the differences rather than the similarities we all have.  People become friends based on things they have in common, not on things that the do not share. 


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12 hours ago, Thomas J said:

Several points

 How many years and generations should countries and ethnic groups acknowledge their injustices.  Should Egypt be apologizing to Israel for putting its people into slavery over 2,000 years ago.  Should Italy be apologizing when Rome ruled the world and raped and pillaged numerous other ethnic groups and countries.  Should Spain be apologizing to Mexico, Central America and most of South America. 

If there is one ethnic group that truly is deserving of reparations it is the American Indian whose land was stolen and they were sent to reservations but surprisingly you hear little complaint from them.  Asians in the USA were treated like slaves but again I hear little complaint from them and unlike some racial groups that "blame" all of their woes on skin color the Asian community thrives, with the highest educational attainment level and highest family income group in the USA.  Jews have been persecuted for centuries, yet despite being at various times slaves and of course in Germany a target for eradication, they are amongst the highest educated, and highest earning ethnic group.  

In terms of tuning out realities that are too uncomfortable, little is made of the fact that the most vocal minority group has a 52% graduation rate from high school and the same minority group has a 72% birth rate to single mothers.   The single biggest determinant of success is being educated not ones skin color.   Lack of education leads to poverty and the lack of sufficient income often leads to criminal activity to earn what their educational achievement will not provide.  Growing up in a single family home makes the hurdle of growing out of poverty that much more difficult.  That has nothing to do with skin color it is cultural.  

Note the percentage of families headed by single parent homes.  Note also the income by ethnic group.   It is not skin color it is ones actions or lack of action that dictates the likelihoods of success.  And that is one of those uncomfortable realities that no one likes talking about for fear of being labeled a racist.  PS one of the highest income groups in the USA is Indian with a significant percentage of of them Doctors or Engineers.  Educational attainment equals prosperity. 

In 2015-19, the share of families headed by single parents was 75% among African American families, 59% among Hispanic families, 38% among white families and 20% among Asian familiesimage.png.9d41cbdd8b1d4f7fb4d0c497b63484e4.png


I agree - Education is priority #1

Sad fact is the current state of same


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13 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

CNN lies non stop.

Almost 100% of media is slanted to reflect the owners bias.

If a right wing mogul owns it, the slant is Far Right

Same for the Left.

Both sides used by Gov't to further an agenda - and by Gov't I mean the "Power Behind the Throne", those who made the campaign contributions to get a candidate elected, and now come with their hand out for their payback.

Our task is to sort the wheat from the chaff - sadly, chaff is most of it.


“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”

Edgar Allan Poe

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16 hours ago, Thomas J said:

Several points

 How many years and generations should countries and ethnic groups acknowledge their injustices.  Should Egypt be apologizing to Israel for putting its people into slavery over 2,000 years ago.  Should Italy be apologizing when Rome ruled the world and raped and pillaged numerous other ethnic groups and countries.  Should Spain be apologizing to Mexico, Central America and most of South America. 

If there is one ethnic group that truly is deserving of reparations it is the American Indian whose land was stolen and they were sent to reservations but surprisingly you hear little complaint from them.  Asians in the USA were treated like slaves but again I hear little complaint from them and unlike some racial groups that "blame" all of their woes on skin color the Asian community thrives, with the highest educational attainment level and highest family income group in the USA.  Jews have been persecuted for centuries, yet despite being at various times slaves and of course in Germany a target for eradication, they are amongst the highest educated, and highest earning ethnic group.  

In terms of tuning out realities that are too uncomfortable, little is made of the fact that the most vocal minority group has a 52% graduation rate from high school and the same minority group has a 72% birth rate to single mothers.   The single biggest determinant of success is being educated not ones skin color.   Lack of education leads to poverty and the lack of sufficient income often leads to criminal activity to earn what their educational achievement will not provide.  Growing up in a single family home makes the hurdle of growing out of poverty that much more difficult.  That has nothing to do with skin color it is cultural.  

Note the percentage of families headed by single parent homes.  Note also the income by ethnic group.   It is not skin color it is ones actions or lack of action that dictates the likelihoods of success.  And that is one of those uncomfortable realities that no one likes talking about for fear of being labeled a racist.  PS one of the highest income groups in the USA is Indian with a significant percentage of of them Doctors or Engineers.  Educational attainment equals prosperity. 

In 2015-19, the share of families headed by single parents was 75% among African American families, 59% among Hispanic families, 38% among white families and 20% among Asian familiesimage.png.9d41cbdd8b1d4f7fb4d0c497b63484e4.png




The question of how much a society should do to correct past and present injustices is ultimately a moral and pragmatic question. It depends on how much a community values social cohesion and recognizes the benefits of minimizing social inequalities. So many posters on this thread seem to see social justice as a zero-sum game, overlooking the social and economic benefits of having a more just society. Intangible benefits like an improved sense of well-being, safety, and community, and tangible benefits such as reduced crime, lower incarceration rates, lower drug abuse, and fewer mental problems, etc., as well as economic benefits such as better utilization of human resources and improved productivity all accrue when social inequities are reduced.


I would just like to add that I found your comments about slavery and the root causes of economic disparities between blacks and other racial groups to reflect a very shallow understanding of these issues.


For example, anyone who has studied the history of slavery in the Americas would know that it was characterized by a degree of brutality which went far beyond slavery practices from earlier times. Your comments about how other groups have relatively recovered from enslavement, ignores the fact that African-Americans have suffered ongoing racism and discrimination up until the present day. I also strongly believe that the devastating multi-generational damage that slavery inflicted on the African-American nuclear family and community was probably so great that the recovery process is still going on today, and likely will continue for some time to come.


I also found your comments about black graduation rates and black households headed by single parents rather offensive and also revealing a very poor understanding of the socioeconomic factors contributing to these rates. For example, discrimination and racism obviously affect poverty rates which in turn affect where many blacks live and the educational resources and opportunities they have access to. Poverty also increases the chances of being involved in crime, becoming incarcerated, or being killed or otherwise dying prematurely which impact the number of single-parent households. So to suggest, as you seem to be doing, that these statistics are driven in large part by poor family and educational values in the black community just shows a very poor understanding of the realities many black families face on a day-in day-out basis.


Edited by Gecko123
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One thing I do know ...

Large numbers of Ukrainians came to settle in Alberta.

Along with large numbers of Italians.

They did not ask for Social assistance - in fact they found it repugnant and demeaning to not support themselves.

Hard work, but all members of the family, made their lives better, and by extension the lives of their children.

These concepts they passed on to their children also.

No Whining, Crying, Hands Out for a Freebee, just get on with the job.

It used to be called pulling yourselves up by your bootstraps.

Sadly, Native Canadians never embraced such ideals, altho they have been conditioned to get everything for free from the Federal Government, so why work ?

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21 hours ago, Thomas J said:

Now that statement could be called Obamaspeak.  Sounds eloquent but says absolutely nothing.

IMO it's easy to identify the woke, as they betray themselves every time they  say something that sounds profound but in reality means nothing. Eg, "we have to do something about climate change" without saying what they believe that "something" should be.

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21 hours ago, Thomas J said:

So long as you continue to provide a ready-made excuse for people and tell them that they are the ones whose behavior will dictate their success in life, you will do nothing more than create the mindset in people that there is nothing they can do to change their lot in life because it was preordained that they will not succeed because of their skin color.

Assuming all races have equal abilities.

What if Asians are better at hard working and making money?

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO it's easy to identify the woke, as they betray themselves every time they  say something that sounds profound but in reality means nothing. Eg, "we have to do something about climate change" without saying what they believe that "something" should be.

Absolutely.......best to ignore


Climate change 

Abuse of the Uighurs

Abuse of human rights in HK


Religious intolerance

Religious extremism

Illegal migration

Cruelty to animals

People trafficking

Tax evasion

Money laundering

Organized crime

Drug smuggling


......if you don't know how to deal with these problems please don't even mention them.




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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Assuming all races have equal abilities.

What if Asians are better at hard working and making money?

IMO every normal child born has equal abilities.  What they end up actually doing is IMO governed by their family, community, society and environment.

It's a bit hard to succeed if one grows up in a mud hut, and never has access to education. Put an Asian in that situation and IMO they will do as poorly.


It's ironic, IMO, that the people that appreciate education the most are those that have the least access to it.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO every normal child born has equal abilities.  What they end up actually doing is IMO governed by their family, community, society and environment.

It's a bit hard to succeed if one grows up in a mud hut, and never has access to education. Put an Asian in that situation and IMO they will do as poorly.


It's ironic, IMO, that the people that appreciate education the most are those that have the least access to it.

Your are safe to assume we are all of the opinion that what you say is in fact just your opinion...... but that is only IMO.

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1 minute ago, Surelynot said:

Money laundering

Organized crime

Drug smuggling


......if you don't know how to deal with these problems please don't even mention them.

Legalise all drugs and make them freely available at normal cost+ pricing, then these 3 problems have probably gone.


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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Legalise all drugs and make them freely available at normal cost+ pricing, then these 3 problems have probably gone.


Well then....you are allowed to talk about these from now on....well done.

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Seems you're as 'woke' as anyone, but just pick particular subjects to espouse your wokeness.

(climate change, racial equality, environmental issues, overpopulation)


Given I've posted my solutions to every one of those on TVF I have no idea what you are on about.

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11 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Legalise all drugs and make them freely available at normal cost+ pricing, then these 3 problems have probably gone.


Just being having an overdose on the Narcos series on Netflix.. I am a bit late to the party... fantastic show and it makes you think what you are saying .. think of all the taxes 

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4 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:


  None of us has been assigned to deal with those problems though . 

   They are not our problems to solve 

Yes.....sorry.....you would have to have read the thread for that to make sense........

Screen Shot 2021-07-01 at 04.58.53.jpg

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22 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Assuming all races have equal abilities.

What if Asians are better at hard working and making money?

You are absolutely correct.  Somehow there is this notion that each ethnic group possesses the identical set of abilities.  There is some reason beyond just preference that causes the people from India to be particularly skilled at mathematics, science and computer technology.  I do think however that a huge part of the underachievement in the black community is cultural.  They grow up seeing single parent homes, unwed mothers, drug use, fathers and brothers in prison, the lack of recognition for school achievement etc and they see this as normal and emulate it.  Conversely, the Asian community has traditionally valued keeping the family intact as evidenced by 80% of Asian children being raised in two parent homes.  They push hard their children to excel at education.  I suspect if the black community revered the straight A student as much as they do the persons talents at football or basketball you would have far more black students hitting the school books instead of dropping out of high school.  The dropping out of school pretty much guarantees that their chances of having a career that takes them out of poverty is gone. 

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