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Sneezing fits

Daffy D

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I've been getting these sneezing fits.


Not like a normal sneeze, this starts right up in the bridge of my nose and I can feel it coming. No matter what I do, pinch my nose, wiggle it about take gulps of air, whatever once I get this feeling up in my nose nothing will stop a succession of multiple sneezes, usually about 10 or so.


Extensive Googling suggests its some sort of allergy but I've not been able to pin point any thing specific as a sneezing fit can catch me quite unawares at any time.


I thought an Antihistamine nasal spray used at the onset of a fit might stop it but there does not seem to something like this available. I've tried normal nasal sprays but they are just for blocked nasal passages and the like and do not help.


Thought I might try "Smelling  Salts" as the strong smell might kill the urge to sneeze but seems Google translate does not work to well with "Smelling Salts" as local pharmacies have no Idea what I'm talking about.


Thanks for listening  ????    

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Mold spores are a common cause for me among about a million other things.The only thing that I find works to stop sneezing is to get three squares of tissue paper fold it in half then fold it until it can jam the two ends up my nose then breathe through my mouth.The tissue is mainly to soak up the snot if I have a runny nose but the not breathing through my nose is what stops the sneezes.Good luck.

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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Mold spores are a common cause for me among about a million other things.The only thing that I find works to stop sneezing is to get three squares of tissue paper fold it in half then fold it until it can jam the two ends up my nose then breathe through my mouth.The tissue is mainly to soak up the snot if I have a runny nose but the not breathing through my nose is what stops the sneezes.Good luck.


was that you walking through the mall the other day ?   first thing i thought was "  oh, another farang walking around with no shirt"    ????


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45 minutes ago, CANSIAM said:

Stay home and sneeze whatever you do during these times........could lead to very bad looks, brawls, verbal abuse etc. out in public sneezing your mask off your face. 

Luckily only happens at home, so far. ????

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31 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Mold spores are a common cause for me among about a million other things.The only thing that I find works to stop sneezing is to get three squares of tissue paper fold it in half then fold it until it can jam the two ends up my nose then breathe through my mouth.The tissue is mainly to soak up the snot if I have a runny nose but the not breathing through my nose is what stops the sneezes.Good luck.

Tried that, didn't work


There is no snot as such just a some watery stuff comes out.

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2 minutes ago, ozzydom said:

This time of year ,I get a sneezing episode twice a day,one antihystomene tablet gives almost instant relief, I use Zyrtec tablets.

My thinking is some sort of allergy.


There is no time cycle to these sneezing fits, sometimes goes for weeks without one. 


 Antihistamine tablets just drain all the energy out of me so don't want to be taking any on a regular basis just in case I might get a fit.


That's why I was trying to get an antihistamine nasal spray that I could use only when needed.


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35 minutes ago, internationalism said:

check for parasites, many of them in the tropics.

just get cheap one over counter, with some advice from an experienced pharmacist.

Didn't know you could get cheap parasites over the counter   cheesy!.gif.d0245fae8a84a92d40caf897ba963d02.gif


Solly couldn't it  whistle..gif.7c40742ad72bc43bc1a6c651d5a98b9a.gif

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11 hours ago, pseudorabies said:

Go to a 7-11 or pharmacy and buy one of those 500ml bottles of Klean-Care saline solution.  Shove the nozzle into one nostril, lean over a sink and squeeze the bottle for all its worth.  Repeat for the other nostril.


And when used up, salt & bicarb 4:1 back in the bottle....nasal irrigation.

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37 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Have you tried taking an antihistamine?

As I said in an earlier post antihistamine knocks all the strength out of me for at least a day, so don't like to take any pills.


Also these sneezing fits don't happen on any sort of regular basis, sometimes have a couple a day and then again nothing for several weeks. Could not take  daily antihistamine just in case, I would never have the energy to get out of bed.


I was thinking of an antihistamine nasal spray that I could just use when I feel the onset of an attack. Have tried some local chemists but they don't have anything like that. Regular nasal sprays are for blocked or runny nose and they don't  help at all.


At the onset of an attack I can feel a sort of itching right up in the bridge of my nose which lasts for several seconds before the sneezing actually starts and once started nothing will not stop till I've had about 10 really strong sneezes.


I thought something like strong smelling salts to sniff up my nose as soon as the itching starts might kill the urge to actually sneeze but again local chemists don't seem to know anything about "Smelling Salts"   Is there a Thai name for "Smelling Salts" that a pharmacist would understand? 


Sneezy Daffy  ????




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12 hours ago, pseudorabies said:

Go to a 7-11 or pharmacy and buy one of those 500ml bottles of Klean-Care saline solution.  Shove the nozzle into one nostril, lean over a sink and squeeze the bottle for all its worth.  Repeat for the other nostril.


Tried that but still does not stop the sneezing attacks  ????

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11 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

I haven't got a problem to see a doctor during Covid, so wouldn't know why you can't

You are quite right but unless I have an actual sneezing fit while in his office he could not give any more advice than I'm getting here.


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