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Thailand approves self-tests, self-isolation as COVID-19 cases climb


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50 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

I am talking about the beginning of the outbrake when nobody was expecting it , nobody could have prepared for that . Same as what happened here when they thought they had everything under controle . And now the overcrouded hospitals and fieldhospitals . Not 1 country in the world could prepare for this , maybe now when they have people vaccinated and have had the first , second and third waves but not 1 country in the world was prepared for the first or even second wave . They started to be prepared from the third wave on(except here in thailand) . But as always you must be right so sorry my bad for stating the obvious . 

That is not entirely true. A country COULD technically be prepared for a pandemic. Obama mentioned 2014 that the US should be preparing in case of a pandemic. Why wouldn't it be possible to prepare for a pandemic? 


After the swine flu and ebola outbreak the former president tried to put in place an infrastructure to be able to identify and isolate any possible disease. Trump administration undermined his efforts and handled the pandemic very poorly.


And the fact that hospitals and field hospitals are overcrowded is mainly due to the fact that people who were asymptomatic were forced to stay in hospitals and field hospitals. The poor response from the thai government and other governments does not prove that it was "impossible" to prepare for an outbreak. 


Edit: https://couriernewsroom.com/2020/04/14/obama-prepared-for-a-potential-pandemic-trump-gutted-his-work/ here you can listen to Obamas speech from 2014. Saying "nobody was expecting it" and "nobody COULD have prepared for that" is not correct. 

Edited by Questionable
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Good God Molly Malone This topis has nothing to do with Trump or your selfish views. It is a public health issue in Thailand and how to deal with it. Your decisions impact not just you, but others known and unknown to you.

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16 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

I was always under the assumption that the number of cases gives an indication as to the number of hospitalizations into cohort wards and ICU, a kind of warning if you like to prepare.

The number of cases is only reflective of the number of tests you do, so if test are minimal cases are same which as anything to do with numbers in Thailand will always look better than reality 

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1 hour ago, internationalism said:

in bangkok and neighbouring provinces they are all full.

from a cluster of about 20 infected on my doorstep, only 1 was hospitalised. The first one detected. I don't think he was in a serious state, but he and his mother work at hospital, so it was easier to find bed for him.

Foreigners tend to go to hospitels, you need private health insurance or fork out 40k.

This is a very positive development. There are positive cases in my building, but a lot of the foreigners don't want to test if they have no symptoms, because that currently involves a hospital stay. And some insurance won't always cover the case where you got tested with no symptoms - they require that a doctor ordered the test based on symptoms, and then the patient was admitted to the hospital based on the positive test. So, maybe this will stop asymptomatic cases from walking around spreading the virus if they can test at home and isolate at home.

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10 minutes ago, Boedog said:

The number of cases is only reflective of the number of tests you do, so if test are minimal cases are same which as anything to do with numbers in Thailand will always look better than reality 

Its the Thai way, the only problem it prolongs the pandemic and partly leads to the mess we are in now.

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22 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Ok not basic for you i agree with that

They should have given you a high ranking job at the WHO then all the second and third waves wouldn't have happened , heck they should make you a world leader then even the first wave and this whole outbreak wouldn't have happened with all your basics and preparations . Being prepared and all . 

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1 minute ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

They should have given you a high ranking job at the WHO then all the second and third waves wouldn't have happened , heck they should make you a world leader then even the first wave and this whole outbreak wouldn't have happened with all your basics and preparations . Being prepared and all . 

WHO is not in charge of the nations governments though is it?


However this is not about me, its about the virus

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13 minutes ago, Questionable said:

That is not entirely true. A country COULD technically be prepared for a pandemic. Obama mentioned 2014 that the US should be preparing in case of a pandemic. Why wouldn't it be possible to prepare for a pandemic? 


After the swine flu and ebola outbreak the former president tried to put in place an infrastructure to be able to identify and isolate any possible disease. Trump administration undermined his efforts and handled the pandemic very poorly.


And the fact that hospitals and field hospitals are overcrowded is mainly due to the fact that people who were asymptomatic were forced to stay in hospitals and field hospitals. The poor response from the thai government and other governments does not prove that it was "impossible" to prepare for an outbreak. 


Edit: https://couriernewsroom.com/2020/04/14/obama-prepared-for-a-potential-pandemic-trump-gutted-his-work/ here you can listen to Obamas speech from 2014. Saying "nobody was expecting it" and "nobody COULD have prepared for that" is not correct. 

Because you never know what will happen and you never know wich virus will hit otherwise they would have medicines for all deceases already wouldn't they ?? 

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Just now, Bkk Brian said:

WHO is not in charge of the nations governments though is it?

5555555 if you think they aren't ,then your loosing grip on reallity . Who do you think makes all the disicions at the moment ?? The government ?? On who's advice do you think they put all those measurements in place ?? Ok i will agree to disagree with you at this very moment because i think you lost it there . Enjoy your day stay safe and don't forget to prepare for the 100th wave . 

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Just now, Nanaplaza666 said:

Ok i will agree to disagree with you at this very moment because i think you lost it there . Enjoy your day stay safe and don't forget to prepare for the 100th wave . 

Great, I'll concentrate on the topic then

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Yet another opportunity to make a killing on the considerable markup of those rapid antigen test kits.


Still, I will buy some. While 100 baht is way overpriced, as others have noted, I guess it could be worse. 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

The rapid antigen test kits, the approval of which was announced in the official Royal Gazette on Tuesday, should be available in stores next week.

It doesn't say where, probably HongKong

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20 hours ago, smedly said:

yes a sensible move IMO but they will also lose track of infection numbers, so the daily reported case numbers are now well and truely shafted - not too many believed them anyway


The correct way to use these test kits would have been by keeping it official and when someone returns a positive test then do a follow up PCR test to confirm


so goodbye to daily case data  

It does make you ponder the figures for the first 7/8 months from March 2020, "Best in the world, only 59 deaths".

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Thailand approves self-tests, self-isolation as COVID-19 cases climb

They dont have much choice!  The people know they can rely on the govt to get their act together, as recent polls have shown, so the people are left to fend for themselves the best they can.  Not the ideal solution because difficult to keep tabs on the number of infections as Smedley has already pointed out but then again the people have little alternative and  who believes the govt figures anyhow?

Edited by ThaiFelix
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14 minutes ago, Bobydog said:

It does make you ponder the figures for the first 7/8 months from March 2020, "Best in the world, only 59 deaths".

Figures were based on the most miniscule of testing which was actively discouraged by both threat of cost and obstructive ridiculous criteria, hence the absurd illusion of a virtually covid free Thailand perpetuated which only real morons could have believed whilst the virus spread at will until the sh@@t really has hit the fan..

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22 hours ago, internationalism said:

yesterday those tests were estimated to sell 300-400b.Now below 100b.

But in europe supermarkets they are 30-40b.

Who and how much is making on them?

.. and in the UK free delivered to your door at the moment.. I suspect they will become chargeable soon ...

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Interesting that you think anyone is doing any number of replication cycles on antigen test !!! 


Or did you get a little mixed up and believe this thread was about PCR tests?


And.. even if you did get mixed up.. Which are the ‘fraudulent hospitals’ carrying out >35 replication cycles for the RT PCR test ??.... OR did you just decide to make load of £$%T up but still manage to get it completely wrong ?



No need to wet your pants sunshine, i merely said you can get test kits for free in uk, or is that wrong, or do you know, or are you just making that up?


Can you pls also point out where i say anything about antigen tests.......yeah did n't think so.


Bi Bi

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11 hours ago, driver52 said:

ah yeah that's the one!

Point is all these tests appear to be a 'load o cac', money making scams.........I know a family member who was testing negative to free NHS tests and yet testing positive to expensive private tests

Please explain that one to me Doc.....


You want me to explain your conformation bias, exaggeration and leap that hospitals are fraudulent because one family member tested negative with an NHS test yet tested positive to a private test.


1)  Have you used an ‘exaggeration’ was there more than one NHS test given? (*you used the term ‘was testing negative to fee NHS tests’)


2) IF there was a test taken by the NHS why would another test be taken on the same day at a private facility ?

OR, were the tests taken on different days.


3) Is your comparison with Multiple NHS tests and and Multiple Private tests taken from samples / swabs at the same time ?? 


4) Is it not possible that the Private test provided a false positive ?


5) Your criticism is contradictory when you suggest the hospitals are using >35 replication cycles which would more readily generate a false positive, yet you have quoted the NHS as returning a negative result.



Even with one anecdote your argument contradicts itself. 












12 hours ago, driver52 said:

and useless if they use a >35 cycle test which most of the 'fraudulent hospitals' are


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21 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

No need to wet your pants sunshine, i merely said you can get test kits for free in uk, or is that wrong, or do you know, or are you just making that up?


Can you pls also point out where i say anything about antigen tests.......yeah did n't think so.


Bi Bi


Sunshine !!!!....      Correct... you didn’t, but you failed recognise my response was not to YOUR post... 


Relax, read the comment again and next time take a breath before you let your foot off the clutch !!! 




Screenshot 2021-07-14 at 10.29.17.png

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

You want me to explain your conformation bias

no need, my 'carefree existence' is partly explained by this chart.......I refuse to live in fear due to all the BS propaganda

I know it's difficult to have a 'critical mindset' in the world nowadays but it is possible if you try to apply yourself ???? good luck!



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56 minutes ago, driver52 said:

no need, my 'carefree existence' is partly explained by this chart.......I refuse to live in fear due to all the BS propaganda

I know it's difficult to have a 'critical mindset' in the world nowadays but it is possible if you try to apply yourself ???? good luck!




Based on a UK population of 66.65 million and using your figures above 520,869 people died in 2019. In 2020 that figure had increased to 602,782 people. An increase in deaths of 15% from 2019 to 2021.



So.. I’m not sure what point you are trying to make - what does your ‘critical mindset’ tell you about excess deaths ????




Raw figures from the Office of National Statistics highlights there was a 14% in increase in deaths in England and Wales in 2020 - i.e. 14% excess deaths.






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51 minutes ago, driver52 said:

no need, my 'carefree existence' is partly explained by this chart.......I refuse to live in fear due to all the BS propaganda

I know it's difficult to have a 'critical mindset' in the world nowadays but it is possible if you try to apply yourself ???? good luck!




I’m not actually sure what you are trying to argue with the above point.


It seems as though you are attempting to present the argument that more pretty green cells implies that you should not be worried. Yet the actual numbers contradict that implication. 

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On 7/13/2021 at 3:42 PM, Pattaya Spotter said:

Self home isolation has been used by most countries to successfully fight the spread of the Sars-Cov2 virus; with this, hospital resources can be focused on those requiring medical treatment of their symptoms. 

I agree. This has been a serious and wasteful miscalculation by those who had the chance to learn from the experiences abroad. 

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