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Thailand to consider extending lockdown amid warning over rising cases

Jonathan Fairfield

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23 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

News like this makes you wonder whether Thai health authorities follow international findings AT ALL?! ????

  • Lockdowns don't help, they just damage the economy. On top of that, they often increase infections within families. In the current phase of the plandemic, avoiding huge crowds in very air-restricted spaces is the advice given by most epidemiologists.
  • Masks in the hands of the common man create more problems than solutions, particularly in poorer countries where few can afford 2-3 fresh new FFP3 masks daily. They touch their masks, use them for a long time etc. - just stick with advice #1 - avoid large crowds air-locked spaces
  • Vaccines don't solve anything! The only remaining hope is that they reduce symptoms, but newest data from Israel, Island, Ontario etc. put even that in question! (
    ) Just the opposite, the vaccines seem to require the virus to constantly create new variants against which the vaccines become less useful.
  • On top of that, new data also confirms former so-called 'conspiracy theories' that the virus seems to trigger the development of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) against which vaccinated people are considerably more vulnerable than non-vaccinated ones ( https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-french-study-published-in-journal-of-infections-claims-that-ade-or-antibody-dependent-enhancement-is-occurring-in-delta-variant-infections , https://www.journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-4453(21)00392-3/fulltext)
  • as a result, only risk groups should receive the vaccine. It is in public health interest to NOT give these vaccines to healthy people below 65 years of age who don't have any health issues (let alone children)

The most rational way would be to define an 'exit scenario' for the country, after which a controlled viral spread is 'allowed', and risk groups are invited (not pushed) to protect themselves with the vaccines. Also, work on alternative vaccination techniques (maybe Novavax etc.) is recommended, just as more research into cheap alternative early treatments like with Ivermectin, herbs to push immune responses etc. etc.  THE VIRUS WILL NO GO AWAY, particularly not with these vaccines, and they may well turn out more dangerous for the test patients than helpful in the long run once more variants pop up.

Oh dear - haven't you realised yet? The Thai's are soooooo proud and nationalistic that they deliberately ignore anything international. In Thailand, everything has to be Thai. Offered free vaccine by the WHO, they turned it down because they refused to accept help from foreigners and decided to make their own Thai-made vaccine. For a Thai Royalist to accept foreign help is an unbearable loss of face (and all the government decision-makers are staunch Royalists).

(All of which, naturally, caused Thailand to now be in deep-doodoo, thus they have had to suffer the unbearable agony of Face Loss by finally accepting some foreign aid . . . )

Edited by robsamui
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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Get most people vaccinated first. We wouldn't be in this mess if Thailand's program hadn't been so SLOW. Plus using so much of the weak brand -- Sinovac.

'If'  isn't going to help.....we have 'what is' to deal with.

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Strange, I came to Colombia when it opened it borders and NO restrictions. Oddly enough when they opened the borders the cases were spiking like crazy. Now the cases are dropping like a rock and everything is fully open. The town I am in is so clean, the people are really taking it serious. All with masks and wiping everything down pronto after you leave. Not sure what the difference is but it seems to be working here.

Edited by garyk
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3 hours ago, superal said:

That would really wreck the Thai economy and the baht would plummet . Not forget , money number 1 in Thailand .

Keep that in mind,"Baht would plummet", before we sink into despair. For once the government is working to the advantage of retirees.

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34 minutes ago, OJAS said:

So what about those who aren't the proud possessors of suitable smartphones on which to download the whizzo app they're supposed to use? Looks like they, in effect, find themselves in a state of permanent house arrest!

Before you get too "frothy mouthed" about "permanent house arrest", he went on to say a paper version is available.

Edited by herfiehandbag
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2 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I hate to say it but I think an additional semi (hardon) sorry meant lockdown is a given/inevitable/ a forgone conclusion.

Sorry @robsamuiI think you'll find I'm right, so don't understand the confused emoji, thank me for the heads up tomorrow ????

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8 hours ago, cclub75 said:


At least, we have a "timeline"... 2 weeks per 2 weeks. ???? It helps.


The main problem is : even with 70 or 80 % of the population fully vaccinated... the virus could still be there.


Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)


Massive (and early) vaccination program (started december 19) with Pfizer.





The idea that "vaccine = end of the problem = going back to normal" is deeply flawed.


Confronted to thoses facts (the vaccine do not prevent transmission and contamination, the herd immunity with a virus that mutates/recombines a lot and that has animal reservoirs is a fiction) countries start to think "differently" like Iceland or the UK... The virus will always be there, it's okay.


But I'm very concerned about Thailand... i'm not sure they can think out of the box... The "zero Covid" ideology is very strong in Asia and South-East Asia.


Add to this... the tense political situation (factorized by the economic and social situation)...


That's not a good cocktail recipe...

The only way out of a lockdown is either mass vaccination/herd immunity or unfortunately mortality on a larger scale. 

Covid 19 like other viruses will now be around for the foreseeable future. It will require an annual vaccination similar to the annual flu vaccine to lessen the impact of contagion. 

Vaccines are the answer. It’s a shame those who could have sourced vaccines much sooner, didn’t do because money is prioritized before life by those people. 





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5 hours ago, apetryxx said:

Morbidity is almost identical to the flu and I don’t see countries getting shut down and economies destroyed over the flu. The lockdown “cure” is vastly worse than the disease. As a previous post opined, get sick, treat it and get well. Lockdowns do not work, just look at the stats and stop freaking out over just another virus.



Here's the US as an example. In the last 10 years, 360,000 Americans died from the common flu.  In just one year, 610,000 Americans died from Covid.


610,000 in 1 year vs an average of 36,000 per year.  That is hardly 'identical' morbidity.


The mortality rate from Covid---all variants---is 2.15%, according to Johns Hopkins Medical. That rate is likely higher for the Delta variant.

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32 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Quite a lot of the weasels already seem to hold senior positions...

i am pleased you got the pun ..... we might as well add skunks to the list :


 Skunks were originally grouped inside the Mustelidae family (weasels, otters, badgers, and their relatives) because of the physical similarities including a squat body, strong claws for digging, enlarged anal glands and musty anal secretions.


OMG ,  even Spider couldn't have described it better :   squat body, strong claws for digging, enlarged anal glands and musty anal secretions.

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5 minutes ago, rumak said:

i am pleased you got the pun ..... we might as well add skunks to the list :


 Skunks were originally grouped inside the Mustelidae family (weasels, otters, badgers, and their relatives) because of the physical similarities including a squat body, strong claws for digging, enlarged anal glands and musty anal secretions.


OMG ,  even Spider couldn't have described it better :   squat body, strong claws for digging, enlarged anal glands and musty anal secretions.

Do you mind, I am about to sit down to my supper!

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9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Semi lockdowns seem to work when testing is decreased.  Antigen Test Kits also reduce the number of reported cases unless retested with a PCR swab. If they wanted the numbers to decrease they would need to have a rigid lockdown, but then what do they really want.  The public seems a little frantic right now which can be seen with the mass numbers queuing to be tested or waiting on a vaccine.

How stupid are they? lock down won't help , how many times have this been communicated, only cure is to mass vaccinate people and open up the country by October, at that time many people has been vaccinated and got the basic protection. The virus is everywhere, try to understand that.... The country will be totally destroyed by this rules and won't  recoup in years... 

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5 hours ago, buick said:

it is a very delicate issue.  i think the vaccine should be a personal choice.  but i agree maybe for a certain period of time, certain places should require vaccination.  figuring out what those places are is very tough.  i know some countries/regions are further ahead than others on this issue.

If you want to be part of society your going to need your vaccinations.


Its not  "your  choice"  to spread the virus because your to self absorbed to get vaccinated.



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10 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

He also urged everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine to get one as soon as possible in order to help lessen the impact of their health should they become infected with the virus. 

Chance would be a fine thing!  Remember Isaan!

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29 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

If you want to be part of society your going to need your vaccinations.


Its not  "your  choice"  to spread the virus because your to self absorbed to get vaccinated.



Vaccinated people spread virus too.

The only reason to get a jab is protect yourself from severe symptoms.

Don't pretend people get vaccinated to "protect" others, that"s hypocritical.

Most people are just scared.

Edited by Anton9
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6 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

You don't know me so please calm down and respect.. yes I am over 60 too and I have 3 appointments in the hospital with the promise i would get AZ, but 3 times no AZ only Sinovac available they told me... And who said ever I don't like it here? I am happy but I am concerned about the Thai people who can NOT get any vaccine as my partner and many people living in my neighbourhood.. Easy talking if you live in Bangkok.

I don’t live in Bangkok by the way. Also my colleague in Surin just got his first shot of AZ just like me. We both stay outside Bangkok. Anything else? 

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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:



Here's the US as an example. In the last 10 years, 360,000 Americans died from the common flu.  In just one year, 610,000 Americans died from Covid.


610,000 in 1 year vs an average of 36,000 per year.  That is hardly 'identical' morbidity.


The mortality rate from Covid---all variants---is 2.15%, according to Johns Hopkins Medical. That rate is likely higher for the Delta variant.

In the USA before covid-19 if an 80 year old with liver disease and terminal cancer were to catch the flu and die was the flu listed as cause of death?  No.  But now if a healthy 20 year old gets hit by a bus and tests positive for covid-19 during surgery but ends up dying, covid-19 is listed as the cause of death.  Numbers can be manipulated in many ways. 

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4 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I think he and many care about the self-centered one's who seem to think they are above getting vaccinated and they are good to go and spread the virus further.   

Who will the "self-centered" ones spread the virus to? Other self-centered ones right?

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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I think he and many care about the self-centered one's who seem to think they are above getting vaccinated and they are good to go and spread the virus further.   

I don’t think there are too many who feel as you state. But, there are many who think one should have the right to not vax. And those people may or may not be vaxed too btw… that part is completely immaterial. 

People are just so politicized nowadays. You can’t even make an argument without the other side assuming everything.

Big news flash for everyone, you can be pro vax and pro choice for vax at the same time. 

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Just now, Sudarut said:

Who will the "self-centered" ones spread the virus to? Other self-centered ones right?

The self centered ones are clearly those who think their own choices should be forced upon others. It’s the exact definition of being self centered. 

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22 minutes ago, Sudarut said:

Who will the "self-centered" ones spread the virus to? Other self-centered ones right?

As long as I don't have the virus, I'm allowed to be "self-centered". I have no intention of getting said virus.

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