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Thailand to consider extending lockdown amid warning over rising cases

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 minutes ago, SiamAndy said:

Actually Lambda is after Delta+ Einstein.

I thank your cognitive dissonance for fact checking. Keep up the good work. We are all on the front lines of this war against covid.

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thailand's Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) will decide on Monday (Aug 16) whether the current restrictions put in place to limit the spread of COVID-19 need to be extended.

I think the lock-downs and closures of certain businesses as they stand now are about as far as they can go.

They missed the opportune moment earlier in the year... to coin a phrase "the cats out of the bag"

Now they need to mass test, and I mean mass test, forget the statistics rising, because they will.

Test, find, treat is one strategy... linked to the second which is inoculate as fast as possible using all means, and not herd immunity 100%.

The governments sometimes blind approach to reality, linked to the blocking of needed vaccines to keep a "hands on" approach has crippled the country.

I'm not saying it's too late or it won't be over at some point.

But we could have been in a much better place at this point in time if things were done differently.

Just think about it...

Anutin proudly announced the signing of an agreement to procure vaccines this week, beaming from ear to ear as if he was doing the nation a favour.

This is August 2021... he should have signed that order one year ago in August 2020



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2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

and always urging people to get vaccinated as soon as possible.. But there are no vaccines available only Sinovac which is proven many times it is not effective and other vaccines are in the country not available.. Mor Prom doesn't work and I know from several people that they are waiting already for more than 4 months without any possibility to get an appointment, But on the other hand we also heard that friends of people in hospital are being vaccinated without any appointment.. There is some work to do....

I just walked in yesterday and got one.. Sure its Sino.. But thats triggered a firm AZ dose at 4th sept.. And also easier travel options around the country. 

No appointment.. walked into the Thai 7 reasons category.. >100kg at 6'3" I havent been under 100 kg since I was a teenager.. But I could have said blood pressure etc there was no checking it was self identification. 1 hour for the shot and 30 mins forced waiting time. 

All these saying how hard it is to get a shot, just be proactive.. You can fill in apps and forms and lists as much as you want but turn up and give a reason and you get a shot. My first attempt and an hour later done. 

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"He also urged everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine to get one as soon as possible in order to help lessen the impact of their health should they become infected with the virus."


Yep .... Well, most of us are all sitting inside our homes with our face nappies on, tapping our fingers waiting for a phone call/email to get vaccinated.   

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He will extend and extend, way beyond justification. 

He needs to stop uprisings against himself and his cronies. To him, the pandemic is the best chance he has to protect himself from being dragged out in the street and ripped to shreds, and for a lot more than poor governance over vaccine arrangements.


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44 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Lift and Let Live! 

(or at least open the freaking swimming pools!) 


Of course they won't. Nobody thought this would end in 2 weeks. They just put it out there as a possibility to prevent a revolt and fool the masses. Then let the fear frenzy campaign continue until 2 weeks is up and then they can spout off again...we need another 2 weeks.


Been going on for a year and half already and many here still drinking their ???????? kool-aid! ????


It is indeed a very gullible public .   These threads have been going on forever (at least the sales dept must be enjoying it).      And of course the oldies and newbies having such a purpose now, telling those "crazy deniers"  all about what the truth really is.   Great fun.

Really think we need a thread from one (take a guess) poster entitled :  POLL:  What is your favorite food delivery service  ?   Do you eat while posting ? 

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1 hour ago, wmlc said:

Interesting I am under 60 and got my 1st vaccine shot. Ooops it was Astra Zeneca. Wonder how that happened? I guess I must of paid tea money or know someone working in a hospital. Well, to answer these questions, it’s no. I was just determined to get my vaccine so I registered in as many places as I could. It was also free too. So stop your whining and complaining and think about what would happen if you put the same effort into getting your vaccine as you did complaining and posting in anonymous forums about how bad the place you live in is. If you don’t like it here, it’s an easy problem to solve. Many others have gone back home for their vaccine and you can also choose that path. However, not me. I chose to live here and now I’m doing my best to adapt to Thailand’s systems, culture, and ideals. 

I admire your ability to adapt. For me it took about 5 years before I decided I couldn't do so without going crazy that's why I forgo the idea of permanent residency. I diverted most of my investment elsewhere since. I agree about the whining part as I have often said the same for more than a few here. 

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25 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

Morbidity is almost identical to the flu and I don’t see countries getting shut down and economies destroyed over the flu. The lockdown “cure” is vastly worse than the disease. As a previous post opined, get sick, treat it and get well. Lockdowns do not work, just look at the stats and stop freaking out over just another virus.

When was the last time the flu was killing 200+ a day in Thailand?

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2 hours ago, CWMcMurray said:

Think a lot of people miss the point … if the vaccines are available for everyone who wants one to get one, it no longer matters if people get COVID or not.

As once people have the vaccines it helps to avoid hospitalization and death. 
so who cares if you get COVID if it just means you are either have no symptoms or if only mild systems 

the key is getting more vaccines 

At last - thank you!!!!!! ????

I'll add to your excellent summary something I keep banging on about which is what UK and others call "cases" should be called "infected people".

All the while a person is asymptomatic, they are NOT a "case", and if all around them are vaccinated it doesn't matter!


That is the essential difference between Thailand and UK.

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3 hours ago, cclub75 said:


At least, we have a "timeline"... 2 weeks per 2 weeks. ???? It helps.


The main problem is : even with 70 or 80 % of the population fully vaccinated... the virus could still be there.


Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)


Massive (and early) vaccination program (started december 19) with Pfizer.





The idea that "vaccine = end of the problem = going back to normal" is deeply flawed.


Confronted to thoses facts (the vaccine do not prevent transmission and contamination, the herd immunity with a virus that mutates/recombines a lot and that has animal reservoirs is a fiction) countries start to think "differently" like Iceland or the UK... The virus will always be there, it's okay.


But I'm very concerned about Thailand... i'm not sure they can think out of the box... The "zero Covid" ideology is very strong in Asia and South-East Asia.


Add to this... the tense political situation (factorized by the economic and social situation)...


That's not a good cocktail recipe...

There's no country that I am aware of that lifted restrictions successfully (i.e. no major increase in hospitalizations or deaths) without having the vast majority of the population fully vaccinated (>>70% of adults, two jabs). This includes Iceland, UK and Israel. Thailand either has to do a major lockdown with systematic contact tracing and testing, or muddle through until >50% of the full population are double vaccinated +2 weeks. That's the threshold that's been observed with other countries. Below 50% double vaccinated, there was no major impact.


2 hours ago, Scheduler said:

I believe the current Delta surge in America is an example of how quickly unvaccinated people are contracting the Delta variant.  I believe, based on the predominant types of vaccines being applied, we are in for a very rough and dangerous ride.


unvaccinated and vaccinated, since vaccinated people that are infected with delta will spread it as well, they just won't feel they are sick themselves

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29 minutes ago, aussienam said:


"He also urged everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine to get one as soon as possible in order to help lessen the impact of their health should they become infected with the virus."


Yep .... Well, most of us are all sitting inside our homes with our face nappies on, tapping our fingers waiting for a phone call/email to get vaccinated.   

 Mix and match is not a option for me nor is a lesser quality of the current  vaccines in the world imop . I reserved the right to hold out for the M vacc !

I wonder how many hundreds of thousands are waiting  for the shots to arrive.


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the current restrictions are completely useless. Its a lockdown by name only... in actual terms everything is continuing as normal apart from malls, shops and restauraants being semi closed. Go out on to the roads where I live in Nonthburi and they are almost as busy as usual. People are still going about their daily business and having daily interactions almost as normal - so how is this a lockdown..? How will these restrictions curtail the spread of covid? They won't. As simple as that. A complete waste of time. The govt needs to go all in and call a full lockdown - or not all. Instead they choose to dawdle and then blame the people for not being responsibe enough to follow the rules. Prayut and Anutin are a joke.

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4 hours ago, cclub75 said:


At least, we have a "timeline"... 2 weeks per 2 weeks. ???? It helps.


The main problem is : even with 70 or 80 % of the population fully vaccinated... the virus could still be there.


Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)


Massive (and early) vaccination program (started december 19) with Pfizer.





The idea that "vaccine = end of the problem = going back to normal" is deeply flawed.


Confronted to thoses facts (the vaccine do not prevent transmission and contamination, the herd immunity with a virus that mutates/recombines a lot and that has animal reservoirs is a fiction) countries start to think "differently" like Iceland or the UK... The virus will always be there, it's okay.


But I'm very concerned about Thailand... i'm not sure they can think out of the box... The "zero Covid" ideology is very strong in Asia and South-East Asia.


Add to this... the tense political situation (factorized by the economic and social situation)...


That's not a good cocktail recipe...

"...Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)"

Israel population = 9 million

UAE - 9.7 million
Malta - 502,663

Thailand population = 69.63 million

That makes quite a difference.

Edited by Andrew65
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2 hours ago, cnx101 said:

Maybe they should in the future make to enter certain places and facilities show vaccination paper, maybe people will think again about getting vaccinated.



it is a very delicate issue.  i think the vaccine should be a personal choice.  but i agree maybe for a certain period of time, certain places should require vaccination.  figuring out what those places are is very tough.  i know some countries/regions are further ahead than others on this issue.

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22 minutes ago, greenmonkey said:

the current restrictions are completely useless. Its a lockdown by name only... in actual terms everything is continuing as normal apart from malls, shops and restauraants being semi closed. Go out on to the roads where I live in Nonthburi and they are almost as busy as usual. People are still going about their daily business and having daily interactions almost as normal - so how is this a lockdown..? How will these restrictions curtail the spread of covid? They won't. As simple as that. A complete waste of time. The govt needs to go all in and call a full lockdown - or not all. Instead they choose to dawdle and then blame the people for not being responsibe enough to follow the rules. Prayut and Anutin are a joke.

Same in my neck of the woods in Sathorn. Busy as usual, just not the malls or restaurants.  The side Sois are busy and so is traffic. Construction sites still rolling along.

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4 hours ago, cclub75 said:


At least, we have a "timeline"... 2 weeks per 2 weeks. ???? It helps.


The main problem is : even with 70 or 80 % of the population fully vaccinated... the virus could still be there.


Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)


Massive (and early) vaccination program (started december 19) with Pfizer.





The idea that "vaccine = end of the problem = going back to normal" is deeply flawed.


Confronted to thoses facts (the vaccine do not prevent transmission and contamination, the herd immunity with a virus that mutates/recombines a lot and that has animal reservoirs is a fiction) countries start to think "differently" like Iceland or the UK... The virus will always be there, it's okay.


But I'm very concerned about Thailand... i'm not sure they can think out of the box... The "zero Covid" ideology is very strong in Asia and South-East Asia.


Add to this... the tense political situation (factorized by the economic and social situation)...


That's not a good cocktail recipe...

Yes Covid will be here a long time BUT the vaccine programmes in Europe & US/Canada are definately working and the issues in Israel or UK are very minor compared to Thailand.

1. Get your population vaccinated with AZ or Pfizer or Moderna which gives circa 95% protection and more against hospitals & death from Covid19. 

2. Then long term do what US/UK/Isreal are beginning to do give booster jab to the over 70s


By the way why do more older people die from this plague because their immunity capacity declines with age. Latest Harvard/Oxford thinking is about 9 months before need for booster. These are developed countries problems not Thailand's. 


For Thailand they must quickly vaccinate as many people as possible otherwise things cannot resume as normal. 

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4 hours ago, cclub75 said:


At least, we have a "timeline"... 2 weeks per 2 weeks. ???? It helps.


The main problem is : even with 70 or 80 % of the population fully vaccinated... the virus could still be there.


Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)


Massive (and early) vaccination program (started december 19) with Pfizer.





The idea that "vaccine = end of the problem = going back to normal" is deeply flawed.


Confronted to thoses facts (the vaccine do not prevent transmission and contamination, the herd immunity with a virus that mutates/recombines a lot and that has animal reservoirs is a fiction) countries start to think "differently" like Iceland or the UK... The virus will always be there, it's okay.


But I'm very concerned about Thailand... i'm not sure they can think out of the box... The "zero Covid" ideology is very strong in Asia and South-East Asia.


Add to this... the tense political situation (factorized by the economic and social situation)...


That's not a good cocktail recipe...

Yes Covid will be here a long time BUT the vaccine programmes in Europe & US/Canada are definately working and the issues in Israel or UK are very minor compared to Thailand.

1. Get your population vaccinated with AZ or Pfizer or Moderna which gives circa 95% protection and more against hospitals & death from Covid19. 

2. Then long term do what US/UK/Isreal are beginning to do give booster jab to the over 70s


By the way why do more older people die from this plague because their immunity capacity declines with age. Latest Harvard/Oxford thinking is about 9 months before need for booster. These are developed countries problems not Thailand's. 


For Thailand they must quickly vaccinate as many people as possible otherwise things cannot resume as normal. 

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Yesterday business hired a prominent doctor to say lift the lockdowns.


Funny how these doctors sway in the wind depending on who's paying them.


Most are no better than than Celebrity  influencers.


You have to wonder who's best interest they have at heart.


Unfortunately its rarely the common Thai citizen

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16 minutes ago, buick said:

it is a very delicate issue.  i think the vaccine should be a personal choice.  but i agree maybe for a certain period of time, certain places should require vaccination.  figuring out what those places are is very tough.  i know some countries/regions are further ahead than others on this issue.

I think its very easy to determine vaccination requirements. Just match smoking requirements.  Smoking is a personal hazard and a hazard to others, the same as an unvaccinated person. Just apply the same restrictions.  People accept the current smoking restrictions already, so why should this be any different?

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"He also urged everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine to get one as soon as possible in order to help lessen the impact of their health should they become infected with the virus"


We book everywhere we can but keep wait, wait, waiting to get one let alone two!!!????????????????????????????????

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If they don't continue the restrictions they are, in effect, saying they were wrong to set them in the first place.  So, they have to continue them as they would lose face if they admit they were wrong.  Whether they help or not.  (IMO, they do)

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