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Thailand to consider extending lockdown amid warning over rising cases

Jonathan Fairfield

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3 hours ago, NightSky said:

Vaccines are the answer. It’s a shame those who could have sourced vaccines much sooner, didn’t do because money is prioritized before life by those people. 





as it turned out during the last weeks, they are NOT the answer (actually more of the opposite: there is little doubt that they are responsible for all the mutations we see).


Just look at what's going on in Israel, Island, Ontario etc., in Ontario even the ONLY people who are in ICUs are the vaccinated ones.

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11 hours ago, internationalism said:

the difference is, that the UK hasn't got any lockdown, dark red zones with overflowing hospitals - as thailand does. 

Now from 16.08 even masks and distancing are not obligatory in England. Everything is opened.


It's difficult to compare the country with very limited vaccination drive, as thailand is now, to countries with the highest one. I think the UK secured some 500mln doses, so now is able to donate some less performing/expiring to thailand and the other countries. Thailand has ordered only 110mln, but their vax program is only taking off now 



Another big change, wisely or not, is that with death rates consistently at less than 100 per day in a population of 70 million the general public seem to have come to regard covid as no longer a major threat in their daily lives. This may be a bit hard on those who have lost loved ones etc but it has created a strong feeling of perceived normality as people go about their business. Whether this perception will persist remains to be seen, but for now there is a feeling of real optimism.

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43 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

as it turned out during the last weeks, they are NOT the answer (actually more of the opposite: there is little doubt that they are responsible for all the mutations we see).


Just look at what's going on in Israel, Island, Ontario etc., in Ontario even the ONLY people who are in ICUs are the vaccinated ones.

You’ve got it all wrong ! Read !the scientific info and hospital numberS.  I’m not going to explain it to you. 

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17 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Of course they will extend the lockdown. It benefits them on several levels, while punishing the masses. But, we are all the little people, and we don't count. 


It is apparent by now, that a "Prayuth/Anutin" style lockdown does not work. Benefit your buddies by keeping the massive "covid cluster fruit factories" open, let the infected from Bangkok travel willy nilly, anywhere they want and see if the lockdown of millions of little folks works.


Well, it does not. It is just sadism. 

I think even if they stop the lockdown whos going to risk going out to crowded malls or travel.  


Risk getting sick and know there's not even a hospital bed if you need one.


I'd like to get in my SUV and travel to Hua Hin.  Stay at the Marriott or Hilton

  Stay to myself, walk on the beach, read a book on the beachfront balcony.


Wife put the Kebash on that idea.


For many people with families, you have to think of everyones safety, especially the young children.



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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

You are out of touch with reality.. You think that "As of today, 71% of the adult population has been fully vaccinated, and 85% of the 65+ years Olds have been vaccinated in Thailand" you better look again as no more than 7% of the entire population has been vaxxed.  The protestors are far from loosers as well.  Try again.

You could start by reading carefully what others say. I was not, repeat not, talking about Thailand. My message was following on someone mentioning the protests against the "Pass Sanitaire" in France, and as a response to it, I was talking about the situation in France. If that was not clear enough, my sincere apologies. But also, please do not under-estimate people that much. Do you really think for one second anyone with 2 grams of grey cells would say what I said about Thailand???? Really??????

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1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:

I think even if they stop the lockdown whos going to risk going out to crowded malls or travel.  


Risk getting sick and know there's not even a hospital bed if you need one.


I'd like to get in my SUV and travel to Hua Hin.  Stay at the Marriott or Hilton

  Stay to myself, walk on the beach, read a book on the beachfront balcony.


Wife put the Kebash on that idea.


For many people with families, you have to think of everyones safety, especially the young children.



I would have no problem returning to 2019 old normal. Young children are more susceptible to flu than covid.; .03 to .02. CDC, look it up.


Either way, I have no elders, other than myself, or children to worry about.

Edited by frantick
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If Thailand has to extend the lock down to at least some areas, so be it.   As for the people protesting, what a bunch of idiots, they

have to have a passport to travel to another country, so if they need a COVID passport, or QR code, or certificate, how does

this affect their so called freedom.   Most countries have let their populations get what ever vaccine that they prefer, so I just

do not get the need to protest. As one other said. You cannot fix stupid.


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1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:

Thats just not true.


People are scared.


Thats why people are protesting because they don't have quality vaccines to protect themselves.


Eventually anti vaxers will have to come to grips with reality.




Sorry, I should have made clear that my comments regarding a growing optimism that covid is no longer a dire threat to daily life were meant to apply to the UK, or more specifically England, where all restrictions are lifted from 16 August. I appreciate that emotions may be very different in Thailand in the absence of freely available vaccation.

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18 hours ago, cclub75 said:


At least, we have a "timeline"... 2 weeks per 2 weeks. ???? It helps.


The main problem is : even with 70 or 80 % of the population fully vaccinated... the virus could still be there.


Look at Israel (or Malta, or UAE etc.)


Massive (and early) vaccination program (started december 19) with Pfizer.





The idea that "vaccine = end of the problem = going back to normal" is deeply flawed.


Confronted to thoses facts (the vaccine do not prevent transmission and contamination, the herd immunity with a virus that mutates/recombines a lot and that has animal reservoirs is a fiction) countries start to think "differently" like Iceland or the UK... The virus will always be there, it's okay.


But I'm very concerned about Thailand... i'm not sure they can think out of the box... The "zero Covid" ideology is very strong in Asia and South-East Asia.


Add to this... the tense political situation (factorized by the economic and social situation)...


That's not a good cocktail recipe...

I doubt we'll get rid of the virus or at least not for a long time and we will see increases in infections even in vaccinated people but just looking at the infection rate isn't giving the whole picture.


The UK has done very well with vaccinations but there is still an increase in infections but the number of hospitalisations and deaths hasn't risen at the same rate the last time infections were this high. The most important thing is to keep people out of hospital as much as possible to avoid swamping the health system and stop people dying.

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3 hours ago, Metapod said:

lockdowns have proven to do nothing. the whole point of this is to destroy the economy and usher in global reset. nothing to do with covid, aka the yearly flu.


so many people are still so blind to this, so the charade continues. 

Covid is a different type of virus to the flu that we get every year. It's more closely related to the common cold, MERS and SARS. Obviously the last two are worse than a cold. 


I'm not sure what you mean by "destroy the economy and usher in global reset". There has been substantial damage to economies around the world although to differing degrees but I don't see any evidence of a destruction of the economy on a global scale. This would suggest that either the plan isn't working and they (whoever that is) have failed or you are incorrect in your assumption and possibly you're blind to the facts.

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8 hours ago, Sudarut said:

In the USA before covid-19 if an 80 year old with liver disease and terminal cancer were to catch the flu and die was the flu listed as cause of death?  No.  But now if a healthy 20 year old gets hit by a bus and tests positive for covid-19 during surgery but ends up dying, covid-19 is listed as the cause of death.  Numbers can be manipulated in many ways. 

Stop spreading falsehoods.

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5 hours ago, frantick said:

I think some of these posters living in fear watch too many Resident Evil, or Walking Dead movies.


It's only a movie, it's only a movie.

Life imitates art, or did you miss that one.

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8 hours ago, sucit said:

The self centered ones are clearly those who think their own choices should be forced upon others. It’s the exact definition of being self centered. 

They're probably suffering from the delusion that there's an ongoing pandemic. You should set them straight. 

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14 hours ago, brucec64 said:

All alt-right sources or non peer reviewed nonsense. For each of these garbage "research" papers from dubious sources, there are 100 accredited papers that refute your alt right nonsense. 


You are seriously using Epoch Times as a credible source? The only person you are fooling with this is yourself.

Peer reviews are meaningless. 

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3 minutes ago, fredscats said:

One good thing here..the bahts in for a nose dive

Heard this many a time and it seldom happens.  Would be nice and hope you are right.  50-50 IMO...

Edited by atpeace
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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

Far from it, around here unless your name is registered locally then no vaccine for you - this comes from a Thai who can't get a vaccine due to this policy.


I also know Thai people in their 30's who've been double vaccinated in their home province, but if you're not living in your home province - hard luck and that's the Thais, never mind the foreigners.


They are still eligible though.

Maybe just bad translation? 

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8 hours ago, DBath said:

I’ve stayed at the Hua Hin Marriott in one of their beachfront rooms, but I seriously doubt they would allow your kind there, as it’s much too nice for the likes of you. 

You need to wear a mask.


I'm sure you feel thats against your personal rights also.


Are you the 7/11 guy?

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7 hours ago, frantick said:

I would have no problem returning to 2019 old normal. Young children are more susceptible to flu than covid.; .03 to .02. CDC, look it up.


Either way, I have no elders, other than myself, or children to worry about.

I Know.


Its the other hundreds of people you come into contact with.


Get a flu shot as well.



Edited by MrJ2U
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A post that contained content that was copied from the CDC has been removed as well as the replies.  If the member is not able or unwilling to provide a link to the source of information, please do not post:


14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.


Some inflammatory posts, offensive posts and the replies have been removed. 

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19 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Easy talking for the ones living in Bangkok but in my province there is no walk in  nowhere.... Only on appointments by Mor Prom or directly at the hospital.. waiting time to be vaccinated unknown.. depends on when the vaccines are available. Not everything is the same as in Bangkok

I am not in bangkok either.. But its also not rural isaan.. 

Where are you ??

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