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Expats in Thailand to get vaccines soon: Anutin


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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

I expect our Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha will be in to clean this mess up again in a day or so.

you are the funniest poster on this forum????????????

please help me understand, do you really believe Prayuth, is it your job to say good things about him, or are you being sarcastic? I've read a few of your posts, and I don't think it's sarcasm, so...?

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I got mine and a manufacturer that I am happy with. In fact, in the end I was offered two within the space of a few hours here in the Pattaya area. I had been complaining and now withdraw those complaints, in fact I am quite pleased. My Mrs is still unable to get jabbed and seems forced to pursue a vaccine she would prefer not to have. 

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On 8/21/2021 at 5:57 AM, webfact said:

He said that over 300,000 expats had received jabs at the vaccination centres located at MedPark, the vaccination centre at the Bang Sue Grand Station, as well as at Vimut and Bangrak hospitals.

I find this VERY hard to believe 300,000 expats ? but as fake news is a crime, he surely wouldn't be lying. I would love to see the checks and balance on these vaccines received by  EXPATS. ..............

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On 8/21/2021 at 5:57 AM, webfact said:

Mr Anutin said that the Ministry of Public Health and Department of Consular Affairs have been working hard to liaise with foreingn embassies in Thailand so that all expats are able to receive the vaccine. 

Why is he still blathering on about embassies, is this going to be the next excuse, "its the dirty falangs fault for not registering at their embassy's''

18 hours ago, ronster said:

I shall note it on my calendar . 
Is it possible to buy 2022 calendar yet ? ????

You don't need the calendar as I can confirm April fools '22 day is a Friday .

Edited by brianthainess
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22 hours ago, Havenstreet1940 said:

Where there's life there's hope!


Having read yeterday that the vaccine rollout was in first gear, I decided to do the rounds in KK to see if my luck had changed.   And yes it has - no longer am I told 'falang must wait' instead I was overjoyed to know that it will be 'soon'.  I asked what 'soon' meant and was told 'soon'.   


To be honest I was offered Sinovac, but as it is my plan to go to the UK within the next 6 months, I declined as my family tell me I wil not be allowed into many places (Restaurants,pubs,cinemas etc) if I do not have a UK recognised vaccination.


AZThailand will be acceptable I am told and the liklihood of this  being confirmed shortly is re-assuring.   MrNA vaccines are also medically a no-no for me.

I had my first shot of AZ in Khonkaen yesterday along with lots of other foreigners, I registered through expatvac. Also lots of Thai people there who were being given Sinopharm according to the nurse that injected me. Some of the foreigners waiting near me were moaning that they had received a 2nd email from expatvac saying Pfizer would be available from the 12th of September but they hadn't been able to change from AZ. Seems that some people will moan no matter what (and, just to be clear, I'm not directing that last comment at you). Personally, I'm just happy to have received a vaccination that offers some protection.

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33 minutes ago, Andycoops said:

I don't believe a word that comes out of the cretins mouth, you've more chance of winning the lottery in the boonies than getting a AZ, Pfizer or Moderna jab.

I think the biggest problem is that HE believes the words out of his own mouth, or maybe from where the sun don't shine.

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It's hilarious living in this hub of IT excellence.  After a rant here on Monday about Chonburi having no vaccines and an email to Bangkok/Pattaya Hospital asking why my registration had been overlooked, I got a text with a NEXT day appointment for my 1st jab. Friday I received ANOTHER text for another first jab next week!

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As already said it should not even be a debate, many Thais around the world didn't have to register, or even show any ID, IMO it is pure racism. Just give us the shots that have been donated by our OWN country's, and stop hoarding them .

 As a matter of interest is there ANY other country in the whole world making foreigners show ID/ visas to get a jab ??

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29 minutes ago, nahkit said:

I had my first shot of AZ in Khonkaen yesterday along with lots of other foreigners, I registered through expatvac. Also lots of Thai people there who were being given Sinopharm according to the nurse that injected me. Some of the foreigners waiting near me were moaning that they had received a 2nd email from expatvac saying Pfizer would be available from the 12th of September but they hadn't been able to change from AZ. Seems that some people will moan no matter what (and, just to be clear, I'm not directing that last comment at you). Personally, I'm just happy to have received a vaccination that offers some protection.

Well done you, nothing wrong with AZ vaccine.  Over the long term, the latest data available, I understand, indicates that whilst initially Pfizer gives the greater protection, however, after about 5-6 months AZ is as good and doesn't lose the immunity it offers as quickly as Pfizer.   Just have to be extra vigilant during that time.


I had many attempts to register with Intervac but was never successful.

Edited by Havenstreet1940
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23 hours ago, Havenstreet1940 said:

Having read yeterday that the vaccine rollout was in first gear, I decided to do the rounds in KK to see if my luck had changed.   And yes it has - no longer am I told 'falang must wait' instead I was overjoyed to know that it will be 'soon'.  I asked what 'soon' meant and was told 'soon'.

Good news. Unfortunately, I can' get the vaccine in KK yet, as I am under 60. 

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1 hour ago, nahkit said:

I had my first shot of AZ in Khonkaen yesterday along with lots of other foreigners, I registered through expatvac. Also lots of Thai people there who were being given Sinopharm according to the nurse that injected me. Some of the foreigners waiting near me were moaning that they had received a 2nd email from expatvac saying Pfizer would be available from the 12th of September but they hadn't been able to change from AZ. Seems that some people will moan no matter what (and, just to be clear, I'm not directing that last comment at you). Personally, I'm just happy to have received a vaccination that offers some protection.

Good for you for getting AZ in KK ...

It isn't moaning to ask where are all the Pfizer vaccines that were DONATED to Thailand.

It isn't moaning to ask for some type of transparency and daily accountability of the Pfizer vaccines.

It isn't moaning to ask for updates on when appt's from the ExpatVac site will be happening in different provinces.

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So the dirty farang are ultimately to be recognized as their home countries went all the way to limit the embarrassment of this pristine political representative of possibly Thailand's most incompetent government?

Wondering how the (il)legal Burmese, Cambodias, Laotians among all the other Asian non-Thais are being treated as they usually rank on or even below the bottom rung of Thailands ladder of social  hierarchy.

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32 minutes ago, HaoleBoy said:

Good for you for getting AZ in KK ...

It isn't moaning to ask where are all the Pfizer vaccines that were DONATED to Thailand.

It isn't moaning to ask for some type of transparency and daily accountability of the Pfizer vaccines.

It isn't moaning to ask for updates on when appt's from the ExpatVac site will be happening in different provinces.

They weren't talking about where the donated Pfizer had gone.

They weren't talking about transparency and accountability.

They didn't say a word about updates for different provinces (don't even know why you think they would be?).


Pure and simple, they were sat down, 10 minutes away from getting their free AZ jab and they were moaning that they wanted Pfizer instead but no-one had replied to their emails.

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My Thai Better Half told me the builder will be here after Breakfast, when he arrived at 11:30 I was advised "I said after Breakfast". That may help you with what Sooner or Later refers to in this Beautiful Country. Got to Love'm.

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6 hours ago, nahkit said:

I had my first shot of AZ in Khonkaen yesterday along with lots of other foreigners, I registered through expatvac. Also lots of Thai people there who were being given Sinopharm according to the nurse that injected me. Some of the foreigners waiting near me were moaning that they had received a 2nd email from expatvac saying Pfizer would be available from the 12th of September but they hadn't been able to change from AZ. Seems that some people will moan no matter what (and, just to be clear, I'm not directing that last comment at you). Personally, I'm just happy to have received a vaccination that offers some protection.


7 hours ago, brianthainess said:

I find this VERY hard to believe 300,000 expats ? but as fake news is a crime, he surely wouldn't be lying. I would love to see the checks and balance on these vaccines received by  EXPATS. ..............

The courts threw out that law so these idiots can spread all the fake news they want 

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9 hours ago, skatewash said:

Is the expatvac@consular website one of those that were prioritizing vaccines for those over 60 years of age or people who had one of the specified underlying diseases?

that was my understanding when I registered successfully on 2 Aug.  Rcvd msg on Thurs past (19 Aug) that I had an appointment for Pfizer jab Fri Am - at McCormick.  Loads of ex-pats of many nationalities there, well organized and all seemed to be well advanced in age (I'm 74) when I registered I seem to recall that it said 60-74 in age or 100+ kilos or 7 underlying diseases.  But seeing the reports of how many registered it seems most were younger than 60.  Fm what I was told there, it was the expatvac and chiangmai wall registrations that were being given on Fri - not sure how long that is lasting nor how many will get a jab.  I was at the Chiang Mai Promenada Mall today and they are set up for walk-in jabs I think over the weekend and I heard that was for AstraZeneca jabs but again, I don't know any details confirmed whatsoever.  But wish all good luck in avoiding this virus and its variants.


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