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Have you changed your mind on the COVID Vaccines?

Chomper Higgot

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2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

My only point was that a lot of people believe a lot of things that that aren't true. It does not mean everything they believe is not true. 


If the magnetism were psychological rather that physiological I would think it possible. Do a hit of acid....

As Immanuel Kant established about 250 years ago, religious beliefs can't be proven to be either true or false. They are outside the realm of science.

Your lame joke is just a transparent attempt at deflection.

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22 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

No, she has enough credentials and compelling arguments to actually raise an eyebrow. Don't have a clue who you are though.

We don't know who anybody is on this forum because there is no independent way to verify their claims about themselves. But there is plenty of independently verifiable information about this party, including her claim that a minute dose of a vaccine can make someone magnetic. It is to laugh.

Edited by placeholder
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26 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

My only point was that a lot of people believe a lot of things that that aren't true. It does not mean everything they believe is not true. 


If the magnetism were psychological rather that physiological I would think it possible. Do a hit of acid....

But you do make a good point, in a way, if inadvertently. There is a very strong positive correlation between those who believe in your words that 'there's a great fairy in the sky that he'll get to meet with after he dies...." and those who refuse to get vaccinated.

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26 minutes ago, placeholder said:

As Immanuel Kant established about 250 years ago, religious beliefs can't be proven to be either true or false. They are outside the realm of science.

Your lame joke is just a transparent attempt at deflection.

I should note that I'm not referring to religious claims about the natural world that can be disproved. Like the belief that the Bible says the universe is only thousands of year old and that evolution is false. Oh wait a minute, those beliefs are commonly held by those most likely to oppose covid vaccination. 

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6 hours ago, rattlesnake said:

Explain this then:



Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the country is now logging one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people. More than half are in fully vaccinated people, underscoring the extraordinary transmissibility of the Delta variant and stoking concerns that the benefits of vaccination ebb over time.


Actually, it isn't too complicated. According to facts, vaccination doesn't work seem to be working that well.

Jeez. Unvaccinated people are the problem. They've had several super spreader events from schools. And, those vaccinated initially were the elderly and those at risk. The vaccines are wearing off and boosters are needed.


You anti vaxxers go for anything to try and discredit the jabs. Sad.

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38 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

If you think Reuters is a trustworthy source, then you are right to follow it. We all make our choices based on our free will and appreciation. Good luck to you.

Reuters is a fine media outlet. Sad you don't think so.

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People believe all sorts of unscientific nonsense. religion =prime example.

humans are instinctive & emotional herd animals and require a large effort of will to offset fear & emotion with reason & logic.


ALL scientific evidence demonstrates conclusively that it is thousands of times safer to vax than not. Any scientists or doctors saying different ? thought not… 

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2 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

I'm not saying they're crazy because Wikipedia is saying it. I'm saying it because they actually are. At least Tenpenny is. If you don't think claiming that a vaccine makes you magnetic and connects you with 5G cellphone towers is at a minimum borderline then you and I do not inhabit the same universe.

From the horse's mouth:


Anti-vaxxer tells Ohio lawmakers COVID-19 vaccine can leave people magnetized, interfaced with 5G to

Stunning some actually think like this. More stunning some don't think she's a nutter.

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39 minutes ago, placeholder said:

We don't know who anybody is on this forum because there is no independent way to verify their claims about themselves. But there is plenty of independently verifiable information about this party, including her claim that a minute dose of a vaccine can make someone magnetic. It is to laugh.

Laugh all you want. 

Discrediting a competent physician with decades of experience, who deals with vaccinated patients all day-long, based on a 10-second Google search, that would be laughable if the situation wasn't so serious.

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4 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

Laugh all you want. 

Discrediting a competent physician with decades of experience, who deals with vaccinated patients all day-long, based on a 10-second Google search, that would be laughable if the situation wasn't so serious.

Not based on a google search. But the results of that google search. The hard irrefutable evidence shows that both of these physicians you referred clearly  propose scientifically impossible and/or unvalidated notions. Given that there are about 1 million practicing physicians in the USA, it's inevitable that some of them will entertain scientifically unsound ideas.


In additions, unless they are doing research, physicians aren't scientists. If you want authoritative views on the subject, a virologist and/or epidemiologists are the experts.

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all proponents of pseudo-scientific “beliefs” ( religion, flat earth, conspiricies, anti- vax, moon landing deniers, etc) are either low IQ “followers”, narcissistic “rebels”, attention seekers, anti- establishment, certifiable loons or charlatans making a good living from it. they are without exception fools or paid clowns impervious to reason, logic & science …..and never worth engaging with or talking about…..

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all proponents of pseudo-scientific “beliefs” ( religion, flat earth, conspiricies, anti- vax, moon landing deniers, etc) are either low IQ “followers”, narcissistic “rebels”, attention seekers, anti- establishment, certifiable loons or charlatans making a good living from it. they are without exception fools or paid clowns impervious to reason, logic & science …..and never worth engaging with or talking about…..

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3 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

Right, so French epidemiologist Didier Raoult, world-leading expert in coronaviruses, has always claimed the approach for Covid-19 should be treatment with hydroxychloroquine. Thoughts?

This is the guy who claimed a 100% cure rate for covid by using hydroxychloroquine. He released a study based on 40 patients.

He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19.
The man behind Trump’s favorite unproven treatment has made a great career assailing orthodoxy. His claim of a 100 percent cure rate shocked scientists around the world.


No study, even those few that are favorable, come close to that.


He also disbelieves in Darwin's theory of evolution.



No doubt he's done some distinguished science. Also some very bizarre stuff.

You should look up Nikolas Tesla. An absolutely brilliant scientists. He also claimed to have conversastions with Mark Twain. Nothing remarkable in having a conversation with someone. Except if they're already dead. Like Twain was at the time of the alleged conversations.


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has any real scientist actually “claimed” that, and if so what is the scientific study proof ?

what about that nutty professor lockdown ( ferguson) fear merchant , forecasting half million uk covid deaths ? out by a factor of five wasnt he ? epidemiologist but hopeless with stats & disease modelling…….. used wrong model in fact ……and is that claimant anti- vax ? no, thought not….back in the anti- vax loon box……

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classic Straw Man deflection…..raise a different subject thought easier to defend or attack ……couldnt care less what a specialized disease scientist says about disbelieving evolution; its not his area and is an established scientific FACT. just like I wouldnt ask a mechanic about insurance…….logical people can still say stupid & crazy things………broken clock right twice a day….. blind squirrel finding acorn, etc…

SO forget the Messenger, look ONLY at the Message and ask for Scientific Proof…….

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20 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

Right, so French epidemiologist Didier Raoult, world-leading expert in coronaviruses, has always claimed the approach for Covid-19 should be treatment with hydroxychloroquine. Thoughts?

Raoult is very controversial.

[He is a world leading expert for Q fever and Whipple's disease, not so much for Corona viruses.


Raoult's extremely high publication rate results from his "attaching his name to nearly every paper that comes out of his institute",] these are from his entry in Wikipedia which does look suspiciously hostile to him, although citations are there for everything said about him.


He is definitely an expert in microbiology, he appears to like the limelight and a lot of controversy over research he has been associated with.

So if we accept his opinion on hydroxychloroquine on the basis of him being a renowned expert, what about the renowned experts who do not agree?  do we dismiss them?



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4 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

His treatment is both cheap and efficient, two things which the powers that be do not want. After almost 2 years of pressure he is being kicked out of his own hospital.

I guess the powers that be are slipping up:

How a cheap antidepressant emerged as a promising Covid-19 treatment


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6 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

His treatment works, 

You sure about that?

Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t benefit hospitalized COVID-19 patients

In April, NIH launched a clinical trial at 34 hospitals nationwide to test the medication. The study was funded by NIH’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

By June, the study was stopped because interim results showed the drug neither caused harm nor improved patient outcomes.


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Nobody had had any prior experience treating this Covid and subsequent variants. it is very different.

so one person alone says use “bleach” , with no other support, and the world should accept that ?

er, no. 99.9999 to infinity of other scientists agreed vax was the answer, cant all be “money”,their reputations are at stake if wrong and the bleach thing right……AZ done as non-profit btw…..

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9 hours ago, teatree said:

What about smokers, the obese, those with lifestyle induced diabetes etc..? 

That is a false analogy.

Those 3 are intractable public health problems that have multiple causes and to the extent that they are manageable, take time to correct.  ( Anti-smoking programs have taken decades to show progress for instance.)


If you have a solution to these problems other than to blame those that have them; keep your phone handy, the Nobel prize committee is trying to reach you.


The difference with the non-vaccinated that they can become vaccinated with one or two trips to the clinic.

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Betamax video cassettes “worked” but the customers wanted VHS. Same with the Bleach thing.

You mentioned Tesla. Teslas gear was streets ahead of thevwinning Edison & Westinghouse stuff but business & politics & emotion again won out over best pure science……one (emotional) reason most people including me would never take the bleach is that its original purpose was quite different, same with Ivermectin…..customers want customized solutions, especially when death is involved…….

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21 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

classic Straw Man deflection…..raise a different subject thought easier to defend or attack ……couldnt care less what a specialized disease scientist says about disbelieving evolution; its not his area and is an established scientific FACT. just like I wouldnt ask a mechanic about insurance…….logical people can still say stupid & crazy things………broken clock right twice a day….. blind squirrel finding acorn, etc…

SO forget the Messenger, look ONLY at the Message and ask for Scientific Proof…….

You don't think that reflects on his judgement? Anyway, I noticed that you disregarded his claim of a 100% cure rate. Doesnt' that arouse any skepticism in you? This based on a study of 40 people. Where some inconvenient patients were eliminated before the study was concluded.

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42 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

has any real scientist actually “claimed” that, and if so what is the scientific study proof ?

what about that nutty professor lockdown ( ferguson) fear merchant , forecasting half million uk covid deaths ? out by a factor of five wasnt he ? epidemiologist but hopeless with stats & disease modelling…….. used wrong model in fact ……and is that claimant anti- vax ? no, thought not….back in the anti- vax loon box……

It's rather odd that you would be criticizing that "nutty professor" He predicted that if nothing was done, there would be 500,000 deaths in the uk.. To date there have been almost 133,000 deaths. Do you think just possibly, just maybe if vaccines hadn't come along and social distancing hadn't been practiced, the total would have been a lot higher?

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“40 people”…. seriously…and “impartial” study by him I suppose….. has the USA FDA or EU MA certified these results ? no,thought not….. this narcissistic rebel has been so massively discredited by numerous expert sources that he clearly has no reputation left…..except as a crank…..hence his justified sacking I suppose……perhaps he could link up,with Graham Hancock and David Icke in his obvious new expertise of pseudo- science……appears to pay well too……

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