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is political correctness arrived in ASIA?


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2 hours ago, BumGun said:

That said, i don't think PC has gone too far per se but times change and world views change and you either change or get left behind being grumpy. If some woman  doesn't like being called "darling" what in hell is wrong with respecting  that and not calling her darling ?

Women lose by it anyway. I never have a real conversation with any women now as whatever I say can be taken the wrong way. Safer to stick to small talk.

Nothing new though. I stopped nursing in 2009 and for the 10 years before that I never said anything to any female nurse that could be construed as sexist. So no compliments, no congratulations, nothing "real". Certainly never tried to have a relationship with any of them, and I never ever said anything about Thailand to any of them.

I still got caught out occasionally by angry with the world feminists to whom men were just awful people. I didn't care what they thought, but it was too easy for them to make an official complaint and cause trouble for me if I said what I really thought. I had to bite my tongue a lot back then.

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18 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Well, yes, exactly. The original poster seems to long for the day when he could casually call women “darling”; but what does the woman think, who’s being called that by someone who’s not her “darling”? Whenever I (and, presumably, most people on this forum), go out in public, I’m read as a man, with all the social and cultural implications of that. I have NO IDEA what it’s like to be read as a woman, so the best I can do is listen to what women have to say about it. This article is a good start.



Wholeheartedly agree with this.


I am not 'clever' in the sense I miraculously came to understand this female world.


I have three, tall, attractive (IMO of course) daughters who, over time, have educated me as to what their lives are like living and working in London.


It is horrendous.


As an aside, for the morons, they naturally dress conservatively, as they all hold down responsible positions in the city.


What really scares me is that are very aggressive and don't back down from sexual harassment.


One day they could be seriously hurt.

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14 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Wholeheartedly agree with this.


I am not 'clever' in the sense I miraculously came to understand this female world.


I have three, tall, attractive (IMO of course) daughters who, over time, have educated me as to what their lives are like living and working in London.


It is horrendous.


As an aside, for the morons, they naturally dress conservatively, as they all hold down responsible positions in the city.


What really scares me is that are very aggressive and don't back down from sexual harassment.


One day they could be seriously hurt.

You don't say whether the sexual harassment is horrendous, or it is something else.

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29 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Wholeheartedly agree with this.


I am not 'clever' in the sense I miraculously came to understand this female world.


I have three, tall, attractive (IMO of course) daughters who, over time, have educated me as to what their lives are like living and working in London.


It is horrendous.


As an aside, for the morons, they naturally dress conservatively, as they all hold down responsible positions in the city.


What really scares me is that are very aggressive and don't back down from sexual harassment.


One day they could be seriously hurt.

Hope your daughters stay safe! Good for them for not taking any flack, and sounds like they have enough common sense to not get in over their heads ...

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57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I've had women at work call me "darling" even though I wasn't their boyfriend.

Too many people looking for something to be offended by now, IMO.

I myself would be happy to be called "darling" by a casual acquaintance, or a complete stranger for that matter. (Better than "lung farang," which is what I usually get!) But I wouldn't presume it for someone else.

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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

What really scares me is that are very aggressive and don't back down from sexual harassment.


One day they could be seriously hurt.

I wish them well.

As they are in England I guess a 357 Magnum is not possible, so ...

#1 - self defense training

#2 - Mace in the face, followed by a good kick in the scrotum

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On 9/1/2021 at 12:04 PM, georgegeorgia said:


i guess other things come to mind , about 2 years i accidently stared at a asian girl probaly in her 20's walking across the park here in Australia  power ,walking with tight leg trainers on and headphones 

,a lady standing next to me probaly in her 40's  waiting for the walk signal shook her head  at me in disgust, so i apologised to her for looking at the girl across the park,no idea why didnt even know her  but i did,then she said "please dont look at young girls anymore ", ...Sorry " i said back to her

before we got the green walk signal after that and she walked her separate way.


,i actually felt very guilty looking at women nowadays,obviously i remember those days back in the 80's on constrction sites where tradies would wolf whistle etc.,which im glad stopped in a way.


but now if your a older male your considered a "pedophile" by westerners if you go with a younger lady and that even means if she is 30yo i guess if your older than her,well thats what i see by these comments on tiktok etc when some older farang guy posts videos of himself and his asian wife who is younger 


so theres absolotely no way i would tell anyone i travel to asia because they get perceptions and may get offended ,


It's been like that for long time in Europe, when you passed 40 - in medical terms you are "an elder man" - you should be careful not by accident look at young ladies around 20, which could also be embarrassing for the girl, and you could be considered as "pedophile" by some.


Elder men with South East Asian partners - and they are often at least little younger than the man - have often been looked down at; especially if the partner where Thai, she could be called "buying-bitch from Thailand". I've sometimes wondered is it was due to envy, i.e. many men dreams about a young partner, and many women also...????


I agree with you, it's also my impression that people today more easily get offended; however if you are famous, or public known wealthy - preferably both - it's still cool when you have a young partner...????


In Thailand a young partner reflects status and money, i.e. that you can afford one, eventual as mia noi. I've been saving up for a while, and also I plays the lottery, perhaps I'll be lucky and can also afford one, one day...????

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Thailand has been infiltrated by the enemy already so that ship has sailed into the sunset. Some years ago Thai nurses protested because some farang bar had bargirls dressed as sexy nurses- right on, IMO.

Not only there, here is one of their famous pop-stars and his coyote dancers...




I however didn't hear about any protests - it might depend of who uses sexy nurses - perhaps a number of the ladies in the audience also were nurses; ladies were outnumbering males, especially up in front of the stage. By the way a great concert - even that I didn't understand a word - and cute dancers...????

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13 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

Well, yes, exactly. The original poster seems to long for the day when he could casually call women “darling”; but what does the woman think, who’s being called that by someone who’s not her “darling”? Whenever I (and, presumably, most people on this forum), go out in public, I’m read as a man, with all the social and cultural implications of that. I have NO IDEA what it’s like to be read as a woman, so the best I can do is listen to what women have to say about it. This article is a good start.



Haha, part of the issue here.


By being such a simp you are making it worse for proper people.


If women don't want to be looked at, called 'darling' don't make yourself look so appealing maybe??


When I was last back in hell (the UK) was out with a friend, a quite attractive man I suppose and he received looks, stares and smiles from quite a few women. Should I take offense because I'm ugly? No, I don't care.

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13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They are stupid anyway. They tried to stop people calling male midwives by that name, but the origins of the word are apparently nothing to do with gender of the person assisting the pregnant woman.


Google gives us

What is the literal meaning of midwife?

a person who assists women in childbirth


Seems to me the western world is being taken over by stupid people.

Well, you may be right but what concerns me is that these suggestions come from people that are tutoring students in further and advanced education. They should stick to what they are paid to do. The next generation have some pretty amazing and dangerous challenges ahead of them; we are almost set for human exploration of the Solar System; the race for 'clean' sustainable energy (fusion etc.); increasing food produce...and so on, but they aren't going to be able to that if their heads are being filled with irrelevant stuff. 

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

Well, you may be right but what concerns me is that these suggestions come from people that are tutoring students in further and advanced education. They should stick to what they are paid to do. The next generation have some pretty amazing and dangerous challenges ahead of them; we are almost set for human exploration of the Solar System; the race for 'clean' sustainable energy (fusion etc.); increasing food produce...and so on, but they aren't going to be able to that if their heads are being filled with irrelevant stuff. 

All part of the agenda, IMO.

Look at what is going to happen with AI / robotics. Won't need people to invent/ make stuff anymore so can concentrate on creating a population of compliant sheeple, IMO.


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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

All part of the agenda, IMO.

Look at what is going to happen with AI / robotics. Won't need people to invent/ make stuff anymore so can concentrate on creating a population of compliant sheeple, IMO.


Well,one only has to look at history and relate it to 'pendulum swings' with different 'fads', Ha! Holy Wars, Hunting Witches, Empire Building now it's IT/AI. Maybe there'll be a 'reset' if one of the larger lumps of space rock coming this way, flattens a city,????.

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15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Women lose by it anyway. I never have a real conversation with any women now as whatever I say can be taken the wrong way. Safer to stick to small talk.

Nothing new though. I stopped nursing in 2009 and for the 10 years before that I never said anything to any female nurse that could be construed as sexist. So no compliments, no congratulations, nothing "real". Certainly never tried to have a relationship with any of them, and I never ever said anything about Thailand to any of them.

I still got caught out occasionally by angry with the world feminists to whom men were just awful people. I didn't care what they thought, but it was too easy for them to make an official complaint and cause trouble for me if I said what I really thought. I had to bite my tongue a lot back then.

What does "per" in that context mean? Also, what does "se" mean in the English language? It is the English language, isn't it? I see this come up regularly since I came to Thailand, though both the words are always together.

Edited by possum1931
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13 hours ago, Antonymous said:

Right and what if men played that game too...



They do, ???? even worse. Have you never been to Pattaya? All these old shirtless guys with the big boobies, big fat ugly guys, poor excuses of humanity, with no shame at all.

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13 hours ago, khunPer said:

Not only there, here is one of their famous pop-stars and his coyote dancers...

Those uniforms are "ok" because they are not Thai nurses uniforms..a bit like its ok to have UK and US flags on bikinis,underpants,shoes and socks  but woe betide anyone doing that with a Thai flag !

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21 hours ago, canthai55 said:



People often use LGBTQ+ to mean all of the communities included in the “LGBTTTQQIAA”:


+ Pansexual
+ Agender
+ Gender Queer
+ Bigender
+ Gender Variant
+ Pangender

The decide they want to be something else - and the whole world must give in and change the language structure to accommodate them.

IM not so HO there are male and female ... end of

The rest is in their own minds - and most probably Schizophrenic


The Mind Boggles

Indeed, and thanks for that, I never knew the entire acronym before ????


You may have missed one. I watched a series on Netflix and could not make up my mind if the actor was male or female. I IMDB'd the name and was surprised to read - 'wishes to be known as a non-binary actor' whatever the F that is. It was obvious later in the series when 'it' got it's kit off that it's male, a weird one but still a male.



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23 hours ago, Boarn said:

Haha, part of the issue here.


By being such a simp you are making it worse for proper people.


If women don't want to be looked at, called 'darling' don't make yourself look so appealing maybe??


When I was last back in hell (the UK) was out with a friend, a quite attractive man I suppose and he received looks, stares and smiles from quite a few women. Should I take offense because I'm ugly? No, I don't care.

A “simp”? “Proper people”? What on earth are you talking about? You may not care if someone else stares at your crotch, but another person might if someone stares at theirs. Try looking beyond your own nose.

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