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Thai activists push for PM to quit as confidence vote looms


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51 minutes ago, chang1 said:

Young people without complications are at almost no risk from covid but can spread it. Not sure what you mean by mobbing as any such demonstration could be a mob. As for violence, that is never acceptable but you also have to look at the tactics used against them. I doubt those arrested get an easy time. Joe Ferrari exposed the type of thing that goes on as normal behaviour. 

Every one is at risk for C19. 

Mobbing as to many people together looking for trouble.

If they get arrested they shouldn't get an Easy time .It's their own fault .

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""We have handle it to the best our ability by all those concerned,"" and just what ability would that be? Something you learned at your Military Academy? You are in parliament unelected, the Thai people don't want you, now do the decent thing and resign.

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Grandmaster Prayut said " even though Thailand is not the best at handling Covid it isn't the worst" and with that kind of pathetic response it pretty much sums him up, there will always be someone worse off, just imagine if he didn't do his best apparently it could be worse.


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5 hours ago, mikesalaugh said:

We all know he is not capable to run a government.

Another coup? - Would that be for the better or for the worse?


Is it better the devil you know than the devil you don't know?


I'm not judging what is the best or worst scenerio, just asking the question - Who will take his place?

What about the government him and his soldiers bullied out of office in 2114? Just get them back for starters.

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3 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

I think that the situation is one where you cannot completely blame the government for the current covid situation in Thailand, nor can you say how things are now were an inevitability.  No country has been able to remain Delta-free, but clearly things would be a bit better if the government had begun seriously getting vaccines sourced some time last year.


One thing people seem keen to ignore, is the fact that many Thai people appear to be taking this third wave less seriously than they did the first.  With people still gathering, socialising and travelling.  But obviously someone who has an anti-government agenda is going to maximise government wrongdoing and minimise that of the everyday citizen.

Just look at the vaccination program, and the spectacular failure and lack of regard for the Thai people, if you are inclined to defend these clowns. You are literally one of only a few thousand who believe they are capable of good work and fulfilling their promises. 

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10 hours ago, Robin said:

If the mob wont change, they will have to offer a new leader who can inspire the population and convince them that he can lead 
Thailand out of this crisis.   

That has been Thailand's problem for years;  There is no leader with the ability to take charge of the country, just opportunists who want to feather their own nests.

and if he appears he will be mage disapear

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Just look at the vaccination program, and the spectacular failure and lack of regard for the Thai people, if you are inclined to defend these clowns. You are literally one of only a few thousand who believe they are capable of good work and fulfilling their promises. 

Do you believe that a different government would have stopped Delta from entering Thailand and prevented a third wave from occurring?

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15 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Do you believe that a different government would have stopped Delta from entering Thailand and prevented a third wave from occurring?

Most assuredly not. Delta would've come about regardless, as it has everywhere. 

Though, what could of been done much better was the insistence of societal behaviour and practice of mitigation protocol. And of course the complete mismanagement of the vaccine programs/procurement. 

Both of these terribly important aspects were terribly mangled and politicized from the start and continues to be so up to today. 

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On 9/4/2021 at 5:57 AM, BangkokReady said:

No.  Delta would still be here.  It would just be possibly a little better.

Many variants will be around that doesn't matter if the vaccines stop people dying. With vaccines we can live with Delta, without many will die. Here in the UK we have opened up and living with Delta. The difference to being in paranoid Thailand last week is huge - not just a little better. 

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23 hours ago, digger70 said:

Every one is at risk for C19. 

Mobbing as to many people together looking for trouble.

If they get arrested they shouldn't get an Easy time .It's their own fault .

So how do you remove a government that has rigged the system to stay in power?

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 I kind of wonder if the student really understand their own government not that I feel they shouldn't it is actually a bit refreshing to see new faces than the same people using different colors. This guy from day never had any experience whatsoever he was handed picked for one because he was military, second a loyal subject of the late HM. Putting him in place was to create stability and it has definitely done the job it was predictable based on their history and culture.


If one thinks hard there is nothing in his history to suggest he and he alone could have pull this off the reshuffle of the government and rules was to insure he got elected. The key was when the restructure documents were in place he didn't approve it he brought it to the palace that should be a big clue.


You watch him when he became in charge he has been fine groom every speech and appearance are well plan out when you are getting rich beyond anything he ever imagine and all you got to do is let others pull the string why would he step down over a few thousands protestor for what how he handle the pandemic?  this has been going on since 2014 protest now if he does step down does anyone has a Plan B, who are you going to put in charge is there enough clarify students to replace the entire SWAMP that the PM swims with daily!   But I guess you got to start somewhere?????

Edited by thailand49
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3 hours ago, digger70 said:

Protest in the right manner,,, there's an other way but, but, that's what happened to the Kennedy's I think.

Or...practice/employ Gandhi-esque techniques. 

It's been known to bring on positive results.

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