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Thailand reports 15,452 new COVID-19 cases, 18,257 recoveries

Jonathan Fairfield

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8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I only know about Phuket so just for here as far as I know. They are not forcing anyone, read my earlier post, they have the option of online learning for parents who do not want to. Plus the option for quarantine at home if the home is suitable. At least its a start although its highly restrictive I know, still no good for my daughter though as its only for up to 9 years old children.


Ridiculous really, Phuket is supposed to be the model Province but look at all the restrictions still in place!

Fortunately, nothing like this appears to be on the agenda for Bangkok or other provinces, but I guess it could be.  My school have been told an announcement about schools will be made next week.

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17 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Nearly all international schools in Phuket, or nationally?  It doesn't seem workable to me.  Forcing vaccinated families to be quarantined or made to stay in and pay for, a hospitel when just one kid out of the class tests positive is ridiculous.  

Watch this space. Phuket is not the mainland of Thailand, and yes it is recognised as ridiculous 


Place it in the file along with all the other things that were not supposed to happen this year. 

Edited by Kadilo
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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Fortunately, nothing like this appears to be on the agenda for Bangkok or other provinces, but I guess it could be.  My school have been told an announcement about schools will be made next week.

Keep us updated...............

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8 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Following the success of the “Phuket Sandbox” and “Samui Plus” programs, launched in June, the Thai government plans to press ahead with the October 1st reopening of Bangkok, Chonburi, Phetchaburi,




Excellent news. 

Let’s get them tourists back for the high season.!

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8 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Thai Protesters Are Back, and Angrier, as Government Fumbles on Covid


With more than 12,000 dead, few vaccinated and the economy in shambles, demonstrations against the authorities have become a daily event.



Can't imagine why there are sharp spikes that continue throughout BKK Metro.....????

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34 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yes sir bring them back, and just like the sandbox I am sure they will need to be double vaccinated.  I wonder if they will also be asked to stay in a specific area, have a tracking app on their phones, and be PCR tested 3 times during the first 14 days while staying at a SHA+ hotel, and only taking guided tours with approved guides.  I do appreciate the fact that they are taking the risk, and of course what more could one ask in order to kickstart the economy.  The question will be can they have a drink with dinner and will the entertainment venues be open for them to visit on that guided tour, or will their be no restrictions as Thailand will be opening up and embracing the new "Learning to Live with Covid" philosophy.  Whatever happens they only have less than 3 weeks to get their feces together and put forth the rules and restrictions so that people can start purchasing their flights, get their COE's pay for the tests, and then pick their SHA+ location.

Be patient. I’m sure the detail will follow, much as it has recently much to the disappointed of the doubters. 

There is no immediate hurry asthe vast majority of tourists will be planning for Xmas / new year, particularly the Pattaya be gone crowd as always. Not everyone books months in advance and with the current situation even more so. 

‘Learning to live with Covid’ seems to be the message and o would expect a lot of these restrictions to  be gone by ok Xmas. 

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3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Only allow schools that have all teachers and support staff vaccinated to open.  Unvaccinated parents can choose whether to risk sending their kids to school or keep them at home (or continue with online learning if that's available).

2 jabs or 1 jab? In the case of one jab, my school could not open at the earliest, until late November (2 weeks after the 2nd jab). And there are still some teachers that have not had one jab for whatever reason. You would need some assurance from school admin that ALL teachers in your child's school are fully vaccinated. Schools in Scotland have recorded significant increases in case rates in schools since they opened. No doubt, other places too. But its really too much to ask teachers to teach both online and in person (unless the kids are only at school half a week, and not full time). 

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42 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Following the success of the “Phuket Sandbox” and “Samui Plus” programs, launched in June, the Thai government plans to press ahead with the October 1st reopening of Bangkok, Chonburi, Phetchaburi,




I would have preferred to see a plan on how they're going to open things up within 4 weeks in these Provinces with the covid situation still prevalent, such as bars, entertainment venues, restaurants, alcohol, etc and most importantly schools. What about the vaccine situation, will they all have at least 70% double vaxxed, how will they achieve that? Divert vaccines from other areas as they did in Phuket?


Once that target is in place and achievable I would welcome opening with wide arms. When they do please get rid of that ridiculous COE 

Edited by Bkk Brian
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Denmark is lifting all restrictions. All… if I read correctly. As in going about life as if covid did not exist, at the govt regulation level anyway (exactly what I have been saying to do for months btw). 

I guess we can sit back now in horror and watch the apocalypse in Denmark, right covid experts?


Wrong. What will actually happen is the lifting of restrictions will be a success and it will be completely ignored and suppressed. 

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2 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Denmark is lifting all restrictions. All… if I read correctly. As in going about life as if covid did not exist, at the govt regulation level anyway (exactly what I have been saying to do for months btw). 

I guess we can sit back now in horror and watch the apocalypse in Denmark, right covid experts?


Wrong. What will actually happen is the lifting of restrictions will be a success and it will be completely ignored and suppressed. 

Just a thought but could it be because its one of the highest covid vaccinated countries in the world? More so than even Israel and only 2% behind Singapore.

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7 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Must be a tad disheartening for the doom platoon predictors who were posting that everything would be shut down til 2023,  vaccines were going run out, couldnt possible inject in region of a million/day, infections were gonna spiral, bla bla, , ………to see everything coming back together piece by piece. 

Ostrich indeed, I wonder where its head  is buried now. 




Pessimism is understandable. EVERYBODY has been burned by Covid. It has changed the world, sadly for the deceased and their loved ones, but even for those who have avoided direct effects.


20 months ago, when folks were still calling it 'just the flu', almost NOBODY, not even the most pessimistic, envisioned a couple hundred deaths per day in September 2021. Even pessimists assumed borders would be open by maybe 2nd quarter of 2021, yet borders remain essentially closed, a curfew is in place, other restrictions limit business and travel, and masks are mandatory.


We have come to realize Covid is never going to be defeated, but instead will be another threat we all must learn to live with. Breakthrough infections and ongoing mutations---this is a concern of virologists who fear the virus' ability to become immune to existing vaccines---after 20 months of lockdowns and restrictions coming and going and coming again, have people cautious.


Yes, there are Cassandras. There are also Pollyannas. From mythology (rather than Disney) we know that Cassandra was right.


Maybe there's a middle ground of cautious hope. Neither extreme does any good.

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9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Just a thought but could it be because its one of the highest covid vaccinated countries in the world? More so than even Israel and only 2% behind Singapore.

Fine with me. So open up while you continually vaxing people ASAP then. 

But no, we’ll take the 28 days later approach instead. 

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19 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

My daughters and their families visit Thailand every year and there is no way they'll be coming whilst there are ridiculous paperwork demands to follow before you can even get on the plane to Thailand and then crazy demands on travel and accommodation once here as well as the dire consequences should you test positive.

Yes that’s how it is at this time. Give it a few weeks. 

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4 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

Denmark is lifting all restrictions. All… if I read correctly. As in going about life as if covid did not exist, at the govt regulation level anyway (exactly what I have been saying to do for months btw). 

I guess we can sit back now in horror and watch the apocalypse in Denmark, right covid experts?


Wrong. What will actually happen is the lifting of restrictions will be a success and it will be completely ignored and suppressed. 

I recognize that for some people the level of vaccination in the population is completely irrelevant. But some of us share a different opinion about that.  72.9% of the total population has been fully vaccinated.


Which means that the percentage of the adult population that has been doubly vaccinated is going to be considerably higher.

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11 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Excellent news. 

Let’s get them tourists back for the high season.!

Good yes, but have to see the small print, certain hotels only, sealed routes on tours. Will it benefit the average small restaurant or street food sellers? Well have to wait and see.

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